
Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)

EFMP Manager Phone: 910-907-3395
Email: trisha.m.newton.civ@mail.mil
Information, referrals and advocacy:
910-643-6997/6996; 910-907-3405; 910-396-2749
Systems Navigation: 910-643-7517/5623/5624
ACS EFMP Specialist located in WAMC: (910) 907-6258
Hospital Liaison:
(910) 907-6258
Location: Soldier Support Center – 3rd Floor
Normandy Drive, Fort Bragg [map]
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00-5:00


ACS EFMP Offers Information, Referral
and Advocacy, such as:

  • On and off post agencies and support groups
  • Educational workshops and recreational activities
  • Relocation services 
  • Support counseling for family members
  • Respite care services
  • Administrative assistance with deletions and deferments of assignments
  • Educational and medical advocacy for needed services
  • Facilitating exceptions to policy for housing

Systems Navigation Services:
Systems Navigators are knowledgeable about the systems of care used by Families with special needs. The primary role of a Systems Navigator is to navigate in processing and intensive need Families through the available systems of care. Systems Navigators also assist Families who are transitioning from the program, due to retirement, separation from the military, transition to Title 32 status, or transition to another duty station. A Systems Navigator can help you develop a Family Service Plan to reach your goals, identify support groups and social activities, make necessary referrals, provide information about disabilities or medical conditions of concern, and strengthen your ability to advocate for your EFM.  To learn more about Systems Navigation Services click here. To refer a Family for Systems Navigation services clicking here for the System’s Navigation Referral Form.


EFMP and Community Resource Information
To view the complete Fort Bragg EFMP Resource Guide, please click here


Upcoming Events & News

 EFMP Newsletter
 ACS Events


To join our email distribution list, please click here. 


Support Groups

A Parent Support Group is a place where you can come to talk about your experiences and gain feedback without being judged or criticized.  The group can help you to develop positive parenting solutions in a respectful environment.  If you yearn for help and support to improve relationships with your children, a Parent Support Group might be the place for you.  To learn about the EFMP Support Groups held on Fort Bragg, please click here.


Downloadable Documents

 DD 2792-1 EFMP Special Education Summary

 DD 2792 EFMP Medical Summary


The Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) was created in the early 1980′s to support Military Families with a special needs Family member. The program has grown tremendously over the years and is now a comprehensive, coordinated multi-agency program helping meet the needs of the Exceptional Family Member (EFM). The Womack Army Medical Center (WAMC) EFMP web address was updated recently to establish a standard registration process for Families and guidance for maneuvering through the enrollment procedures. Families have access to concise information about WAMC EFMP support. Click on the link below for access to Enrollment, Screening, and any necessary Forms related to the Exceptional Family Member Program. Please visit the WAMC EFMP Website here.  To reach the WAMC EFMP Clinic by phone, please call: 910-907-3367.


Helpful Websites


Topics of Interest 

Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) Overview 

The EFMP is a mandatory enrollment program, based on carefully defined rules. EFMP works with other military and civilian agencies to provide comprehensive and coordinated medical, educational, housing, community support and personnel services to Families with special needs. EFMP enrollment works to ensure that needed services are available at the receiving command before the assignment is made.  The EFMP operates I.A.W. AR 608-75.


An Exceptional Family Member is a dependent, regardless of age, that requires medical services for a chronic condition; receives ongoing services from a specialist, has behavioral health concerns/social problems/psychological needs; receives education services provided on an Individual Education Program (IEP), or a Family member receiving services provided on an Individual Family Services Plan (IFSP).




EFMP Required Enrollees

The following Army components with exceptional Family members must enroll in the program:

  1. Active Army
  2. Active Guard Reserve Program. Mobilized and deployed Soldiers are not eligible for enrollment in EFMP.
  3. Army National Guard AGR personnel serving under authority of Title 10, United States Code and Title 32, United States Code.

Soldiers that are members of the Army Married Couples Program will both enroll in the EFMP when they have a qualified Family member. Department of the Army civilians will identify dependent children with special education and medically related service needs as well as adult Family members with medical needs each time they process for an assignment to a location outside the United States where Family member travel is authorized at Government expense.




Benefits of the EFMP
Enrollment allows assignment managers at military personnel agencies to consider the documented medical needs of exceptional Family members in the CONUS assignment process (educational needs are taken into consideration only in an OCONUS assignment). When possible, Soldiers are assigned to an area where the medical and special education needs of their exceptional Family member can be met. This will depend upon a valid personnel requirement for the Soldier’s grade, specialty and eligibility for the tour. All Soldiers are still eligible for worldwide and unaccompanied assignments. All local school systems in the continental U.S. and its territories are required by public laws to provide a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE), to include the provision of special education.




