Registration Form for Workplace Flexibility Events

On March 31, 2010, President Barack Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama and the White House Council on Women and Girls hosted the White House Forum on Workplace Flexibility.  The Forum explored the importance of creating workplace practices that allow America’s working men and women to meet the demands of their jobs without sacrificing the needs of their families.  Building on the momentum coming out of that forum, the Administration is hosting follow-up forums around the country and encourages others to convene events in their communities to engage in dialogue and take action on this important issue.

“The conversations started at this Forum today will continue in the coming months in places all around the country.  By engaging directly with communities, we will continue to learn about practices and challenges to implementation on the ground, in local government and local businesses.  All of these voices must be heard, because it’s an issue that fundamentally affects how all Americans work and live.”
– Valerie Jarrett, Senior Advisor to the President and Chair of the White House Council on Women and Girls

By registering your event here, the White House Council on Women and Girls may count or list your event, along with information you provide, among the activities supporting workplace flexibility.  


To select more than one option, please hold the control key and click on each relevant option.


Please select all of the different stakeholders that you have invited to your event. To select more than one option, please hold the control key and click on each relevant option.

Please check this box if you would like your contact information made available so that other interested parties, such as non-governmental groups interested in workplace flexibility, can exchange ideas with you, share materials and resources, or learn about your event.

Start a Conversation in Your Community About Workplace Flexibility