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Ambassador Kirk Addresses the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt

03/23/2010 - 4:28pm

As part of his trip to Cairo, Egypt, Ambassador Kirk gave a keynote address at the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt on U.S.-Egypt trade relations today.

Ambassador Kirk at the Egypt AmCham

In his remarks, Ambassador Kirk spoke of the importance of international trade to the global economic recovery - creating jobs in America and across the globe.

"We are keenly aware that today's business environment is more fiercely competitive than ever. We welcome global competition as vitally beneficial to American producers as well as consumers.

Egyptians, too, have demonstrated that you possess the determination and skill to compete successfully and to uplift your society, despite the painful stresses of adjusting to today's globally-integrating economy, as have many of your neighbors.

As I said, Egypt is my first stop in the Middle East and for good reason: as AmCham members have stated often, this country is increasingly seen by businesses as a growing market in its own right and as a vital commercial hub for the Middle East and Africa regions.

In my view, American business can play a critical role in Egypt and across this part of the world to advance economic reform and promote prosperity.

Trade, whether regional or global, lowers prices for consumer goods, improves human welfare and quality of life, and most importantly, creates jobs."

In addition to speaking to the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt, Ambassador Kirk met with with Egyptian Foreign Minister Abul Gheit and Egyptian Agriculture Minister Amin Abaza today.

Yesterday in Cairo, Ambassador Kirk met with Egyptian Prime Minister Ahmed Nazif, Egyptian Minister of Industry and Trade Rachid Mohamed Rachid, and Egyptian Minister of Investment Mahmoud Mohieldin.

Tomorrow Ambassador Kirk will head to Brussels, Belgium where he will meet with European Union officials and participate in the German Marshall Fund Brussels Forum.