Talking Book Topics

May-June 1998
Books for Children--Fiction

Books listed in this issue of Talking Book Topics were recently sent to cooperating libraries. The complete collection contains books by many authors on fiction and nonfiction subjects, including animals, geography, nature, mystery, sports, and others. Contact your cooperating library to learn more about the wide range of books available in the collection. Cassette books, labeled with the code RC, play at 15/16 ips. To order books, contact your cooperating library.

The Magic Finger RC 40827
by Roald Dahl
read by Jennifer Mendenhall
1 cassette (Reissue)
When an eight-year-old girl is cross, the forefinger on her right hand starts to tingle. The last time that happened, her teacher turned into a cat. Now she's put the magic finger on the whole Gregg family, next door, because she's angry with them for hunting animals. When the Greggs wake up, they realize they are tiny birds, and their house has been taken over by large ducks. For grades 2-4 and older readers. 1966.

The Midwife's Apprentice RC 40833
by Karen Cushman
read by Kimberly Schraf
1 cassette
The only name she has ever known is Brat. She does not know how old she is--probably twelve or thirteen; she has no family or home; and she is unwashed, hungry, and unloved. Brat is discovered sleeping in a dung heap by the town's midwife, who reluctantly gives her many jobs to do in return for a piece of dry bread and stale cheese. But Brat soon determines to become a midwife herself. For grades 6-9. 1995.

Lucy's Summer RC 40904
by Donald Hall
read by Arnie Warren
1 cassette
School is out for the summer, and Lucy Wells's mother has decided to open a millinery shop in the front parlor. Lucy and Caroline help her make the hats. They also help can the fruits and vegetables for the coming winter. Just before school starts again, Lucy and her mother make a trip to Boston, Massachusetts. Companion to Lucy's Christmas (RC 40911). For grades K-3. 1995.

Mister Fred RC 40908
by Jill Pinkwater
read by June Carter
1 cassette
Anya Murray, formerly a nobody, has been elected class president of 6-A, she has Miss Cintron for a teacher, and several of her best friends are in her class. Life is wonderful. Then Miss Cintron announces she is leaving. The sixth graders band together and terrorize every substitute--until Goldberg Fred arrives. He is so unlike any teacher they have ever had that the students begin to think he is from outer space and try to prove it. For grades 5-8. 1994.

Lucy's Christmas RC 40911
by Donald Hall
read by Arnie Warren
1 cassette
The leaves on the trees are beginning to turn red, and Lucy Wells knows it is time to start planning for Christmas. Her parents order a Glenwood kitchen range from Sears Roebuck in Chicago, and during the fall and winter Lucy makes presents for her family and friends to share at the South Danbury Christian Church Christmas celebration. Companion to Lucy's Summer (RC 40904). For grades K-3. 1994.

Re-Elect Nutty! RC 40923
by Dean Hughes
read by Arnie Warren
1 cassette
Even though Nutty Nutsell was lousy as student council president in the fifth grade, in Nutty for President (RC 18906), he has decided to run again. His competition includes Mindy Marshall, and he thinks she's the one behind the fliers that have been circulating listing embarrassing things about Nutty. Unfortunately the reports are all true. Nutty is going to have to do something to stop Mindy. For grades 4-7. 1995.

The Secret of the Ruby Ring RC 40927
by Yvonne MacGrory
read by Marilyn Gleason
2 cassettes
Lucy, an Irish girl, will be eleven on Sunday, and her grandmother has brought her a special present--a star ruby ring that is handed down to the women in the family. According to legend, the ring has magical powers, and Lucy learns she can make two wishes. When Lucy wishes for a bigger house, she is transported back to 1885 and to a nearby castle where she becomes nursemaid to two young children. For grades 4-7. 1991.

Your Move, J.P.! RC 40988
by Lois Lowry
read by M.E. DePalma
1 cassette
James Priestly Tate, twelve, has an overwhelming urge, for the first time in his life, to use deodorant. Why? Because J.P. is in love with Angela Patricia Galsworthy, a new girl in his class. But his attempts to impress her soon lead to even stranger behavior. For grades 6-9. 1990.

The Royal Nap RC 41469
by Charles C. Black
read by Laura Giannarelli
1 cassette
Every afternoon at one o'clock, King Gordo takes a two-hour nap, and during that time the castle must be completely silent. But one afternoon the king hears a hic...hic...hic from deep within the castle and cannot get to sleep. Soon the palace guards are searching the castle high and low. For preschool-grade 2. 1995.

