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August 11, 2010

The Role and Responsibilities of States in Increasing Access, Quality, and Completion: Under Secretary Martha J. Kanter’s Remarks at the SHEEO Higher Education Policy Conference

I am pleased to be here today because we need your ideas and feedback to help us move our ambitious Access, Quality and Completion agenda forward.

August 3, 2010

Working Together for Early Learning: Secretary Arne Duncan's Remarks at "Early Childhood 2010 -- Innovation for the Next Generation" Meeting

Good morning — it's a pleasure to join my good friend Secretary Sebelius in welcoming you to Washington for this important meeting.

Thank you all for the challenging and meaningful work you do on behalf of this nation's children and families.

This meeting's purpose is to drive innovations that will unlock the great potential of new generations of Americans.

August 3, 2010

The Power of the Parent Voice: Secretary Arne Duncan's Remarks at the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) Leadership Mega Conference

Good morning. When President Obama spoke to the Urban League last week, the one line that got by far the most applause was: "Parents are going to get more involved in their children's education."

It is well-documented—and plain common sense—that parental involvement in a child's education boosts student learning.

July 28, 2010

Unleashing the Power of Data for School Reform: Secretary Arne Duncan's Remarks at the STATS DC 2010 Data Conference

Thank you for being here today and for the work you do every day on behalf of our nation's children. I believe education is everyone's responsibility. As data experts, you have a unique role in education. You are the people who gather the evidence that guides school reform. You can create the compass that points reform in the right direction.

July 27, 2010

The Quiet Revolution: Secretary Arne Duncan's Remarks at the National Press Club

The American story is all about extraordinary people who meet the challenges of their times with determination, courage and vision. From the heroes of the American Revolution to the heroes of our transformative social movements -- our nation was shaped by bold men and women who overcome resistance, fear and dissent to build alliances that advance our collective welfare.

July 27, 2010

Secretary Arne Duncan's Remarks at the National Urban League Centennial Conference

Good afternoon.

As you know, the President is going to be here tomorrow to talk about education, so I just want to take this opportunity to set the table.

I want to talk openly and honestly about how our reform agenda will close the achievement gap and serve students of color and those growing up in poverty.

July 21, 2010

Rural America Learning Opportunities and Technology: Secretary Arne Duncan's Remarks at the National Rural Education Summit

Good morning. Welcome to our rural education summit. We've invited you here today because we are committed to helping you celebrate the unique strengths of rural schools and solve the unique challenges facing rural schools.

July 16, 2010

The Win-Win Solution: Secretary Arne Duncan's Remarks at the Council of Chief State School Officers and State Higher Education Executive Officers' 2010 Joint Summer Meeting

Thank you, Paul and Gene, for that generous introduction. Your leadership, commitment, and courage have been absolutely extraordinary. I can't thank you enough for your hard work and partnership.

I'm excited to join you here this morning at CCSSO and SHEEO's first joint meeting. This conference marks the flowering of an important collaboration that should be celebrated.

July 15, 2010

The Three Myths of High School Reform: Secretary Arne Duncan's Remarks at the College Board AP Conference

Thank you, Gaston, for that kind introduction. I want to talk to you today about a mission that goes to the heart not just of the work of the College Board but is at the very core of the administration's agenda for high schools.

July 14, 2010

Equity and Education Reform: Secretary Arne Duncan's Remarks at the Annual Meeting of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

Good morning. And thank you.

President Obama often says that the story of the civil rights movement was written in the classroom -- and for some time now, I have been saying that education is the civil rights issue of our generation.

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