Common Misconceptions of Program Enrollment

“I will be forced into assignments that will hinder promotions and career opportunities”
Enrollment cannot prejudice advancement or career opportunities of sponsors.  The sponsor has the option of accepting an assignment while the Family is supported in another location.


“As an EFMP sponsor, I cannot be deployed”
The program has no impact on the deployment responsibilities of the sponsor.  Overseas unaccompanied, unit deployments, and standard deployments must be carried out without interruption. A Family Care Plan is the means to provide for a Family member with special needs when the Soldier is deployed, TDY, or otherwise not available because of military duty. To learn more about Family Care Plans, please consult your Commander or visit Military One Source.


“Enrollment in the program will allow me to select a duty station”
The program ensures that the sponsor will be assigned to a location where appropriate services exist.  Branch will begin the nominative process and Family enrollment information will be forwarded to the gaining installation medical treatment facility’s EFMP point-of-contact, who will assess area resources based on enrolled conditions. If services are available, the assignment process will move forward.


“I will not be eligible for an overseas accompanied assignment as an EFMP sponsor”
Overseas screening is the same for all Families anticipating accompanied orders. If the special needs of the Family member can be met by the gaining installation, an accompanied assignment may be authorized. 





Fort Bragg Housing is privatized and is operated by Picerne Military Housing (PMH).  The housing waiting lists vary based on rank and Family size.  Many Families assume that because of their EFMP enrollment they receive prioritized housing, this is NOT true.  They are required to complete a request for a medical exception to policy that is a result of a medical condition of the sponsor and/or any of his/her dependants.


Examples (not limited to the list below):

  1. SM requests to be accelerated on the waiting list due to a fragile medical condition of a family member and resulting need to be close to the medical treatment facility.
  2. SM requests to move to a larger home or to a single level home due to a medical condition.
  3. SM requests ADA modifications (estimated over $500).
  4. SM requests to live in a particular school district for the benefit of a special needs child.
  5. SM requests to move to a different home due to allergies, etc.

For required documents and additional information contact PMH at (910) 495-0878 or visit their website http://www.braggpicerne.com/




Early Intervention Services

Fort Bragg is fortunate to have an early intervention program, Educational & Developmental Intervention Services (EDIS), to serve children from birth to three years who reside on Fort Bragg and have a medical condition or suspected developmental delay and/or have a medical condition that places the child at risk for developmental delay. This program offers speech, occupational and physical therapy, along with a variety of other specialized services. For more information contact the EDIS Clinic at (910) 907-3347.  For Families residing off-post contact an ACS EFMP representative to be directed to the service provider for your community of interest!






For persons residing on Fort Bragg there are special education classes available to meet your child’s needs. In addition to classroom instruction, medically related services are offered to eligible students. A preschool program for 3 and 4 year old children provides a wonderful environment for learning and socialization. Please contact Fort Bragg Schools at (910) 907-0200 for detailed information, or visit their website: http://www.am.dodea.edu/bragg/


Special Education classes are offered in the surrounding county schools. Contact the offices listed below for your county’s school information. Please take the time to research each county’s services, prior to purchasing/renting a home. Each county school has a website which posts the school’s Report Cards. Go to http://www.ncreportcards.com/.


Cumberland County Schools
Director of Exceptional Children’s Program


Bladen County Schools
Director of Exceptional Children’s Program
910-862-4136 ext. 154


Hoke County Schools
Director of Special Education


Harnett County Schools
Director of Exceptional Children’s Programs


Lee County Schools
Director of Exceptional Children’s Program


Moore County Schools
Director of Exceptional Children’s Program


Robeson County Schools
Director of Exceptional Children’s Program
Dr. Doris Hunt


Sampson County Schools
Director of Exceptional Children’s Program




Child Care

Services for children with special needs are available, both on and off the installation.  To access available local community child care options visit Cumberland County Partnership for Children at http://www.ccpfc.org/.  For those Families choosing to access Fort Bragg Child and Youth Services, their children will be placed in either a center or a certified Family child care home depending on space available, child’s need(s), and parent desires. Prior to registering for care, contact the Central Registration Office at (910) 396-8110, to received current procedures. Please bring current medical documentation concerning the special needs and the IEP, or IFSP, when you come in to register. This information is critical for placement into Child & Youth Services (CYS), and it remains confidential.


The CYS enrollment process is a 3-step process:

  1. Intake
  2. Special Needs Accommodation Process (SNAP) case review. Parent my be required to attend this meeting.  To learn more about SNAP, please click here.
  3. Placement Notification




EFMP Toolkit 

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