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Retired May 1, 1976.  

Brigadier General Kenneth E. Allery is inspector general for North American Air Defense Command/Continental Air Defense Command, and the Aerospace Defense Command, which are collocated at Ent Air Force Base, Colo.

General Allery was born at Holyoke, Mass., in 1925. He entered the aviation cadet program in July 1943 and graduated as a bombardier with a commission as second lieutenant in August 1944. He received a bachelor of arts degree in history from Park College, Parkville, Mo., 1965, and a master of science degree in international relations from The George Washington University, 1969, and graduated from the National War College, 1969, and the Air Command and Staff College, 1961.

He served in the European Theater of Operations with the 428th Bombardment Squadron during the last months of World War II and flew 40 combat missions in B-25 aircraft as bombardier. He returned to the United States in September 1945 and served as a recruiting officer at Meriden, Conn., for three years. He was assigned to Headquarters First Air Force at Fort Slocum, N.Y., in 1948.

General Allery entered pilot training in July 1949 and graduated in June 1950. After a year of duty with the 59th Fighter Interceptor Squadron at Otis Air Force Base, Mass., he was assigned as operations officer for the 64th Fighter Interceptor Squadron at Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska. He returned to the United States in November 1954.

General Allery next served as an F-86D pilot and flight commander with the 330th Fighter Interceptor Squadron at Stewart Air Force Base, N.Y. He was transferred to the Boston Air Defense Sector at the same base in October 1957 and served in a variety of positions culminating as chief of the Weapons Branch. He entered the Air Command and Staff College at Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala., in September 1960.

In August 1961 General Allery was transferred to Ramstein Air Base, Germany, where he served as an inspector with the Inspector General team for Seventeenth Air Force and as executive officer and operations officer with the 527th Fighter Interceptor Squadron.

Upon completion of this overseas assignment, General Allery attended Park College, under the Air Force Operation Bootstrap program. He was assigned in July 1965 as senior Air Force advisor to the Oregon Air National Guard at Portland International Airport, Ore.

In February 1967 General Allery returned to Stewart Air Force Base, N.Y., where he became director, operations and training, for First Air Force. In August 1968 General Allery entered the National War College, Washington, D.C., and received his master of science degree from The George Washington University in 1969.

In August 1969 he was assigned to the Organization of the Joint Chiefs of Staff as a member of the North American Branch, Directorate of Plans and Programs (J-5).

General Allery was transferred to Ent Air Force Base, Colo., in August 1971 where he served with Aerospace Defense Command as assistant deputy chief of staff for plans; in April 1972 became assistant deputy chief of staff for plans, North American Air Defense Command/Continental Air Defense Command; in May 1973 was named assistant deputy chief of staff operations for operations, NORAD/CONAD, and in July 1973 assumed the additional position as deputy chief of staff for operations, ADC, as the result of a consolidation of the headquarters of NORAD/CONAD and ADC. General Allery became inspector general for ADC and NORAD/CONAD in October 1974.

His military decorations and awards include the Distinguished Flying Cross, Meritorious Service Medal with oak leaf cluster, Air Medal with four oak leaf clusters, Air Force Commendation Medal, and the Distinguished Unit Citation Emblem.

He was promoted to the grade of brigadier general effective Aug. 1, 1972, with date of rank July 28, 1972.

(Current as of Dec. 1, 1974)


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