Oversight Reports

Filter Options

Use the controls below to filter the list of oversight reports. Click on the headings to view the filter choices.

Current Filter

  • Report Type: Healthcare Inspections

Records 1 - 10 of 378 oversight reports that match your filter criteria.


Date Range

Limits the list of reports to those published in the date range specified below.



Report Location

Limits the list of reports to those pertaining to the cities selected below. Hold down the control key to select multiple values or to toggle an individual value on or off.


VA Administration/Staff Office

Limits the list of reports to those pertaining to the VA offices selected below. Hold down the control key to select multiple values or to toggle an individual value on or off.


Report Type

Limits the list of reports to the report types selected below. Hold down the control key to select multiple values or to toggle an individual value on or off. For a description of the types of oversight reports published by the OIG, please visit our Reports and Publications homepage.


OIG Report Author

Limits reports to those authored by specific OIG elements. Hold down the control key to select multiple values or to toggle an individual value on or off.


Report Numbers

Helpful for finding reports if you know the report number. Separate multiple values with semicolons.


Search Terms

Limit the results to reports that match your search terms.

Displaying records at a time.