United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Office of Academic Affiliations

VA National Academic Affiliations Council

The newly formed Veterans Affairs (VA) advisory committee will provide a forum for joint planning and coordination between VA and the nation’s health professions schools and universities.


Secretary Eric K. Shinseki

Secretary Eric K. Shinseki

"Our long-standing partnership with the academic community has been of enormous benefit to veterans" said Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki. "Honoring the sacrifice of those injured or ill from military service with state of the art health care must be a top priority."


Dr. Jordan J. Cohen will chair the VA National Academic Affiliations Council. A professor of medicine and public health at the George Washington University, Cohen has served VA in numerous roles over the years, most recently as chairman of the Blue Ribbon Panel on VA-Medical School Affiliations. Establishing a permanent advisory committee, with a broad membership across the health professions, was one of more than 50 recommendations of this blue ribbon panel.

The new 14-member VA advisory committee will advise Secretary Shinseki and Under Secretary for Health Robert A. Petzel on ways to further enhance what has become the largest public-private partnership in VA’s history and a cornerstone of American health professions education.