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Meeting of Trans-Pacific Partnership ministers on the margins of APEC Honolulu

11/10/2011 - 9:01pm

Ministers from the nine Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) countries met today in Honolulu, Hawaii on the margins of the 2011 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Economic and Leaders’ Meeting. This was the ministers’ last meeting before TPP leaders convene this weekend to assess progress in the TPP talks. Countries are seeking a high-standard, ambitious, 21st-century trade pact in the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and set the goal of reaching the broad outlines of an agreement by this week’s APEC meeting.

USTR Hosts TPP Meeting on Margins of APEC Honolulu
USTR Hosts TPP Meeting on Margins of APEC Honolulu

USTR Hosts TPP Meeting on Margins of APEC Honolulu
Ambassadors Kirk and Marantis at the TPP Meeting on Margins of APEC Honolulu