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Welcome to Keep Your Home California

Welcome to Keep Your Home California Instructional Video






If you own and occupy your home and have suffered a financial hardship, please choose the option below that best fits your situation:

I am currently collecting
unemployment benefits.
Unemployment Mortgage Assistance >>

I can't catch up on my payments.
Mortgage Reinstatement
Assistance Program >>

I can't afford my payments.
Principal Reduction Program >>

I can no longer afford
to stay in my home.
Transition Assistance Program >>

Fraud Alert Fraud Alert: Homeowners will never be asked to pay a fee for any Keep Your Home California program. If you are asked to pay a fee or suspect fraud or misrepresentation related to a Keep Your Home California program or representative, you are encouraged to contact our Compliance unit at 916-326-8686 or by email at complianceunit@kyhca.org..

CalHFAMAC logo

NOTE: These programs are only available to homeowners whose mortgage servicing company agrees to the terms and conditions governing the use of these funds. If your servicer is not currently participating in Keep Your Home California, you may want to call them and encourage them to do so. A homeowner cannot receive assistance if their servicer has not signed an agreement with CalHFA MAC. See a list of participating servicers and which programs they are currently offering.