United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Public Health

Military Exposures

of soldier in goggles and camouflage fabric face covering in the 

Veterans may have been exposed to a range of chemical, physical, and environmental hazards during military service.

Man in black T-shirt.

Reports on Veterans' Health Care Use

What are the most common diagnoses given to recent Veterans (OEF/OIF/OND) in VA health care facilities? Find out by checking the latest quarterly reports.


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4 Ways to Find Exposures

Related Health Concerns


Wars & Operations


Exposure Categories



Exposure Topics A–Z 


Get VA Benefits

Registry Evaluation

A free medical assessment for possible health problems related to specific environmental hazards



Monthly compensation for military service-connected injuries, diseases or conditions


Health Care

Health care services for eligible Veterans, how to qualify and apply

Research Studies

Female and male discussing research data

Find out about military exposure-related research studies »

Publications & Reports

Health Registry brochure

Use these resources and media materials on military exposures and Veterans »

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