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Strategic Studies Institute

United States Army War College

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All Publications By Date

39 Publications Found in 2001

Added December 01, 2001
Type: Book
Transforming Defense an Era of Peace and Prosperity
Edited by Dr. Conrad C. Crane.
The ideas and issues presented in this collection of papers from the Twelfth Annual Strategy Conference conducted by the U.S. Army War College in April 2001 will educate and inform anyone interested in the past and future course of American defense reform.
Added December 01, 2001
Type: Colloquium Report
The Transatlantic Security Agenda: A Conference Report and Analysis
Authored by Dr. Stephen J. Blank.
Immediately after the terrorist attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade Center, NATO members unanimously voted their support for the United States under Article V of the Washington Treaty. This unprecedented action, the first time such a vote has occurred in NATO's history, underscores the vitality of the Atlantic Alliance and its tremendous strategic value for its members.
Added December 01, 2001
Type: Monograph
Colombia's Paramilitaries: Criminals or Political Force?
Authored by Mr. David Spencer.
The author points out, first, that the Colombian paramilitary self-defense forces represent some important sectors of society, and enjoy more popular support from Colombian society than the insurgents. Second, the paramilitaries have developed into a powerful irregular force that is proving itself capable of challenging Colombian guerrillas. Third, while they commit horrendous atrocities, they have been successful where the state has not.
Added December 01, 2001
Type: Monograph
ESDP and Missile Defense: European Perspectives for More Balanced Transatlantic Partnership
Authored by Mr. Martin Aguera.
As the United States responds to a changing global security environment, the U.S. pursuit of missile defense and Europe's construction of European Security and Defense Policy (ESDP) have the potential to complicate U.S.-European security cooperation. However, rather than serving as wedges between the United States and Europe, both of these can help construct a better security relationship.
Added November 01, 2001
Type: Book
Chinese Information Warfare: A Phantom Menace or Emerging Threat?
Authored by Mr. Toshi Yoshihara.
The author explores what he perceives to be China s pursuit of information warfare (IW) as a method of fighting asymmetric warfare against the United States. The author examines those aspects of IW--PSYOPS, Denial, and Deception--that China believes provides the greatest prospects for victory in a conflict.
Added November 01, 2001
Type: Book
Rapid Decisive Operations: An Assumptions-Based Critique
Authored by Dr. Antulio J. Echevarria, II.
The author argues that, while those who developed the concept of rapid decisive operations (RDO) deserve high praise for attempting to link two relative properties—speed and decisiveness—the definition of RDO is at present incoherent and based on several deeply flawed assumptions. He goes on to recommend a method—which he calls Assumption-based Concept Development—for identifying and addressing an operational concept's critical assumptions.
Added October 01, 2001
Type: Book
The Costs of Conflict: The Impact on China of a Future War
Edited by Dr. Andrew Scobell.
Will economic development enhance China s comprehensive national power and thus contribute to some of China s more unhealthy goals, such as dominating the South China Seas, seizing Taiwan by force, or grabbing the Senkaku Islands from Japan? Is the China-Taiwan economic dynamic strong enough to offset military adventurism?
Added October 01, 2001
Type: Book
AC/RC Integration: Today's Success and Transformation's Challenge
Authored by Dr. Dallas D. Owens.
Lieutenant Colonel Dallas Owens analyzes current integration programs and initiatives and evaluates them for their potential to resist transformation's possible threat to AC/RC integration. He provides conclusions about the current and future state of AC/RC integration and offers recommendations to overcome transformation s challenges to integration.
Added October 01, 2001
Type: Book
Soldiers in Cities: Military Operations on Urban Terrain
Authored by Dr. Michael Desch.
This is required reading for military professionals and others interested in defense policy and issues. America's own military history demonstrates the soldier's dilemma in fighting among populations. Our doctrine and cultural focus have remained preoccupied with the classic "fight in the woods" or the seizure of high ground.
Added September 01, 2001
Type: Book
Toward a Strategy of Positive Ends
Authored by Dr. Antulio J. Echevarria, II, Brigadier General (Ret.) Huba Wass de Czege.
Brigadier General (Retired) Huba Wass de Czege and Lieutenant Colonel Antulio J. Echevarria II make a case for a strategy aimed at achieving positive, rather than neutral or negative, ends. They first discuss the dynamic conditions of the new strategic environment, then explore the options the United States has available for dealing with those conditions. The options include (1) preventive defense, (2) neo-isolationism, and (3) a strategy that pursues positive ends.
