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Contingency Preparedness

    Welcome to the Contingency Preparedness and Response Management School. The school was established in 1988 as the Coastal Defense School to support the increased emphasis on military readiness planning. In 1995, the school was temporarily closed for restructuring and then renamed the Contingency Preparedness School. During that time, the instructor staff revised and developed new curriculum to teach contingency planning skills and response management with emphasis on all hazards. In the summer of 1996, the school reopened for business and now instructs deliberate and crisis action planning skills for contingency and exercise planners at the port, District, Area, and Headquarters levels. The school also provides a Command and Control course for Commanding Officers, Executive officers, and staff officers from Districts and Area offices.  For the latest class convenings, visit TQC.

What our School can prepare you for:

  • Understanding the basics of Command & Control issues.
  • Understanding core doctrine to include: terminology and use of “Best Response”, critical success factors, key business drivers, and key elements to accomplish assigned missions or objectives.
  • What is a contingency? A contingency involves a response situation that requires a level of activity that exceeds a unit’s scope of normal operations. Contingencies our School can prepare you for:
  1. Military Outload
  2. Oil and Hazardous Substance
  3. Maritime Anti/Counter-Terrorism
  4. Marine Disaster
  5. National Security and Defense
  6. High Capacity Passenger Vessel SAR/Salvage
  7. Natural Disaster
  8. Civil Disturbance
  9. Alien Migration & Interdiction Operation
  10. MTSA/Maritime Security (Port Level)
  11. Continuity of Operations (COOP)

Coast Guard Employee Access

It is recommended each Coast Guard employee visit TCYorktown's Portal site for additional Contingency Preparedness training information. Search criteria: Yorktown  Coast Guard Employee Access.

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Last Modified 10/25/2012