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Intel SpecialistIntelligence Specialist "A" School

Intelligence Specialists (IS's) perform a wide range of duties associated with the collection, analysis, processing, and dissemination of Intelligence in support of Coast Guard operations.

Types of Duty

IS's are stationed throughout the Coast Guard, at units such as the Intelligence Coordination Center,  Maritime Intelligence Fusion Centers, Cryptologic Units, Districts, Air Stations, and Sectors.

The duties performed by IS's include: identifying and producing intelligence from raw information; assembling and analyzing multi-source operational intelligence; collecting and analyzing communication signals using sophisticated computer technology; providing input to and receiving data from multiple computerized intelligence systems; preparing and presenting intelligence briefings; preparing planning materials for operational missions, conducting mission debriefings, analyzing results, and preparing reports; preparing graphics, overlays, and photo/map composites; plotting imagery data using maps and charts; and maintaining intelligence databases, libraries, and files.


Training Available

You'll start your career as an IS with 14 weeks of specialized training at IS "A" School is in Yorktown, VA. Upon completion of "A" School, many IS's will receive additional intelligence training through specialized "C" schools. Advanced education intelligence programs also are available. You'll have the opportunity to compete for fully-funded programs such as the Masters of Science in Strategic Intelligence.


To be an IS, you must be a U.S. citizen and are required to maintain a "Top Secret" clearance with Sensitive Compartmented Information eligibility. You must also have normal color vision and hearing.

Related Civilian Jobs

  • Intelligence Analyst
  • Intelligence Manager
  • Intelligence Collector
  • Counterintelligence Specialist
  • Counterterrorism Specialist
  • Joint Ops Coordination Centers

Coast Guard Employee Access

It is recommended each Coast Guard employee visit TCYorktown's Portal site for additional Intelligence Specialists training information. Search criteria: Yorktown  Coast Guard Employee Access.

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Last Modified 10/25/2012