U.S. Department of Commerce

Frequently Asked Questions


Do I have to respond to the American Community Survey (ACS)?

Yes. Responding to the American Community Survey (ACS) is about helping national, tribal, state and local officials make informed decisions with timely and accurate data. Just as people are required to respond to jury duty, get a driver’s license in order to drive, pay their taxes and report their income, they also have the obligation to respond to decennial census surveys.

The ACS is conducted under the authority of Title 13, United States Code (U.S.C.), Sections 141 and 193, and response is required by law.  According to Section 221, persons who do not respond shall be fined not more than $100.  Title 18 U.S.C. Section 3571 and Section 3559, in effect amend Title 13 U.S.C. Section 221 by changing the fine for anyone over 18 years old who refuses or willfully neglects to complete the questionnaire or answer questions posed by census takers from a fine of not more than $100 to not more than $5,000.


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