United States Election Assistance Comittee

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National Mail Voter Registration Form

U.S. citizens can use the Form to register to vote, update registration information due to a name change, address change, or to register with a political party.

Voter Tips1

Voting Tips for the Nov 6th Election

Before the November 6th Presidential Election, be familiar with the voting process in your state. The following tips from the U.S. Election Assistance Commission may help enhance your voting experience.

VotersGuide Banner

A Voter’s Guide to Federal Elections

Updated in 2011, the Guide answers questions about voting, includes a voter’s checklist and, contact information for each state election office.


Voting Systems Under Test

EAC’s voting system certification program eliminates duplicative testing and saves election officials time and resources. This is the first time the federal government has offered these services to the states.

ElectionResources Banner

Election Management Resources

EAC's Election Management Guidelines and Quick Start Guides help state and local officials to effectively manage and administer elections, complementing the technical standards for voting equipment.


Election Official Exchange

The Exchange is a network that helps election officials connect and share best practices and knowledge. Sign up or explore the database of practitioners ready to serve as a friendly sounding board for your ideas, big or small. Together we can build a community resource that will save us time and make us more effective. Participation is limited to current and former U.S. election officials, but the content is available to the general public. Enter the Exchange.  


Have You Moved Recently?

Learn what steps you should take to ensure your voter registration is current for the 2012 federal election. EAC's frequently asked questions on voter registration and moving cover a variety of circumstances, from recently relocated college students to those moving due to a foreclosure. Read more

The EAC Clearinghouse

The EAC Web site is a national clearinghouse of information on election administration, from voting system testing and certification to data on how Americans voted in recent federal elections. Find information through the navigation bar or our new search tool.

Find EAC Certified Voting Systems

Voting System Map ThumbnailEAC's map of voting systems shows which jurisdictions are using EAC-certified systems. View the map


EAC Newsletters
and Updates

Sign up to receive information about EAC activities including public meetings, webcasts, reports and grants.

Give Us Your Feedback

Share your feedback on EAC policy proposalsElection Resource Library materials, and OpenEAC activities. Give feedback on general issues, including the Web site, through our Contact Us page.

Featured Video

Please Download Flash

Learn more about EAC's Voting System Testing and Certification Program by watching this video.

Events Calendar


Sep 12

Veterans Voting this November EAC will host a discussion on ways to improve access to voting for veterans. This is part ...


Jun 12

EAC Roundtable - Getting Ready for November 2012 EAC will host a June 19 discussion on preparations for the 2012 general election and beyon...


Mar 12

EAC National Clearinghouse on Elections roundtable EAC will host a March 20 roundtable discussion on our role as a national clearinghouse and...

Election Resource Library

Access hundreds of commonly requested EAC reports and resources, from Election Management Guidelines to data on voter turnout, registration, and military and overseas voters.

Public Meeting Webcasts

Watch live and on-demand webcasts of EAC public meetings.

Military and Overseas Voters

EAC has several projects under way to assist states in serving military and overseas citizens who register and vote absentee under the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act. Learn more

Voting Accessibility

EAC's voting materials in 11 languages make voting more accessible to people with limited English proficiency. Our resources also help states make voting more accessible to people with disabilities. Learn more

Latest Blog Posts Follow us on Twitter View our YouTube Page RSS Blog Feed
10/23/2012 2:43:00 PM
Voting System Testing Update 10.23.12

EAC will post a “Voting System Testing Update” blog each week tracking progress made on EAC system certification

10/22/2012 11:30:00 AM
Weekly Election Update 10.22.12

(1) Deadlines for voter registration, in person absentee voting & ballot requests; (2) Begin dates for early voting.

10/16/2012 10:15:00 AM
Voting System Testing Update 10.16.12

EAC will post a “Voting System Testing Update” blog each week tracking progress made on EAC system certification

10/15/2012 9:27:00 AM
Weekly Election Update 10.15.12

(1) Deadlines for voter registration, in person absentee voting & ballot requests; (2) Begin dates for early voting.

10/9/2012 2:58:00 PM
Voting System Testing Update 10.9.12

EAC will post a “Voting System Testing Update” blog each week tracking progress made on EAC system certification


EAC News & Updates

News and Updates 2011 Thumbnail

December 28, 2011
EAC Releases Data from 2010 Election WASHINGTON – The United States Election Assistance Commission (EAC) today released the res...

News and Updates 2011 Thumbnail

November 10, 2011
EAC Seeks Flu Season Contingency Plans From Election Officials in Preparing for the 2012 Federal Elections Flu season is almost here, and the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) is collecting...

News and Updates 2011 Thumbnail

October 11, 2011
Post-MOVE ACT Data Shows 93.2% Success Rate For Ballots Cast by Military and Overseas Citizens EAC has released a comprehensive report based on data from all of the states on the abilit...