The Sugaring-Off Party RC 41470
by Jonathan London
read by Laura Giannarelli
1 cassette
As the Sugar Moon rises in the sky, Grand-mere tells Paul about the first sugaring-off party she attended sixty years ago. She recounts the journey to Tante Loulou's home, the big feast, the dancing, and finally "la tire"--the sticky, gooey maple syrup that is poured on the snow to make taffy. For grades K-3. 1995.

Little Salt Lick and the Sun King RC 41550
by Jennifer Armstrong
read by Laura Giannarelli
1 cassette
In the palace at Versailles, young Paul is the second assistant rotisserie turner in the department of roasted meats. While Paul is working, his arms get so sweaty the palace dogs lick the salt off them. Paul likes dogs, but he doesn't like being slobbered on or being called Salt Lick. When the king returns from a journey, Paul gets an unexpected chance to change his life. For grades K-3. 1994.

Twelve Tales RC 41551
by Hans Christian Andersen
read by Barbara Rappaport
1 cassette
Translator Erik Blegvad, a native Dane who grew up hearing Andersen's stories, has retained the "old-fashioned" language of Andersen's time. The collection includes well-known tales such as "The Princess and the Pea," "The Steadfast Tin Soldier," and "The Emperor's New Clothes" and lesser-known stories such as "The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep" and "The Pixie at the Grocer's." For grades 3-6. 1994.

The Snow Speaks RC 41554
by Nancy White Carlstrom
read by Celeste Lawson
1 cassette
From the first snowfall of the season, the children listen to the snow speak. It squeaks and crunches under their feet, blows in waves and spray, and tells of magic in the woods. And just when the snow finally seems silent, it begins to whisper and then sing of Christmas. For preschool-grade 2. 1992.

Grams, Her Boyfriend, My Family, and Me RC 41565
by Pat Derby
read by Phil Regensdorf
1 cassette
Fifteen-year-old Andy is surrounded by sisters and chaos. Dennie is a senior, Molly has skipped a grade to become a freshman, and the twins, Anne and Alice, have taken Andy's room from him. Now his mother has decided to get a job, his opinionated Grams has moved into their crowded house while hers is being restored, and his parents are using the living room as a bedroom. For grades 6-9. 1994.

The Mona Lisa of Salem Street RC 41566
by Jan Marino
read by Marilyn Gleason
1 cassette
Since their parents died, Nettie and her little brother, John Peter, have been shuffled from relative to relative but always end up with their cross Grandma Bessie. Now Grandma is sending them to their widowed grandfather in Massachusetts. Grandma Bessie said their grandfather is wealthy, but Nettie soon realizes he's not. Although John Peter is very happy there, Nettie is sure they will be sent away. For grades 5-8. 1995.

McBroom's Wonderful One-Acre Farm: Three Tall Tales RC 41575
by Sid Fleischman
read by Michael Kramer
1 cassette
Josh McBroom, his wife, and their eleven children are heading west when they are offered a farm in Iowa. The farm is under water, but a dry spell soon turns it into one acre of land with very rich soil. Crops grow in minutes, trees in hours. The McBrooms love their new farm, but they must fight wind that carries off small children and grasshoppers that eat anything green. For grades 3-6. 1966.

Welcome Back, Sun RC 41662
by Michael Emberley
read by Celeste Lawson
1 cassette
A little girl lives with her parents in a small village in Norway. It is March now, and since October the sun has not come out. This time of the year is called murketiden, or the murky time. This year the girl wants her parents to take her with the other villagers on the ceremonial hike up the mountain to welcome the sun back. For grades K-3. 1993.

The Seeing Stick RC 41665
by Jane Yolen
read by Kimberly Schraf
1 cassette
The emperor in Peking has a young daughter named Princess Hwei Ming, whom he showers with riches. But because the princess is blind, she is unhappy. The emperor offers a reward to the person who can make Hwei Ming see. An old blind man journeys to Peking with a piece of wood he calls a seeing stick. The stick's wonderful carved images allow a blind person to grow "eyes on the tips of her fingers." For grades K-3. 1977.

This Is a Great Place for a Hot Dog Stand RC 43068
by Barney Saltzberg
read by Gary Tipton
1 cassette
Izzy hates his job at the toy factory--he would rather be outdoors. One day he decides to set up his own hot dog stand. When he finally opens for business on a vacant lot between two big office buildings, Madame Moola Moo wants to tear down his stand to build a mall. For preschool-grade 2. 1995.

