External Research Support

Following are required reports and required information for no-cost extension and other award change requests.

The Principal Investigator is strongly encouraged to disseminate research results promptly to the scientific community and appropriate professional organizations; local, state, regional, and federal agencies; and the general public. The Recipient must publish project reports in scientific or technical journals, in a peer-reviewed form.

Data generated as a part of work funded by the Earthquake Hazards Program is not subject to a proprietary period of exclusive data access. Any data generated must be made available to the USGS as soon as it is available. The USGS reserves a royalty-free, nonexclusive and irrevocable license to reproduce, publish, or otherwise use, and to authorize others to use, data for government purposes. The USGS Contracting Officer is the sole person to decide which data fall in this category should any questions arise.

Final Technical Report: FTRs shall describe in detail the work performed and results obtained during the award period and are due 90 days after the conclusion of the award. FTRs will be available on this website under the listing for each award from 2000 to present. Pre-2000 awards are available through the USGS Library (http://library.usgs.gov/index.html). Any information contained in a previously submitted Progress Report should be repeated or restated in the FTR as Progress Reports are not made available on this website. Please note that one FTR is to be submitted for each set of collaborative research awards with all PIs noted.

A Recipient's failure to submit the required final technical report and final financial report, generally within 6 months of the end date of the award, will result in delay or non-issuance of new awards or renewal funding.

Final Technical Reports shall include these components:

Please note: If your FTR exceeds 10MB, please reduce your pdf file size by using Adobe Acrobat Professional or other program.

Submit electronically to: gd-erp-coordinator@usgs.gov
(paper copies not required)

Final Technical Report for Workshop or Conferences:
FTRs for workshops or conference support should be submitted soon after the workshop ends and should include these components:

Please note: If your FTR exceeds 10MB, please reduce your pdf file size by using Adobe Acrobat Professional or other program.

Submit electronically to: gd-erp-coordinator@usgs.gov (paper copies not required)

Publications: The Principal Investigator is strongly encouraged to disseminate research results promptly to the scientific community and appropriate professional organizations. All publications that contain work performed during the award period shall include the following statement:

“Research supported by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Department of the Interior, under USGS award number (Recipient, insert award number). The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the U.S. Government.”

A reference to submitted publications will be included on this website under the listing for each award from 2000 to present.

Send a PDF of the publication(s) to: gd-erp-coordinator@usgs.gov

The subject of your email should read Publication- insert your award number Include the following information in your email:

If PDF is not possible, send 1 reprint to:

External Research Support
905 National Center
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive
Reston, VA 20192

Progress Report: Recipients of multi-year awards shall submit a report that summarizes the progress of the project during the each funding period (except the final funding period, for which an FTR is due). Collaborative awardees: submit one report for all collaborators. Work that was proposed for the first year should have been completed in that year. Please note that Progress Reports will not be available on this website, so all work described in a Progress Report must be repeated or restated in the FTR.

Progress Reports shall include these components:

Submit electronically to: gd-erp-coordinator@usgs.gov (paper copies not required)

No-cost Extensions are discouraged; the timely conduct of funded projects is of great importance to the achievement of EHP goals. The USGS reserves the right to limit the length of time and number of no-cost extensions. Requests for no-cost extensions will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Please note that no-cost extensions are not intended to be used merely for the purpose of expending unobligated balances. Request for no-cost extensions shall be submitted to the Contracting Officer at least 45 days before the grant end date. A request for an extension that is received by the Contracting Officer after the expiration date shall not be honored. Requests may be made via email to the Contracting Officer. Applicants must supply the following documentation supporting their request for an extension.

The Contracting Officer will notify the Recipient in writing within 30 calendar days after receipt of the request for revision or adjustment whether the request has been approved.

Other requests for award modifications The following requests for change require advance written approval by the Contracting Officer. Your request must be submitted to the Contracting Officer at least 45 calendar days prior to the requested effective date of the change: