United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Office of Acquisition and Logistics — VA Acquisition Regulation (VAAR)

Subchapter I—Department Supplementary Regulations
Part 870—Special Procurement Controls

Subpart 870.1—Controls

870.111 Subsistence.
870.111-3 Contract clauses.
870.111-5 Frozen processed food products.
870.112 Telecommunications equipment.
870.113 Paid use of conference facilities.
870.115 Food service equipment.

AUTHORITY:  38 U.S.C. 501; 40 U.S.C. 121(c); and 48 CFR 1.301-1.304.

Subpart 870.1 - Controls

870.111  Subsistence.

870.111-3  Contract clauses.

(a) The contracting officer shall include the clause at 852.270-2, Bread and bakery products - quantities, in solicitations and contracts for bread and bakery products.

(b) The contracting officer shall include the clause at 852.270-3, Purchase of shellfish, in solicitations and contracts for shellfish.

870.111-5  Frozen processed food products.

(a) The following frozen processed food products must have a label complying with the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 301 et seq.), which requires that all ingredients be listed according to the order of their predominance:

(1) Frozen processed food products that contain meat, poultry, or a significant proportion of eggs.

(2) Frozen, processed food products that contain fish or fish products.

(3) Frozen bakery products.

(b) All procured frozen processed food products that contain meat, poultry or a significant proportion of eggs must meet the following requirements:

(1) The products must be processed or prepared in plants operating under the supervision of the Department of Agriculture (USDA).

(2) The product must be inspected and approved in accordance with USDA regulations governing meat, poultry, or egg inspection.  A label or seal that indicates compliance with USDA regulations, affixed to the container, will be accepted as evidence of compliance.

(c) All procured frozen, processed food products that contain fish or fish products must meet the following requirements:

(1) The product must be processed or prepared in plants operated under the supervision of the Department of Commerce (DOC).  The products listed in DOC's publication, “Approved List of Sanitarily Inspected Fish Establishments” are processed in plants under Federal inspection of the National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, DOC.  The inspected products packed under various labels bearing the brand names are produced in accordance with current U.S. Grade Standards or official product specifications, packed under optimum hygienic conditions, and must meet Federal, State, and city sanitation and health regulations.  Such brand label or DOC seal indicating compliance with DOC regulations, affixed to a container, will be accepted as evidence of compliance.

(2) If the condition in paragraph (c)(1) of this section was not met (no seal), the shipment may be lot-inspected by the DOC, and containers stamped to indicate acceptance or a Certification of Inspection issued to accompany the shipment.

(d) Producers of frozen bakery products that ship products in interstate commerce are required to comply with the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. Therefore, the product must be verified as shipped interstate or that the producer ships products to other purchasers interstate.

870.112  Telecommunications equipment.

(a) The contracting officer must include the clause at 852.211-71, Special notice in solicitations, including those for construction, that are based on detailed purchase descriptions or formal specifications for telecommunications equipment, as defined in VA manual MP-6, Part VIII (available at any VA facility).

(b) The Telecommunications Support Service must review and approve the descriptive literature required by the clause in 852.211-71, Special notice, furnished by the contractor after award, before delivery or installation by the contractor.  Promptly upon receipt of the descriptive literature, contracting officers will forward it, together with a copy of the contract, the formal specification, or the detailed purchase description, to the DSPE.

(c) Solicitations, including those for construction, for telecommunications equipment based on “brand name or equal” purchase description are subject to the following:

(1) Before award, contracting officers will forward to the DSPE the abstract of bids, one copy of each offer received, including descriptive literature and pertinent letters, and the comments and recommendations of the contracting officer.

(2) No commitments are to be made to contractors before receiving Central Office's response.

(3) The solicitation must allow at least 30 calendar days for acceptance to allow sufficient time for the review required by this paragraph.  (See FAR 52.214-16.)

870.113  Paid use of conference facilities.

When contracting for the use of conference facilities, contracting officers shall follow and comply with the Federal Travel Regulation, 41 CFR Part 301-74, Conference Planning, and shall document the contract file as specified therein, including documentation of efforts to locate Government-owned space and efforts to reduce costs.

870.115  Food service equipment.

(a) All new food service equipment purchased for Dietetic Service through other than Defense General Supply Center sources must meet requirements set forth by the National Sanitation Foundation.

(b) The contracting officer will accept an affixed National Sanitation Foundation label and/or documentation of the certification by the National Sanitation Foundation from the contractor as evidence that the subject equipment meets sanitation standards issued by the National Sanitation Foundation.