Tag Archives: College Affordability

Institutions Commit to Providing Millions of Students with Easy-To-Understand Information About College Costs

We know that students and their families face a difficult task in deciding where to enroll for higher education, and understanding the cost of college—and how to pay for it—can be daunting. Too often, students are left without a clear … Continue reading

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Collaboration on Display in Three States: Bus Tour Day Six

Columbia: Rural educators teaching with technology Rural educators face a challenge of isolation. Miles away from their peers, collaboration and training can often be difficult. Technology is helping bridge this geographic divide, and was the focus of our first Education … Continue reading

Posted in Back To School Tour, Back to School Tour 2012, Headlines, Labor-Management, News, Teachers | Tagged , , | Comments Off

College Students Discuss Higher Education Affordability with Secretary Duncan

Students are a crucial voice in education, particularly when it comes to policy debates. To continue its transparency efforts and ensure students have a seat at the table, the Obama Administration has engaged youth, parents, and higher education leaders regarding … Continue reading

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White House Office Hours with Secretary of Education Arne Duncan

Cross-posted from the White House Blog. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan is joining us for special session of White House Office Hours on Wednesday, June 27th at 2:00 p.m. EDT. During a live Q&A on Twitter, Secretary Duncan will answer … Continue reading

Posted in Federal Student Aid, Headlines, News | Tagged , , , | 7 Comments

Education Department Announces Winners of Net Price Calculator Video Contest

Each year, millions of students face the challenge of choosing a college – and how to afford it is increasingly daunting for families. For many, the high price tag of a college education may discourage them from pursuing a degree, … Continue reading

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President Obama Calls on Congress to Prevent Student Loan Interest Rates from Doubling

“In America, higher education cannot be a luxury,” President Obama said in his weekly address. “It’s an economic imperative that every family must be able to afford.” At a time when higher education has never been more important, the President … Continue reading

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Duncan Talks College Affordability and Rural Ed in WI and IA

Waterloo, Iowa – It’s not often that town hall meetings are interrupted by the gentle moo of a calf, but that’s exactly the interjection that two Cabinet secretaries and an audience interested in rural education experienced Wednesday at the University … Continue reading

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Duncan Talks College Affordability in South Carolina

“If college is unaffordable, then it will become unattainable,” Secretary Arne Duncan tweeted while in South Carolina last Friday during a one-day, three-city visit that focused on innovative education reform and keeping college affordable for America’s families. Duncan began the … Continue reading

Posted in Federal Student Aid, Headlines, Innovation, News, Rural | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Duncan Heads to Capitol Hill for Budget Hearings

“We must come together as a country to make sound, bipartisan investments in education,” Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said earlier today at a budget hearing on Capitol Hill. “It is unconscionable for us to ask a generation of students … Continue reading

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Sharing Responsibility for College Affordability, Quality and Completion

One of the best parts of my job is the chance I get to meet outstanding academic and student leaders as I travel around the country.  For me, the best moments often come right before or after I deliver my … Continue reading

Posted in Community Colleges, Federal Student Aid, Headlines, News, Science and Math (STEM) | Tagged | 5 Comments

2013 Education Budget: What it Means For You

Continuing its commitment to education and an America built to last, the Obama Administration released its 2013 budget proposal to Congress today. It includes new education investments that will give U.S. students and workers the education and training they need … Continue reading

Posted in Community Colleges, Federal Student Aid, Headlines, News, Race to the Top, Teachers, Teaching Profession | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

“School Days” Video Features Plans for Making College More Affordable

The January 2012 edition of “School Days,” the monthly video journal of the U.S. Department of Education, features President Obama’s State of the Union message and his plans for making college more affordable, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan’s challenge for … Continue reading

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