
Help Reduce Traffic Deaths

The Highway Patrol is concerned that after six years of declining traffic fatalities, deaths and serious injuries are on the rise in Missouri.
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Col. Ron Replogle and the Missouri State Highway Patrol

Register for Missouri's Statewide Earthquake Drill

On Feb. 7, 2013, Missourians will participate in the third Great Central U.S. ShakeOut earthquake drill.
More about earthquakes in Missouri...

image of students under their desks

Highway Patrol Cautions Motorists to Watch Out for Deer

The Missouri State Highway Patrol reminds motorists to use caution and watch out for deer on the roadways, especially during this time of year.

image car driving with a deer watching

Valorous Officers Recognized

Gov. Jay Nixon presented the Medal of Valor to eight Missouri public safety officers who took decisive action in efforts to save lives.
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Gov. Jay Nixon presents the Medal of Valor to Detective Sgt. Robert C. Siscel of the Sunset hills Police Department, who was able to rescue an elderly woman during an armed robbery at her home.