The Latest from PolitiFact Wisconsin Saturday, January 5th, 2013

A scorecard separating fact from fiction

Among Milwaukee Public Schools students, "86 percent are behind in reading and 80 percent are behind in math."  

"Over $1 trillion" was spent on anti-poverty programs in 2011, enough to "give every single poor American a check for $22,000."

"Faculty salaries at UW System institutions have now fallen more than 18 percent below the national average."

"One out of every four students fails to earn a high school diploma. In our major cities across America, half of our kids don’t graduate."

Promise: Create 250,000 new jobs

Update: A swing to the positive

"If lawmakers fail to avert the fiscal cliff, 18 percent of the federal money that is sent to the states will be eliminated."

Promise: Reopen tourism visitor centers closed under Gov. Jim Doyle

Update: All are back in operation

Thanks to actions by the Milwaukee County Board on the 2013 budget, the amount of county taxes on the average home in the city of Milwaukee "would be a $19 decrease."

"Scott Walker has even removed the 250,000 jobs promise from his website."

Wisconsin has created "just under 100,000" jobs since he took office.  

Says state schools superintendent candidate Don Pridemore "voted for the largest cuts to public education in our state history" and for "$2.3 billion in tax breaks for corporations and the wealthy."

Milwaukee County government employees pay "much more" for their health care than City of Milwaukee or State of Wisconsin employees.

Democratic Party candidates for the state Assembly "actually received 200,000 more votes statewide" than their Republican counterparts in the 2012 election  

Says he first unveiled his new legislative agenda in Wisconsin, not in California as critics complain  

Says President Barack Obama "did not come into office with the economy in a free fall."

Says Gov. Scott Walker has "led people to believe that if Wisconsin doesn’t implement a (health-care) exchange, Obamacare doesn’t happen here."  

"Wisconsin is the only state that allows parents or guardians to purchase alcohol for their children – regardless of whether that child is seven or 20 years old – at bars and restaurants."

"Secular Americans are the fastest-growing religious identification demographic in this country."  

Promise: Increase access to state lands for hunters

Update: Some $5 million in improvements OKd in budget, many already complete

Promise: Create 250,000 new jobs

Update: October report slides the year into negative territory

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PolitiFact Wisconsin is a partnership of the
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and, a Pulitzer Prize-winning Web site of the Tampa Bay Times, to help you find the truth in politics.

Every day, reporters and researchers from the Journal Sentinel examine statements by Wisconsin elected officials and candidates and anyone else who speaks up on matters of public importance. We research their statements and then rate the accuracy on our Truth-O-Meter:

TRUE – The statement is accurate and there’s nothing significant missing.

MOSTLY TRUE – The statement is accurate but needs clarification or additional information.

HALF TRUE – The statement is partially accurate but leaves out important details or takes things out of context.

MOSTLY FALSE – The statement contains an element of truth but ignores critical facts that would give a different impression.

FALSE – The statement is not accurate.

PANTS ON FIRE – The statement is not accurate and makes a ridiculous claim.

For more details, see the Principles of PolitiFact and the Truth-O-Meter.


Tracking the promises of Scott Walker

The latest from the Walk-O-Meter

24 (%)
Promise Kept
5 (%)
8 (%)
Promise Broken
3 (%)
11 (%)
In the Works
14 (%)
Not yet rated

Tracking the promises of Chris Abele

The latest from the Abele-O-Meter

7 (%)
Promise Kept
10 (%)
Promise Broken
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