US Forest Service Woody Biomass Utilization

Woody Biomass Utilization

Related Links

Select the subheadings below to expand or contract the lists of related links, or you may Contract All or Expand All.

 What is Woody Biomass Utilization?

  • USDA Biobased Products and Bioenergy Coordination Council - provides a forum through which USDA agencies will coordinate, facilitate and promote research, development, transfer of technology, commercialization, and marketing of biobased products and Bioenergy using renewable domestic agricultural and forestry materials.

 About Us

 National Strategy


Forest Service

  • Partnership Resource Center – National Forest Foundation and USDA Forest Service joint project to provide needed online resources to build vibrant partnerships and effective collaboration for the nation's forests, grasslands, and other special places.
  • State and Private Forestry - works with States, private landowners, and other partners to promote healthy forests and livable communities throughout the United States.


  • Biomass Research and Development Initiative - a multi-agency effort to coordinate and accelerate all Federal biobased products and bioenergy research and development, including the United States Department of Energy and the United States Department of Agriculture.

Community Partnerships

  • Four Corners Sustainable Forests Partnership - the Partnership focuses attention and resources on forest restoration and community issues common throughout the region.
  • Fuels for Schools and Beyond - a partnership between the U.S. Forest Service State and Private Forestry and the Bitterroot Resource Conservation and Development (RC&D) Area, Inc. There are currently six state forestry departments participating in this program providing technical and financial assistance to interested parties in Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, and North Dakota. Fuels for Schools mission is to promote and encourage the use of woody biomass as a renewable, natural resource to provide a clean, readily available energy source suitable for heat and power generation in public and private buildings; and, to facilitate the removal of hazardous fuels from our forests by assisting in the development of viable commercial uses of removed material.
  • Healthy Forests, Healthy Communities Partnership - a collaborative business network with roots in six rural communities of the Pacific Northwest who’s commitment is to restore forest ecosystems and spawn rural economic vitality by growing wood product-related businesses.
  • Southern Alliance for the Utilization of Biomass Resources - a Partnership for Rural Development Through the Production of Energy and Chemicals from Forests and Farms in the Southern United States.
  • Sustainable Northwest - partners with communities and enterprises to achieve economic, ecological, and community vitality and resilience.
  • Western Collaboration Assistance Network - promotes collaborative approaches to natural resource management conflicts by providing a range of expertise to help collaborative efforts get started, work through challenging issues, and demonstrate progress.
  • Western Forestry Leadership Coalition - assists family forest-owners, rural and state fire organizations, and community forestry groups to improve forest health, encourage land conservation, and stimulate community economic recovery.
  • Western Governor’s Association - addresses important policy and governance issues in the West, advances the role of the Western states in the federal system, and strengthens the social and economic fabric of the region.

 Science and Technology

Forest Service




Forest Service


  • National Association of Conservation Districts - helps districts meet forestry needs on private forest, urban and agricultural land.
    • Woody Biomass Desk Guide and Toolkit - an overview of woody biomass production and utilization in the U.S., tips of how to provide effective outreach for your clientele, and educational handouts to share with your audiences. The purpose of this guide is to equip natural resource professionals and outreach specialists with the information and tools needed to increase awareness of the use of woody biomass for energy in the U.S.


  • FIA Biosum - explores the financial feasibility of landscape scale fuel treatments that reduce fire hazard, leave healthy and sustainable residual forests, and generate both wood products and sub-merchantable woody material suitable as feedstocks to biomass-to-energy generating stations.
  • BioSAT (Biomass Site Assessment Tools) - a developing website, when completed, BioSAT will be a comprehensive web-based analytical dashboard for assessing supply chain cost and logistics for agricultural and forestry biomass for 33 Eastern States. The BioSAT system rapidly screens bio-sheds, logistics and sites cellulosic biomass collection or processing centers by zip-code tabulation area for the 33 Eastern States (Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin).
  • Coordinated Resource Offering Protocol (CROP) - find additional sub-state assessments that are not included in the State Supply Links below.
  • Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) National Program - reports on status and trends in forest area and location; in the species, size, and health of trees; in total tree growth, mortality, and removals by harvest; in wood production and utilization rates by various products; and in forest land ownership.
  • Forest Products Measurement - coordinates biometric activities for the National Forests throughout the nation.
  • Forest Vegetation Simulator - the USDA Forest Service's nationally supported framework for forest growth and yield modeling.
  • My Fuel Treatment Planner - a user-friendly spreadsheet application that provides a way to think through options and questions and to calculate cost or net revenue of treatments and fuel surface loads following treatment.
  • Using Financial Analysis to Assess the Feasibility of Implementation of Ecosystem Management - information about all aspects of operations involved in ecosystem management treatments needed to implement ecosystem management and to avoid the expense of preparing timber sales for which there are no buyers.



  • Climate Change Resource Center (CCRC) - a reference Web site for resource managers and decisionmakers who need information and tools to address climate change in planning and project implementation on lands in the West.
  • Fuels for Schools- a venture between public schools, State Foresters, and Regional Foresters of the Forest Service to helps public schools retrofit their current fuel or gas heating system to small-scale biomass heating systems.
  • Renewable Electric Plant Information System – provides information on renewable energy plants and installed capacity for energy planners, policy makers, and others interested in renewable energy.

Stewardship Contracting

  • Forest Service Stewardship Contracting - includes natural resource management practices seeking to promote a closer working relationship with local communities in a broad range of activities that improve land conditions.
  • Land Stewardship Demonstration Contracts, Region 1 - projects focused on achieving desired future resource conditions rather than meeting assigned output targets, and contribute to the development of sustainable rural communities.

Other Government

 Non-Government Organizations

  • American Council on Renewable Energy - works to bring all forms of renewable energy into the mainstream of America's economy and lifestyle.
  • Biomass Electric Power Generation News from Power Engineering Magazine - Established in 1896, Power Engineering magazine provides readers with information on the electricity generation sector, including biomass power.
  • Biomass Energy Resource Center - an independent, non-profit organization established by public and private sector leaders to assist in the development of biomass energy projects. across the US and around the world.
  • Institute of Agriculture and Trade Policy - developing alternative economic models that include clean sources of energy such as wind power and biofuel that would spur rural development while working with landowners to form cooperatives that promote sustainable forest management.
  • Center for Resourceful Building Technology - promotes environmentally responsible practices in construction.
  • Community Forestry Resource Center - promotes responsible forest management by encouraging the long-term health and prosperity of small, privately-owned woodlots, their owners and their communities.
  • Council of Energy Resource Tribes - founded by Indian Tribes to chart a new course of prudent development that would address Tribal priorities and values while contributing to a more secure energy future for all Americans.
  • The Forest Guild - The Forest Guild includes field foresters and associated land stewards whose work is broadly acknowledged as providing tangible examples of sustainable forestry. The common bond of Guild members is a passion for forests and for land stewardship. The practice of conservation forestry and the promotion of a stewardship ethic are the heart and soul of the Guild.
    • A Market-Based Approach to Community Wood Energy: An Opportunity for Consulting Foresters (PDF, 136 KB) - A report released (November 2008) by the Forest Guild identifies the benefits of community wood energy for rural communities and highlights the central role consulting foresters can play in successful projects. The report utilizes lessons learned from Forest Guild community wood energy pilot projects in Bristol, Vermont and the Mahoosuc Region of Maine and New Hampshire as well as from discussions with Forest Guild members. The report defines a role in these community projects for consulting foresters to develop local networks of family forest landowners to supply wood fuel that is Sustainable, Efficient, Local, and Fair (SELF). In addition to consulting foresters, this report may also be of interest to landowners, policy makers, and community activists.
    • Biomass from Forests - The Forest Guild’s Research Program received a grant in September 2007 from the Joint Fire Sciences Program to undertake a year long investigation of biomass removal projects to uncover strategies and techniques that managers across the country are using to successfully implement ecologically sound biomass projects. The investigation will be based on case studies of actual, on-the-ground projects covering a broad range of project objectives, treatment techniques, and prescriptions.
  • Forest Products Society - provides a variety of publications and conference opportunities for furthering member research and goals in order to support information exchange on the use of wood and wood-fiber resources.
  • Sustainable Science – advances sustainable science through creating innovative, knowledge-based added-value applications for presently unused or misused natural resources.
  • Timber Mart-South (Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia) - compiles and publishes Timber Mart-South Quarterly Reports, a brief, quarterly report of the market for raw forest products in 11 southern states.
  • U.S. Endowment for Forestry & Communities, Inc. - The U.S. Endowment for Forestry & Communities, Inc. (Endowment) is a newly organized not-for-profit corporation established at the request of the governments of the United States and Canada in accordance with the terms of the Softwood Lumber Agreement (SLA) between the two countries.
  • Wallowa Resources (Oregon) - a non-profit group strives to balance Wallowa County’s (Washington) economic well-being and the proper use of its resources, preserving the area’s heritage of making a living from the land.
  • Warm Springs Forest Products Industry (Oregon) - maximizes the value of the forest resource for the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs through product sales and manufacturing.
  • - aggregates quality WoodFuel from a growing network of suppliers and delivers this supply as a renewable energy resource to the fuel buying community.
  • WWW Virtual Library: Forestry - an online directory for academic and educational links.

 State Resources

 International Resources

  • International Energy Agency - acts as energy policy advisor to 26 Member countries in their effort to ensure reliable, affordable, and clean energy for their citizens.

US Forest Service
Woody Biomass Utilization Team
Sidney R.Yates Federal Building
3rd Floor Southwest
201 14th Street, S.W. at Independence Ave., S.W.
Washington, DC 20250

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Last modified: Monday, 10-Sep-2012 11:09:46 EDT