Columbia University Graduate Study at NASA/GISS

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The Columbia University Departments of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics, Earth and Environmental Engineering, and Chemical Engineering cooperate with each other and with the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, and International Research Institute for Climate and Society in offering a graduate program in atmospheric science. The program supports research on atmospheres and climates in all their aspects. Each graduate student is enrolled in an academic department and follows the normal procedures of that department regarding admission and progression towards the Ph.D. degree. However, course offerings have been designed collaboratively with the needs of multiple departments in mind, and advisory committees commonly include faculty from multiple departments. Relevant seminars and other activities occur in all participating departments and institutes, providing a uniquely broad and stimulating intellectual environment for graduate study.

Further information about the program is available from Columbia University's Interdepartmental Committee on Atmospheric Science.

Prospective students should contact Dr. Anthony Del Genio for information about the Columbia University program specific to the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies.

We also provide here a list of alumni of the Columbia University atmospheric sciences program who performed their research at NASA/GISS since the mid 1980s, as well as a list of refereed journal articles which resulted from their research.