U.S. Education Secretary Praises Philanthropic and Nonprofit Support for Rural Schools

Sandra Abrevaya, (202) 401-1576, press@ed.gov

U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan released the following statement today, praising a partnership between the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and the Rural School and Community Trust to increase participation and the number of successful models offered by rural schools in the $650 million Investing in Innovation Fund grant competition.

“Rural schools and their partners know what works in their communities. I have seen examples of great innovations happening in rural schools, and we want to see these ideas shared and replicated,” Duncan said. “The Department has reached out to the philanthropic community to discuss ways to increase support for high-need schools. We must work together to ensure all schools can compete for the millions in federal discretionary grants that are available to grow programs that work regardless of their size or location.”

The Kellogg Foundation is providing a $1.4 million grant to the Rural Trust to provide technical assistance and professional grant-writing support for rural schools intending to apply for the i3 grant competition.

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