Access to books and videotapes pertaining to disabilities


Advocates for the family receive timely and appropriate services


Provides on and off post resource information


Coordinates appropriate respite care arrangements


Resource Links

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list of helpful links




  Army Community Service, Bldg. 2494, Ricker Road
(915) 569-4ACS (4227)
(915) 742-1830


What is the Exceptional Family Member Program?
The Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is a mandatory enrollment program that works with other military and civilian agencies to provide housing, community support, and personnel services to families with special needs. The EFMP is a Department of the Army program which functions under the provisions of Army Regulation AR 608-75. It is designed to assist active-duty personnel during assignments/reassignments sponsoring exceptional family members (EFM) with special physical, emotional, developmental or intellectual needs. In a dual military family, both Soldiers must be enrolled. Enrollment is based upon the medical and education requirements of family members of active duty personnel. Enrollment updates are required every three years or if the condition changes.

Enrollment allows the Army, during the assignment process, to consider the documented medical and special education needs of EFMs. This will depend on a valid personnel requirement for the Soldier's grade, specialty, and eligibility for the tour. All Soldiers are still eligible for worldwide assignments. When possible, Soldiers are assigned to locations where the medical and special education needs of their EFM can be met.

Who is an exceptional family member?
An exceptional family member is a Soldier’s immediate family member (child or adult), regardless of age, with any physical, emotional, developmental, behavioral, mental or intellectual disorder that requires special treatment, therapy, education, training, or counseling on an ongoing basis. The family members must be dependent enrolled in DEERS to be enrolled in the EFMP. Examples of special needs:

Aplastic Asthma
Brain Tumor
Cleft Palate
Cystic Fibrosis
Developmentally Delayed
Head Injury
Organ Transplant
Spina Bifida
Skin Disorder

Artificial Prosthesis
Down Syndrome
Heart Conditions
Huntingtons Disease
Spinal Cord Injury
Speech Problems/Stuttering

Apnea Monitors
Hearing Impairment
Liver Problems
Sickle Cell Disease
Special Education

How does a Soldier enroll in the program?
To complete a medical enrollment, the family and the doctor/specialist need to complete a DD Form 2792.  If you have a child/young adult who is currently on an individual education plan (IEP), 504 plan or individualized family service plan (IFSP) for children who are utilizing early childhood intervention services, you need to complete a DD Form 2792-1 for educational enrollment and attach a copy of the plan.  Once these forms are complete they can be taken to EFMP medical on a walk-in basis.  Assignment coordination or screening requires an appointment which can be made through the general appointment line at (915) 569-2273.  For Fort Bliss, EFMP enrollment is conducted in Room 228 E and Room 228 C on the second floor of the Bradley Building at William Beaumont Army Medical Center. For information, call (915) 742-1830/1854

Does enrollment have any impact on the Soldier's career?
Enrollment in EFMP does not adversely affect selection for promotion, schools, or assignment. Information concerning enrollment in EFMP or any of the data used in the program is not made available to selection boards or command. The information contained in EFMP will be used to assist in coordinating services with the gaining installation.


What are the benefits of enrollment in the program?

Enrollment allows the assignment managers at Army personnel agencies to consider the documented medical and special education needs of exceptional family members in the assignment process. When possible, Soldiers are assigned to an area where the medical and special education needs of their exceptional family member can be met. This will depend on a valid personnel requirement for the Soldier's grade, specialty and eligibility for the tour. All Soldiers are still eligible for worldwide assignments.


Are special education needs always considered in the assignment process?
Special education needs are only considered in assignments outside the United States. Assignments within our 50 states and trust territories are not based on the educational needs of children. Every local school system must obey public laws regarding the provision of special education.


What EFMP services are available through the Army Community Service?
The ACS EFMP office is responsible for information and referral, advocacy, support groups, educational and recreational classes, respite care and relocation assistance.  You will need to in-process or out-process with ACS/Family Programs to ensure services are identified and linked to the family member at their current installation or at their next installation.  For more information, contact the EFMP at (915) 569-4227.



What EFMP services are available at the William Beaumont Army Medical Center EFMP Clinic?
The EFMP Clinic is located at William Beaumont Army Medical Center.  They complete EFMP enrollment, updates, disenrollment and EFMP overseas screenings.  EFMP enrollment, disenrollments and updates are completed on a walk-in basis.  To schedule an overseas screeing you need to call the medical appointment line at 569-2213.  The EFMP medical director and staff are located in the EFMP Clinic. To contact the clinic, call (915) 568-1830/1854.


Soldiers clearing Fort Bliss Soldiers with Exceptional Family Members must clear ACS EFMP
Out processing Sodliers who have family members enrolled in the EFMP must complete DA Form 7415 and the "Needs Assessment for Relocating Soldiers" form, and provide a copy of their orders to EFMP staff. Additional assistance and resources are provided as required. In addition, the EFMP staff prepares a memo to the gaining installation informing them of the Soldier's report date and possible need for assistance. EFMP staff pre-clear Soldiers who are not enrolled in the EFMP weekly.

Special Needs Accommodation Process (SNAP), 568-4374
SNAP evaluates health, developmental, physical, social, emotional, learning and behavioral issues that may affect your child. We are here to help decide placement for your child, youth or teen in Child, Youth and School Services. However, it is SNAP's philosophy and goal, when reasonable, to honor personal choices for child care, school-age services and youth services, as well as participation in recreational activities for children. For more information on SNAP, call CYSS Parent Central Services at 568-4374. For SNAP forms, visit the Parent Central Services website.

ACS Community Overview

Learn about Army Community Service resources and what the program offers to the community during the ACS Community Overview.  Sessions will be held from 9:30-11 a.m. at the Family Resilience Center, Bldg. 250 Club Road, on the following dates:

  • Wednesday, October 31
  • Tuesday, December 4

For more information, call the Family Resilience Center at (915) 569-5500.

New CYSS fees effective October 1

As mandated by the Department of Defense Child Care Fee Policy, a new fee structure will be implemented by Fort Bliss Child, Youth and School Services effective Monday, October 1. For a complete list of new fees, visit For more information, call (915) 568-4374.