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Retired Aug. 1, 1964.   Died Dec. 22, 2005.

Major General Robert Francis Worden currently is the deputy director of plans, Deputy Chief of Staff, Plans and Operations, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, Washington, D.C.

Born in El Paso, Texas in 1911, General Worden graduated from El Paso High School, El Paso, Texas in 1928. He entered Texas A&M in 1929 and graduated in 1933 with a bachelor of science degree in chemical engineering.

In July 1933 he enlisted as a flying cadet and entered pilot training at Randolph Field, Texas. In 1934 he received his pilot's wings at Kelly Field, Texas and was rated a command pilot in June 1944.

After graduating from Kelly Field, his first assignment was Langley Field where he served an additional year as a flying cadet at the end of which he was appointed second lieutenant, Air Corps Reserve.

In 1938 General Worden returned to Kelly Field as a flying instructor, and in October of 1938 he received an appointment as a second lieutenant in the Regular Army through competitive examination.

After serving additional assignments in the Training Command, he was appointed deputy A-3 of the Second Air Force in October 1943.

In April of 1945 he was assigned as the deputy wing commander, 49th Bomber Wing, 15th Air Force at Foggia, Italy.

After World War II and seven months duty on the Allied Commission in Rome, Italy he was ordered to Germany for occupation duty as chief of Plans Branch, Headquarters U.S. Air Forces in Europe.

General Worden attended the third class of the Air War College in 1948-1949.

After graduating from the Air War College General Worden was assigned to the War Plans Division, Directorate of Plans, Deputy Chief of Staff, Plans and Operations, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, Washington, D.C. until January 1951 at which time he was the first U.S. Air Force officer ordered to report to the newly assigned Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe staff in Paris, France.

In December 1953 General Worden returned to the United States and assigned as commander, 3550th All-Weather Interceptor Wing at Moody Air Force Base, Valdosta, Ga.

General Worden attended the National War College during 1956-1957 and upon graduation was assigned as assistant Air Force member, Joint Strategic Plans Committee, Deputy Chief of Staff, Plans and Programs, Headquarters, U.S. Air Force, Washington, D.C.

In November 1957 General Worden was assigned as deputy director of plans for policy, Directorate of Plans, Deputy Chief of Staff, Plans and Programs, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, Washington, D.C.

In November 1958 General Worden was assigned to the Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for duty as deputy director for plans, J-5, Washington, D.C.

In August 1960 General Worden was assigned as chief of staff, U.S. Taiwan Defense Command, Taipei, Taiwan, Pacific Air Forces, and in August 1962 he returned to the United States for his present assignment.

General Worden's great uncle, Rear Admiral John L. Worden, U.S. Navy, was captain of the Monitor during the battle with the Merrimac.


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