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Meeting the Challenge: Building & Sustaining Capacity to Improve Conditions for Learning

Join us on August 8-9 in Washington DC for a conference titled Meeting the Challenge: Building & Sustaining Capacity to Improve Conditions for Learning.

The conference, organized by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Safe and Healthy Students, will explore five prevailing and emerging issues that influence conditions for learning:

  • school discipline
  • gender-based violence
  • behavioral health
  • bullying 
  • school safety

The event will provide a unique opportunity for participants to provide feedback to federal, nonprofit, and philanthropic agencies to help shape future work in these areas. To learn more and to register, click here.

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Announcing the Relaunch of Stop Bullying website

stopbullying.govBuilding on the momentum the Obama administration started more than a year ago to stop bullying in schools and communities, Education Secretary Arne Duncan and Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius  unveiled a revitalized Stop Bullying website – www.stopbullying.gov – on March 30, 2012 to encourage children, parents, educators, and communities to take action to stop and prevent bullying.

The website provides a map with detailed information on state laws and policies, interactive webisodes and videos for young people, practical strategies for schools and communities to ensure safe environments, and suggestions on how parents can talk about this sensitive subject with their children. The site also explores the dangers of cyberbullying and steps youngsters and parents can take to fight it.

“We’ve come a long way in the past year in educating the public about the health and educational impacts that bullying can have on students. But simply being aware of the problem is not enough,” said Secretary Duncan. “Everyone has a role to play, and StopBullying.gov features ways we can all take action against bullying.”

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