Crazy Weekend RC 43722
by Gary Soto
read by Rick Rohan
1 cassette
Hector and his friend Mando go to Fresno to visit Hector's photographer uncle. On a photo shoot together, they inadvertently photograph a robbery by a pair of bumbling thugs. After bragging to a reporter, the two seventh-graders must evade the robbers' inept attempts to teach them a lesson. Prequel to Summer on Wheels (RC 44022). For grades 5-8. 1994.

Mr. Lincoln's Drummer RC 43741
by G. Clifton Wisler
read by Terence Aselford
1 cassette
Ten-year-old Willie Johnston is a drummer for the Union Army during the Civil War. Because of the bravery he displays--particularly during a fierce battle at Savage's Station, Virginia, where he is the only boy to keep his drum during retreat--Willie becomes the youngest person ever to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor. Based on a true story. For grades 5-7. 1995.

Mennyms under Siege RC 43742
by Sylvia Waugh
read by Pam Ward
1 cassette
In this sequel to Mennyms in the Wilderness (RC 42035), the teenage Pilbeam ventures out to the theater, where she encounters a prying neighbor. After a series of such close calls, the Mennyms hole up at home to avoid scrutiny. But a tragedy means the family must face their mortality. For grades 4-6. 1995.

A Journey to the New World: The Diary of Remember Patience Whipple RC 43743
by Kathryn Lasky
read by Corrie James
1 cassette
On October 1, 1620, after sailing more than a thousand miles, "Mem" Whipple, twelve, begins keeping a journal of her journey to America. She recounts daily problems aboard the Mayflower and then continues her journal for another year after the colonists land in America. An epilogue follows Mem's descendants up to 1850. For grades 4-7. 1996.

Happy Birthday, Kirsten! A Springtime Story RC 43754
by Janet Shaw
read by Janis Gray
1 cassette
Young pioneer Kirsten, her extended family, and the local teacher take shelter in a root cellar when a tornado threatens. While they are there, Miss Winston tells the cousins about her friendship quilt. After the disaster passes, the girls begin their own quilting projects--and their friends catch on! Sequel to Kirsten's Surprise (RC 43753). For grades 2-4. 1987.

Happy Birthday, Molly! A Springtime Story RC 43834
by Valerie Tripp
read by Pam Ward
1 cassette
During World War II, Emily Bennett, an English girl Molly's age, has come to stay. Molly is excited, but Emily is very quiet, and the girls have a hard time becoming friends. But they do, just in time for Molly's birthday. Then they can't agree on how to celebrate. Sequel to Molly's Surprise (RC 43833). For grades 2-4. 1989.

Molly Saves the Day: A Summer Story RC 43835
by Valerie Tripp
read by Pam Ward
1 cassette
Molly and her friends are having a great time at summer camp during World War II, but each girl has a problem: Molly can't swim underwater, Susan can't paddle a canoe straight, and Linda is afraid of wiggly bugs. As the camp's Color War begins, each girl must overcome her obstacle. Sequel to Happy Birthday, Molly! (RC 43834). For grades 2-4. 1988.

How Chipmunk Got Tiny Feet: Native American Animal Origin Stories RC 43880
retold by Gerald Hausman
read by Laura Giannarelli
1 cassette
Seven stories that explain how the coyote, bat, lizard, hawk, horse, possum, and chipmunk came to be the animals we know today. Includes "How Coyote Got Yellow Eyes," "How Bat Learned to Fly," "How Lizard Got Flat," and "How Possum Lost His Tail." For grades K-3. 1995.

Summer on Wheels RC 44022
by Gary Soto
read by Rick Rohan
1 cassette
In this sequel to Crazy Weekend (RC 43722), Hector and his friend Mando decide to take a five-day bike trip from East Los Angeles to Hector's aunt's house in Santa Monica. Staying with relatives along the way, the boys are amazed at their good fortune. First Hector gets one hundred dollars for acting in a commercial, then he wins prime seats at a Dodgers game by being the millionth attendee. Includes a glossary of Spanish words. For grades 5-8. 1995.

Brown Sunshine of Sawdust Valley RC 44027
by Marguerite Henry
read by Margaret Strom
1 cassette
Molly wants a horse more than anything. When her father finally agrees, she is heartbroken that he chooses an aging mare instead of the young colt she envisioned. But sadness turns to joy when the mare surprises them by giving birth to a beautiful mule. For grades 3-6. 1996.

Tell Me Again about the Night I Was Born RC 44029
by Jamie Lee Curtis
read by Laura Giannarelli
1 cassette
A little girl asks her parents over and over to tell her favorite story--the one about the night she was born and they came to adopt her. For preschool-grade 2. 1996.

Gift Horse RC 44049
by Betty Levin
read by Gary Tipton
1 cassette
When Matt's filmmaker great-uncle visits, he brings gifts for the children, not realizing that Matt isn't a baby anymore. When Uncle Oliver promises to replace the babyish ball with a real horse, Matt's family doesn't believe it will happen. But Matt begins preparing a place for the horse he knows is coming. For grades 4-7. 1996.

Dog Friday RC 44057
by Hilary McKay
read by Jack Fox
1 cassette
Ten-year-old Robin Brogan is trying to overcome his fear of dogs. He gets some help when a bunch of kids move in next door with a dog as fierce as his name--Old Blanket. Then Robin finds an abandoned dog on the beach. The dog is nearly dead and Robin must decide if he is brave enough to nurse the dog back to health. For grades 4-7. 1994.

Out of the Blue RC 44062
by Sarah Ellis
read by Sharon Murray
1 cassette
Because Megan's parents have been acting as if they're hiding something, Megan begins to snoop. She finds a brochure for a sailing trip and assumes her parents are giving it to her for her twelfth birthday. Instead, the surprise is that Megan has a half-sister who is twice as old as she is. For grades 5-8. 1994.

Alice the Brave RC 44063
by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
read by Kerry Cundiff
1 cassette
In this sequel to Reluctantly Alice (RC 35493), Alice and her friends are spending the summer before eighth grade at a swimming pool. Alice, who has always managed to hide her fear of deep water, is secretly terrified the boys will throw her in. Meanwhile, her two best friends wrestle with problems of their own. For grades 6-9. 1995.

Mattimeo RC 44070
by Brian Jacques
read by David Palmer
3 cassettes
In this sequel to Redwall (RC 29729), the evil fox Slagar abducts several young animals, including Mattimeo, son of the warrior mouse Matthias, from Redwall Abbey. Matthias and other fathers launch a daring rescue mission, leaving the Abbey vulnerable to the marauding crows. Violence. For grades 4-6. 1990.

The Old Man Who Loved Cheese RC 44083
by Garrison Keillor
read by Jack Fox
1 cassette
Some men love money or fame, but Wallace P. Flynn chooses cheese. Unfortunately he likes the smelliest kinds of cheese, which are so offensive his family leaves him. When the cheese police finally arrest Mr. Flynn, he must choose between his cheese and freedom. For grades 2-4. 1996.

Snowbound Mystery RC 44112
by Gertrude Chandler Warner
read by Michael Pinney
1 cassette
When the Alden children get a week off from school, they decide to spend it in a cabin even though it is winter. Their only neighbors, a family that owns a small store, have obviously been searching for something in the cabin. It takes a snowstorm for the Aldens to help them find it. For grades 4-6. 1968.

Nate the Great and the Tardy Tortoise RC 44115
by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat and Craig Sharmat
read by John Stratton
2 cassettes
Boy detective Nate the Great discovers a tortoise in his backyard. Realizing the flower-eating, slow-moving pet must be lost, Nate sets out to find its owner. For grades K-3. 1995.

The Gifts of Wali Dad: A Tale of India and Pakistan RC 44146
by Aaron Shepard
read by Erik Sandvold
1 cassette
When old grass-cutter Wali Dad realizes he has saved more money than he needs, he buys a bracelet and has it delivered to the noblest lady in the world, the queen. Happy to be rid of his extra money, Wali Dad is horrified to receive an even more expensive gift from the queen. For grades K-3. 1995.

Babar the King RC 44154
by Jean De Brunhoff
read by Jamie Horton
1 cassette (Reissue)
King Babar and Queen Celeste are established as rulers of the country of the elephants. Since they have no capital city, King Babar orders everything he needs to build a magnificent capital. For grades K-3. 1935.

Hop on Pop RC 44160
by Dr. Seuss
read by Bob Askey
1 cassette
Pairs of simple, rhyming words are introduced and used in bouncy nonsense sentences. "Day/Play/We play all day." "Night/Fight/We fight all night." For grades K-3. 1963.