Added September 01, 2001
Type: Book
Preparing for Asymmetry: As Seen Through the Lens of Joint Vision 2020
Authored by Ms. Melissa Applegate.
Since the mid-1990s, the concept of strategic asymmetry has begun to receive serious attention from the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). The 1997 Quadrennial Defense Review, for instance, stated, "U.S. dominance in the conventional military arena may encourage adversaries to use . . . asymmetric means to attack our forces and interests overseas and Americans at home." But while American strategists and defense leaders sense the importance of strategy asymmetry, much analytical work remains to be done before it is fully understood. The author assesses the revisions to Joint Vision 2020, DOD's roadmap to the future, that must be undertaken in order to prepare for asymmetric challenges.
Added September 01, 2001
Type: Book
Budget Policy and Fiscal Risk: Implications for Defense
Authored by Dr. Dennis S. Ippolito.
The defense budget remains one of the central shaping features of U.S. national security and national military strategy. To understand what is possible in terms of defense transformation, one must first have a firm grasp of the budgetary context of strategic decisions. The author shows that defense will continue to compete with domes
Added September 01, 2001
Type: Monograph
Funding Defense: Challenges of Buying Military Capability in Sub-Saharan Africa
Authored by Dr. Martin Revayi Rupiya, COL Daniel W. Henk.
Martin Rupiya, Director of the University of Zimbabwe's Centre for Defence Studies, and Daniel Henk of the Air War College provide one of the first comprehensive studies of defense budgeting practices in Africa. They assess both the problems with these practices and fruitful avenues of reform. By doing so, they provide a solid roadmap both for African leaders and for Americans concerned with the development of greater security in the region.
Added September 01, 2001
Type: Monograph
Internal Wars: Rethinking Problem and Response
Authored by Dr. Max G. Manwaring.
Asymmetric guerrilla war--insurgencies, internal wars, and other small-scale contingencies (SSCs)--are the most pervasive and likely type of conflict in the post-Cold War era. The author draws from the lessons of the recent past to better prepare today's civilian and military leaders to meet the unconventional and asymmetric warfare challenges that face the United States and the rest of the intern
Added September 01, 2001
Type: Monograph
The Hart-Rudman Commission and the Homeland Defense
Authored by Dr. Ian Roxborough.
With the exception of attacks by ballistic missiles, the continental United States was long held to be virtually immune from attack. For Americans, wars were something that took place in other countries. In the future, that may not hold. But while strategic thinkers agree that homeland defense needs greater attention, there is less consensus on the precise nature of the threat.
Added August 01, 2001
Type: Book
The Drug Scourge as a Hemispheric Problem
Authored by General Barry R. McCaffrey.
General Barry McCaffrey, USA (Retired) argues that Colombia s 40 million citizens must not be deserted by their neighbors. Leaving the Colombians to deal in isolation with a pervasive drug problem will deeply affect all 800 million of us in the Western Hemisphere through addiction, violence, and corruption. Moreover, he argues that the United States and the entire international community must supp
Added August 01, 2001
Type: Book
W(h)ither Corps?
Authored by Dr. D. Robert Worley.
Army transformation has many dimensions with change in technology, operational methods, and organizations. So far, the focus of organizational transformation has been on the redesign of tactical units such as the interim brigade combat teams. But corps--the Army's operational level organizations--must also be transformed.
Added August 01, 2001
Type: Monograph
Jihadi Groups, Nuclear Pakistan, and the New Great Game
Authored by Dr. M. Ehsan Ahrari.
The author assesses Jihadi groups from the framework of a new "Great Game" for influence in Central Asia involving an array of states. He argues that, if this competition leads to increased violence, outside states including the United States could be drawn in. On the other hand, if the region stabilizes, it could provide solid economic and political partners for the United States. A well-designed American strategy, Ahrari contends, might help avoid crises or catastrophe.
Added July 01, 2001
Type: Book
Army Transformation: A View from the U.S. Army War College
Edited by Dr. Williamson Murray.
The famous British general, the Duke of Wellington, wrote that, "The country must have a large and efficient army, one capable of meeting the enemy abroad, or they must expect to meet him at home." Our security interests and the need for landpower to secure them span the globe. Dr. Williamson Murray's introduction sets the historical context for military transformation.
Added July 01, 2001
Type: Monograph
Educating International Security Practitioners: Preparing to Face the Demands of the 21st Century International Security Environment
Authored by Dr. Robert H. Dorff, Brigadier General Daniel J. Kaufman, Dr. James M. Smith, Dr. Linda P. Brady.
