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This Is My Life: Lance Cpl.  Geoffrey West


This Is My Life: Lance Cpl. Geoffrey West

Video by Cpl. Timothy Lenzo | 1st Marine Division | Date: 06.26.2012

This is my life is a video journal blog of Marines in Afghanistan, documenting their daily life. This episode follows Lance Cpl. Geoffrey West, an infantryman with Golf Company, 2nd Battalion, 5th Marine... View Video

This Is My Life, Episode 3


This Is My Life, Episode 3

Video by Cpl. Timothy Lenzo | 1st Marine Division | Date: 06.24.2012

This is my life is a video journal blog of Marines in Afghanistan, documenting their daily life. This episode follows Lance Cpl. Geoffrey West, an infantryman with Golf Company, 2nd Battalion, 5th Marine... View Video