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Equal Opportunity Advisor (EOA)

Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC) Equal Opportunity Advisor (EOA)

is responsible for all Equal Opportunity Advisors across the Commander, Navy Installations Command enterprise.  CNIC Equal Opportunity Advisors assist Sailors in our regions with informal and formal Equal Opportunity (EO) and Sexual Harassment (SH) complaints.  Not only are CNIC Equal Opportunity Advisors involved in Equal Opportunity and Sexual Harassment issues, but also the Navy's Diversity Strategy and Human Capital Strategy.  Other commands can request CNIC Equal Opportunity Advisors to provide training, command assessment assistance and complaint handling assistance.

The following regions have Equal Opportunity Advisors

  • Europe
  • Guam
  • Hawaii
  • Japan
  • Mid-Atlantic
  • Midwest
  • Naval District Washington
  • Northwest
  • Southeast
  • Southwest


To contact the CNIC Equal Opportunity Advisor, please call (202) 433-4325, DSN 288-4325.


FAQ's regarding EOA process

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