Phantom Victory RC 44162
by Pamela F. Service
read by Pam Ward
1 cassette
Terri Graff and her family are natives on South Bass Island, and Terri is working in the archaeological dig at the site of the old Victory Hotel that burned in 1919. Brian Cornwell, descendant of regular summer vacationers, has come to the island with his family. When Brian discovers an old diary containing clues to a hidden emerald-and-diamond necklace, he and Terri combine forces to hunt for it. For grades 5-7. 1994.

Alexander, Who's Not (Do You Hear Me? I Mean It!) Going to Move RC 44167
by Judith Viorst
read by Jamie Horton
1 cassette
Alexander's father has a new job far away. But Alexander is determined not to move and leave behind his best friend, his great sitter, his soccer team, and the cleaner who saves the gum wrappers from Alexander's pants pockets. Then his parents give Alexander some reasons to stay with his family. For grades K-3. 1995.

The Black Stallion RC 44178
by Walter Farley
read by Jamie Horton
1 cassette (Reissue)
When Alec Ramsay first sees the Black Stallion being forced aboard the ship on which he is a passenger, Alec has no idea that the magnificent creature will soon save his life. For grades 4-7. 1941.

Our House: The Stories of Levittown RC 44202
by Pam Conrad
read by Madelyn Buzzard
1 cassette
Levittown is a suburban New York town built in 1947. Six fictional children from each following decade until the 1990s describe experiences growing up there. In his brand-new house, a boy puts his footprints in a new patio and then surprises his parents by falling through the kitchen ceiling. For grades 3-6. 1995.

Joshua T. Bates Takes Charge RC 44210
by Susan Shreve
read by Randy Wieck
1 cassette
In this sequel to The Flunking of Joshua T. Bates (RC 23113), Joshua is in the fifth grade and still having problems with bully Tommy Wilhelm. The last thing Joshua needs is to be assigned to help out Sean, a new classmate. Tommy, who thinks Sean is even more of a nerd than Joshua, organizes the other boys to torment him. For grades 3-6. 1993.

Halloween Party RC 44217
by Linda Shute
read by Madelyn Buzzard
1 cassette
A mother and son put the finishing touches on their Halloween costumes and head to the neighborhood party where the decorations feature buckets of worms and bowls of slime and the guests include monsters, wizards, and wombats. For grades K-3. 1994.

Local News RC 44338
by Gary Soto
read by Michael Pinney
1 cassette
Thirteen tales set in a Mexican American neighborhood in which young boys and girls share the embarrassment and disappointments they frequently endure at the hands of friends or siblings. Companion to Baseball in April and Other Stories (RC 37667). For grades 5-8. 1993.

Orp and the FBI RC 44431
by Suzy Kline
read by Rick Rohan
1 cassette
Orville and his friend Derrick call themselves the Famous Bathtub Investigators because that's where Orville thinks up mysteries to solve. But this time his sister comes up with the most intriguing puzzles: finding out who wrote the letter that made their mother cry and who the shadowy figure is in their neighbors' empty house. For grades 3-6. 1995.

Whitefish Will Rides Again! RC 44600
by Arthur Yorinks
read by Jamie Horton
1 cassette
Whitefish Will is such a good sheriff that he scares all the criminals away. Not needing him anymore, the townfolk retire him. But years later, a bad man comes to town and they must bring the lawman back. For grades K-3. 1994.

The Fear Place RC 44615
by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
read by Jim Zeiger
1 cassette
Doug is camping with his geologist parents and his hateful brother Gordon in Colorado for the summer. When their parents have to fly out for an uncle's funeral, the brothers argue until Gordon stalks off to camp by himself on his favorite ridge. Days pass and Gordon doesn't return, so, despite his fear of the ridge, Doug is forced to look for his brother. A surprisingly friendly cougar helps him face the "fear place." Some strong language. For grades 4-7. 1994.

Peter and Veronica RC 44702
by Marilyn Sachs
read by Michele Schaeffer
1 cassette (Reissue)
Despite his Jewish family's disapproval, Peter Wedemeyer is determined to keep his best friend, gentile tomboy Veronica Ganz. Sequel to Veronica Ganz (RC 44746). For grades 4-7. 1969.

The Trouble with Henriette! RC 44709
by Wende and Harry Devlin
read by Laura Giannarelli
1 cassette
Jolie's grandfather is going to give away Jolie's dog, Henriette, now that she can't sniff out truffles anymore. Jolie knows it is only because Grandfather makes Henriette sleep in the barn, so hay fever is affecting her smell. But how can she make Grandfather believe her? For preschool-grade 2. 1995.

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