The authors examine the challenges of the 21st century international security environment to which future strategic leaders and policy practitioners will need to respond.
Added June 01, 2001
Type: Book
U.S. Security Policy in the Western Hemisphere: Why Colombia, Why Now, and What Is To Be Done?
Authored by Dr. Max G. Manwaring.
In substantive U.S. national security terms, the author addresses the questions, Why Colombia, Why Now, and What Is To Be Done? He points out that the fragile democracy of Colombia is at risk, and that the violent spillover effects of three simultaneous wars pose a threat to the rest of the Western Hemisphere and the interdependent global community. He recommends an actionable political-military s
Added June 01, 2001
Type: Book
Plan Colombia: Some Differing Perspectives
Authored by Dr. Gabriel Marcella, GEN (RET) Charles E. Wilhelm, Colombian General Alvaro Valencia Tovar, Dr. Ricardo Arias Calderon, Mr. Chris Marquis.
Contains introduction and four papers present distinct perspectives on the potential effectiveness of Plan Colombia. Co-authors include former Commander of US Southern Command, former Vice-President of Panama, a noted Colombian military intellectual, and New York Times correspondent.
Added June 01, 2001
Type: Book
Future Warfare Anthology, Revised Edition
Authored by Major General Robert H. Scales.
Throughout U.S. history the American military services have had an unfortunate penchant for not being ready be the next war. American military institutions have been surprisingly optimistic in weighting their preparedness as they embarked on the nation's wars. Military institutions have always had considerable problems in adapting and innovating during inter-war periods.
Added June 01, 2001
Type: Monograph
The Regional Security Crisis in the Andes: Patterns of State Response
Authored by Dr. Judith A. Gentleman.
The instability, corruption, displacement of people, and violence generated by Colombia s unholy trinity of narcotics traffickers, insurgents, and paramilitaries is spilling over into virtually all of northern South America and Panama. The author outlines some of the detail and implications of the regional security crisis in the Andes and makes recommendations for U.S. civil-military involvement in the hemispheric security arena. She specifically argues for the U.S. military to build stronger and more cooperative security relationships within the circle of affected states around Colombia.
Added May 01, 2001
Type: Book
Plan Colombia: The View from the Presidential Palace
Authored by Mr. Eduardo Pizano.
The author, a former member of the Colombian Senate and now the General Secretary to the President of Colombia, discusses various misconceptions stemming from the uncertainty and confusion that permeated conference discussions involving U.S. policy in Colombia and the implementation of Plan Colombia. Finally, he argues that there are no cocksure short-term answers to Colombia s problems. What is c
Added May 01, 2001
Type: Book
U.S. Support of PLAN COLOMBIA: Rethinking the Ends and Means
Authored by Dr. Stephen E. Flynn.
The author argues that the U.S. emphasis on drug control in its support of Plan Colombia is misguided and akin to prescribing an antibiotic regime to combat a disease not caused by bacteria or similar micro-organisms. The illegal drug industry in Colombia is not the cause of that country's fragile socio-political system, but a symptom of and a contributor to the fragility of the Colombian state.
Added May 01, 2001
Type: Monograph
The Search for Accountability and Transparency in PLAN COLOMBIA: Reforming Judicial Institutions--Again
Authored by Dr. Luz E. Nagle.
The author argues that confidence in an efficient, courageous and transparent judiciary goes to the very heart of the governability of Colombia, and that Plan Colombia does not address the root causes of Colombia's problems. These are weak government, inequality, absence of citizen participation, corruption and an ineffective legal system.
Added May 01, 2001
Type: Monograph
European Perceptions of Plan Colombia: A Virtual Contribution to a Virtual War and Peace Plan?
Authored by Dr. Joaquin Roy.
Europeans apparently do not approve of the seeming U.S. emphasis on providing military equipment and training to Colombia for a counternarcotics effort in what they see as a larger strategic political conflict. At the same time, he reports that Europeans are not only concerned with the counternarcotics violence in Colombia, but also with the economic, security, and political spillover effects for
Added April 01, 2001
Type: Book
Plan Colombia: The Strategic and Operational Imperatives
Authored by Dr. Gabriel Marcella.
Examines the strategic theory within Plan Colombia, the master plan which the government of Colombia developed to strengthen democracy through peace, security, and economic development. Recommends that the United States and the world community assist Colombia, but the sacrifices must be made collectively by Colombians.
