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Exchange of Letters Establishing KORUS Working Group on SMEs and Committee on Services & Investment

On October 30, 2011, the United States and Korea agreed to establish a Working Group on Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) and a Committee on Services and Investment under the United States-Korea (KORUS) Trade Agreement. Korean Trade Minister Kim Jong-Hoon and U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk exchanged letters to establish the Working Group and Committee. Like other committees and working groups created under the KORUS, these new entities will enable the United States and Korea to work together to address issues of importance that arise under the KORUS and to implement the KORUS as effectively as possible.

The letters are below.

Committee on Services and Investment:

Letter from Minister Kim to Ambassador Kirk regarding the Committee on Services and Investment under the United States-Korea (KORUS) Trade Agreement

Letter from Ambassador Kirk to Minister Kim regarding the Committee on Services and Investment under the United States-Korea (KORUS) Trade Agreement

Working Group on Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs):

Letter from Minister Kim to Ambassador Kirk regarding the Working Group on Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) under the United States-Korea (KORUS) Trade Agreement

Letter from Ambassador Kirk to Minister Kim regarding the Working Group on Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) under the United States-Korea (KORUS) Trade Agreement