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VIDEO: AUSTR Carol Guthrie Talks About Making the WTO Ministerial Accessible for Everyone

11/24/2009 - 3:05pm

Next week, Ambassador Kirk will travel to Geneva, Switzerland for the seventh ministerial meeting of the World Trade Organization. Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Public and Media Affairs, Carol Guthrie, sat down earlier to talk about how USTR will be making this year's ministerial accessible for everyone. Watch the video below and read the remarks below.

"Hello, my name is Carol Guthrie and I am the Assistant United States Trade Representative for Public and Media Affairs.

On November 30, United States Trade Representative, Ron Kirk and I will be in Geneva, Switzerland at the 7th ministerial meeting of the World Trade Organization.
And we want you to come along as well.

While we're in Geneva, Ambassador Kirk will meet with trade ministers from the other 152 members of the WTO. Here at USTR, we know that increasing American exports to our trading partner economies helps us to grow good-paying jobs here at home.

So Ambassador Kirk will be working hard to build relationships with these partners and open new doors for American exporters and workers.

Here on, we want to open a door for you - with an insider's view of this WTO ministerial.

We'll cover this meeting in real time on, Facebook, Flickr and Twitter, with updates,
interviews, photos, and all sorts of information.

Trade can make a real difference in America's economic recovery, and in your family's finances.

So we want you to know what we're doing in Geneva, and why. We're working there to create economic opportunities for all Americans, through trade.

Stay tuned to Become a fan of us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and check out some photos on our Flickr page.

We'll report back from Geneva all next week."