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Organization Chart for EPA's Region 2 Office

About Region 2

  • Region 2 Regional Administrator and
    Deputy Regional Administrator

    About ORA

    877-251-4575 (Toll-free)

  • Caribbean Environmental Protection Division

    About CEPD


Judith A. Enck, Regional Administrator 

George Pavlou, Deputy Regional Administrator

EPA's Region 2 office includes:

Office of Policy and Management (OPM)

Assistant Regional Administrator: Donna Vizian

What We Do: OPM provides policy coordination and analytical support across regional programs ensuring that the management, organization and decision-making processes of the region function efficiently. This office works to assure the most efficient and effective management of resources in order to accomplish regional objectives. It is also responsible for state and program grants, grants administration, contracts and human resources management and equal employment opportunity. OPM responsibilities also include: integrated planning and budgeting with linkages to agency-level policy issues involving states and program grants; audit management; financial management; information systems; total quality and customer service coordination; health and safety; and facilities management.

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Office of Regional Counsel (ORC)

Director: Eric Schaaf

What We Do: ORC is responsible for the development, implementation and coordination of all regional legal activities including: coordination and conduct of enforcement and defensive litigation; legal aspects of the Region's financial assistance activities including grant appeals and bid protests; review for legal sufficiency of many regional actions such as state delegations, permit actions, Federal Register notices, etc., and various other regional actions; and activities which raise legal questions, interpretation of agency guidance, regulations and statutes, and coordination of legal and enforcement activities with state and local governments. The Regional Counsel manages and supervises the ORC legal and clerical staff.

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Clean Air and Sustainability Division (CASD)

Director: John Filippelli

What We Do: CASD is responsible for planning, organizing, directing and controlling the programs and projects involving clean air and sustainability issues, which include developing, and coordinating the implementation of joint EPA/State/Tribal strategic plans; recommending the award of program grants to states and tribes to support implementation of the joint strategic plans; developing and coordinating the implementation of locality-specific plans to achieve environmental goals and objectives; conducting environmental reviews in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), Endangered Species Act (ESA), Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA), Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (FWCA); overseeing the Pollution Prevention Act (PPA) and Source Reduction programs; developing and coordinating the implementation of locality-specific plans to achieve environmental goals and objectives; working with the states to implement state air pollution control planning and permitting programs under the Clean Air Act (CAA); working with the states to develop and manage the hazardous waste storage, treatment and disposal permitting and corrective action programs under Subtitle C of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and its amendments; assisting the states in implementing solid waste programs under Subtitle D of RCRA including sustainable materials management; and minimizing exposure to radioactive materials and indoor air pollutants through oversight of radioactive waste clean-up and disposal methods, enforcement of radionuclide emissions standards and public outreach.

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Clean Water Division (CWD)

Director: Joan Matthews

What We Do: CWD is responsible for planning, organizing, directing and controlling the programs and projects involving clean water issues, which include developing, and coordinating the implementation of joint EPA/State/Tribal strategic plans; recommending the award of program grants to states and tribes to support implementation of the joint strategic plans; developing and coordinating the implementation of locality-specific plans to achieve environmental goals and objectives; working with the states and the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to implement water pollution control planning and permitting programs under the Clean Water Act (CWA); working with the state to develop and implement comprehensive ground water management programs; managing the State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan program under the CWA and the Special Appropriations grant programs; designating and managing ocean disposal sites, and ensuring that disposal activities comply with the provisions of the Marine Protection Research and Sanctuaries Act (MPRSA); and, working with the states to ensure an adequate and safe supply of drinking water in accordance with the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA).

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Division of Enforcement and Compliance Assistance (DECA)

Director: Dore LaPosta

What We Do: DECA plans and implements a comprehensive, multi-media enforcement and compliance program for the region. The division ensures compliance with the full range of environmental statutes and regulations for the air, surface water, drinking water, ground water, solid and hazardous waste, UST/LUST, and pesticides and toxic substances programs. Integrated enforcement planning with coordination of other divisions allows the region to respond comprehensively to facilities that are in violation of more than one federal statute. DECA also provides an enhanced focus on compliance assistance, supporting this Administration's efforts in the area of regulatory reform.

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Emergency and Remedial Response Division (ERRD)

Director: Walter Mugdan

What We Do: ERRD develops, implements and coordinates regional activities under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) and the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA). The division manages a comprehensive program for site evaluation, expedited response actions, immediate removals and long-term remedial actions, including cost recovery activities. ERRD is also responsible for emergency response and emergency contingency planning and oil spill control and monitoring.

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Division of Environmental Science and Assessment (DESA)

Director: Deb Szaro

What We Do: DESA supports the Agency's regional and national compliance monitoring and ambient monitoring programs. The division sets priorities and identifies the resources needed to collect and evaluate environmental samples and analyze the resulting data. It directs special studies, investigations and surveys to support regional enforcement actions or define environmental quality problems in our region. The Senior Science Officer enhances the region's focus on strong science and its connections with academia.

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Public Affairs Division (PAD)

Director: Bonnie Bellow

What We Do: PAD develops, implements and coordinates communications for the region and plans and oversees community relations, public outreach and intergovernmental activities. This division serves as a focal point for relations with the print and broadcast media, Congressional, state and local elected officials, public interest groups and concerned community members, and works to ensure that the public is informed about the Agency's policies and programs. It operates a regional speakers bureau, produces public information materials and events, and is responsible for managing the region's environmental education program, Superfund community relations, the Region 2 Web site and the Freedom of Information Act control office.

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Caribbean Environmental Protection Division (CEPD)

Director: José Font (Acting)

What We Do: CEPD serves as the primary liaison on environmental issues and problems with the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and Territory of the Virgin Islands governments, as well as with the press, community groups, and regulated industries and authorities. This division conducts inspections, identifies violations, recommends enforcement actions, and plans and coordinates activities necessary to implement regional programs in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. CEPD coordinates preventive and corrective measures to be taken by EPA and supports emergency response actions.

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