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New Map Helps Prepare Atlanta for Future Floods
Released: 10/25/2012 9:17:13 AM

Sediment Muddies the Water
Released: 10/23/2012 1:00:00 PM

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USGS Storm-Surge Sensors Deployed Ahead of Tropical Storm Sandy

Released: 10/27/2012 2:01:41 PM
RESTON, Va. -- Storm response crews from the U.S. Geological Survey are installing more than 150 storm-tide sensors at key locations along the Atlantic Coast -- from the Chesapeake Bay to Massachusetts -- in advance of the arrival of Tropical Storm Sandy.

Sandy to Erode Many Atlantic Beaches

Released: 10/27/2012 1:56:16 PM
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. – Nearly three quarters of the coast along the Delmarva Peninsula is very likely to experience beach and dune erosion as Hurricane Sandy makes landfall, while overwash is expected along nearly half of the shoreline.

Malaria Transmission Peaks at Much Cooler Temperatures than Previously Predicted

Released: 10/24/2012 3:52:43 PM
The most deadly type of malaria in humans and the one most prevalent in Africa is one that is very sensitive to climate.

Not-So-Permanent Permafrost

Released: 10/24/2012 12:00:00 PM
As much as 44 billion tons of nitrogen and 850 billion tons of carbon stored in arctic permafrost, or frozen ground, could be released into the environment as the region begins to thaw over the next century as a result of a warmer planet according to a new study led by the U.S. Geological Survey.

Isolation of Puerto Rico's Manatees Affects Survival Odds

Released: 10/23/2012 9:00:00 AM
New evidence shows there is no cross-breeding between endangered manatees in Puerto Rico and those in Florida, resulting in less genetic diversity in Puerto Rico's small manatee population and impacting its odds of survival.

Science Working to Combat Deadly White Nose Syndrome in Bats

Released: 10/22/2012 12:00:00 PM
New findings on white-nose syndrome are bringing scientists closer to slowing the spread of this deadly bat disease, according to recent and ongoing studies by the U.S. Geological Survey.

National Geologic Map Database Gets a Face Lift

Released: 10/19/2012 8:00:00 AM
In concert with the inaugural, multi-agency Geologic Map Day, the USGS and AASG are pleased to release a significantly updated infrastructure and a new "look" to the NGMDB. For example, the MapView features a visually compelling new interface that uses the latest technology to portray the Nation’s geologic maps published by the USGS, the state geological surveys, and many others. These maps, available from the NGMDB in several popular and easy to use formats, can be viewed in detail and downloaded from the various publishers.

Last Frontier Historical Topographic Maps

Released: 10/18/2012 8:24:48 AM
The U.S. Geological Survey announces it is now possible to see the topography and geography of Alaska in an extensive set of topographic maps dating back to 1899.

Secretary Announces Climate Science Funding

Released: 10/10/2012 1:41:18 PM
Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar has announced funding of more than $10 million awarded by Interior's regional Climate Science Centers to universities or other partners for research to guide managers of parks, refuges and other resources in planning how to help species and ecosystems adapt to climate change.

Media Advisory: Volcano Notification Service Available

Released: 10/9/2012 2:09:59 PM
The U.S. Geological Survey Volcano Notification Service is now available for subscription.

USGS Releases First Assessment of Shale Gas Resources in the Utica Shale: 38 trillion cubic feet

Released: 10/4/2012 5:24:04 PM
The Utica Shale contains about 38 trillion cubic feet of undiscovered, technically recoverable natural gas (at the mean estimate) according to the first assessment of this continuous (unconventional) natural gas accumulation by the U. S. Geological Survey.

Climate Change to Cripple Southwestern Forests

Released: 10/1/2012 10:00:00 AM
LOS ALAMOS, N.M. — Combine the tree-ring growth record with historical information, climate records, and computer-model projections of future climate trends, and you get a grim picture for the future of trees in the southwestern United States. That’s the word from a team of scientists from Los Alamos National Laboratory, the U.S. Geological Survey, University of Arizona, and other partner organizations.


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