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Marine Inspection & Investigations School

The Coast Guard Marine Inspection and Investigation School is responsible for entry and advanced level training for all officers, petty officers and civilian personnel assigned as Marine Inspectors, Port State Control Examiners, Uninspected Fishing Vessel Examiners, Uninspected Towing Vessel examiners, Small Passenger Vessel Plan Review Officers, Marine Casualty Investigators and Mariner License Suspension and Revocations prosecutors.

A listing of fiscal year course convenings and prerequisites can be found on Training Quota Management Center website by selecting "class schedules," "C" school schedules, and then selecting Operations Ashore - Prevention.

Resident Courses

The following list of courses are what is offered by The Marine Inspection and Investigation School.

  • Marine Inspection Course
  • Port State Control Course
  • T-Boat Plan Review Course
  • Uninspected Commercial Fishing Vessel Examiner Course
  • Uninspected Towing Vessel Examiner Course
  • Investigating Officer Course
  • Suspension and Revocation Course

Coast Guard Employee Access

It is recommended each Coast Guard employee visit TCYorktown's Portal site for additional MII training information. Search criteria: Yorktown  Coast Guard Employee Access.

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Last Modified 10/25/2012