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Thread: a few questions on guard

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  1. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Default Re: a few questions on guard

    Quote Originally Posted by ashsocrgrl View Post
    I was just wondering though is there any way to get your mos or ship date changed?
    Possible, yes. Likelihood, unknown.

    Quote Originally Posted by ashsocrgrl View Post
    I also didnt really get told any of my other options or any of the differences between active or reserves or guard or anything
    You didn't ask. You were right earlier, you rushed into the whole process! Perhaps the thought of being apart of an organization the next 8 years is a little overwhelming for you. I recommend you talk to a few people (to include our forums of course) so you can educate yourself a little more. You are not the first to go through something like this and you would not the first to go with it and maybe....end up enjoying it.
    Last edited by SteveLord; 2 Weeks Ago at 04:09 PM.
    Former 11B/11C OEF Veteran
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