Added April 01, 2001
Type: Book
U.S. Army and the Asia-Pacific
Authored by Dr. Andrew Scobell.
The author highlights the significant and ongoing contribution of the U.S. Army in deterring war, executing smaller-scale contingencies, and shaping the security environment. He advocates a robust, pro- active Army presence for the foreseeable future. Such a presence will ensure the promotion and protection of U.S. national interests in the region.
Added April 01, 2001
Type: Book
Revising the Two MTW Force Shaping Paradigm
Authored by Dr. Steven Metz.
One of the most important elements of U.S. military strategy for the past 10 years has been the belief that a force able to fight two nearly simultaneous major theater wars of the DESERT STORM type would be capable of dealing with the full gamut of security challenges that the United States is likely to face.
Added April 01, 2001
Type: Book
Political Control over the Use of Force: A Clausewitzian Perspective
Authored by Lieutenant Colonel Suzanne C. Nielsen.
The author addresses the issues regarding the ideal relationship between the commander and the statesman in time of war and the balance between political control and military operational expertise by examining what Carl von Clausewitz has to say about civil- military relations and the use of force. She looks in depth at Clausewitz s arguments, reviews his theoretical approach, and discusses four key implications of the basic idea that political purposes govern war.
Added April 01, 2001
Type: Monograph
Fighting the Hobbesian Trinity in Colombia: A New Strategy for Peace
Authored by Colonel Joseph R. Nunez.
After introducing what he calls the Hobbesian trinity, the author discusses alternatives to intervention and notes the complexity of the human rights challenge. He suggests a new strategy for improving human security, government accountability, democratic reform, and peace prospects. The author argues that the current approach is heading the wrong way, moving away from peace and fomenting greater instability.
Added March 01, 2001
Type: Book
The Army and Homeland Security: A Strategic Perspective
Authored by Dr. Antulio J. Echevarria, II.
The topic of homeland security includes a broad array of missions and mission areas ranging from national missile defense to military assistance to civil authorities. The topic has recently attracted a great deal of attention due to the public's heightened awareness of the variety and nature of emerging threats and of the United States vulnerabilities to them. The Army Staff was assigned to investigate the Army's role in homeland security from a strategic, rather than a legal or procedural perspective.
Added February 01, 2001
Type: Book
Planning for a Peaceful Korea
Authored by Mr. Henry D. Sokolski.
With the change of administrations in Washington, current U.S. policy toward North Korea will naturally undergo review and scrutiny. The essays in this volume offer an option to the current engagement approach. The authors suggest an alternative strategy for promoting peace and security in the Korean peninsula different from the ones contemplated or implemented by Washington in recent years.
Added February 01, 2001
Type: Book
U.S. Army War College Guide to Strategy
Edited by Dr. Joseph R. Cerami, Colonel James F. Holcomb, Jr..
The purpose of this volume is to present the USAWC strategy formulation model to students and practitioners - an approach which we have found to be useful in providing generations of strategists with the conceptual tools to think systematically, strategically, critically, creatively, and big. Balancing ends, ways, and means.
Added January 01, 2001
Type: Book
The American Army in the Balkans: Strategic Alternatives and Implications
Authored by Dr. Steven Metz.
U.S. strategy in the Balkans and the Army's role there is examined. The author recommends continued U.S. involvement, consideration of a long-term American military presence in the region, and some significant changes in role of the U.S. Army.
Added January 01, 2001
Type: Book
Asymmetry and U.S. Military Strategy: Definition, Background, and Strategic Concepts
Authored by Dr. Steven Metz, Dr. Douglas V. Johnson, II.
This report gives a simple and comprehensive definition of strategic asymmetry reflecting the need for military doctrine which transcends today's specific issues. The authors assess the strategic situation of the United States in terms of positive and negative asymmetry and offer five strategic concepts as part of the response to asymmetry: maximum conceptual and organizational adaptability, focused intelligence, minimal vulnerability, full spectrum precision, and an integrated homeland security strategy.
Added January 01, 2001
Type: Monograph
Landpower and Crises: Army Roles and Missions in Smaller-Scale Contingencies During the 1990s
Authored by Dr. Conrad C. Crane.
The author analyzes the role of landpower in the 170 smaller-scale contingencies conducted by the United States during the last decade. The author especially emphasizes the recurring problems in the planning, execution, and force structure for stabilization tasks, including nation-building.

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