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Strategic Studies Institute

United States Army War College

The Source for National Security

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All Publications By Date

40 Publications Found in 1994

Added December 01, 1994
Type: Book
The Awakening: The Zapatista Revolt and Its Implications for Civil-Military Relations and the Future of Mexico
Authored by LTC Stephen J. Wager, Dr. Donald E. Schulz.
Drs. Stephen Wager and Donald Schulz examine the causes, nature and implications of the Zapatista uprising, emphasizing in particular its impact on Mexican civil-military relations. They argue that, together with the onset of democratization, the Chiapas rebellion has strained these relations and led to a certain mutual distancing between the Mexican army and government.
Added December 01, 1994
Type: Book
Pandora's Box Reopened: Ethnic Conflict in Europe and Its Implications
Authored by Dr. William T. Johnsen.
The resurgence of ethnic animosities in Europe has substantial consequences for the United States, which has a vital interest in maintaining peace and stability in Europe. Because ethnic conflict potentially represents a significant threat to those national objectives, a strong likelihood exists that the United States will continue to be involved in efforts to prevent or resolve ethnically motivated violence.
Added December 01, 1994
Type: Book
Total Force: Federal Reserves and State National Guards
Authored by COL Charles E. Heller.
Never before in peacetime has the United States placed so much emphasis and reliance on the Armed Forces' Reserve Components. Yet, even with the renewed emphasis on the Reserve Components' roles, their legal basis mission, mobilization training, force structure, and relationship to their respective Active Component remain relatively little understood.
Added November 01, 1994
Type: Book
Security Cooperation with China: Analysis and a Proposal
Authored by Dr. Thomas L. Wilborn.
Dr. Wilborn examines U.S.-China security cooperation before Tiananmen, the strategic context in which it took place, and the strategic environment of U.S.-China relations at the present time. He then concludes that the reasons which justified the program of security cooperation with China during the cold war are irrelevant today.
Added November 01, 1994
Type: Monograph
Hamas and Hizbollah: The Radical Challenge to Israel in the Occupied Territories
Authored by Dr. Stephen C. Pelletiere.
This study argues that Hamas and Hizbollah, the two main religious groups fighting Israel, probably are more threatening to U.S. interests than is generally believed. It discusses the various openings that the groups were able to exploit to advance themselves, and particularly how they profited from errors on the Israelis' part. At the same time, the study contends, there has been a corresponding rise of religious radicalism in Israel.
Added October 01, 1994
Type: Book
The Impact of the Media on National Security Policy Decision Making
Authored by Dr. Douglas V. Johnson, II.
What is the impact of the media upon national security policy decision making? Do network news personalities exert genuine power over the national command authority? Does the photograph of a mob dragging the body of a dead American soldier through the streets drive policy decisions? If the answers to these questions are "Yes," then the claim made by William Randolph Hearst is correct, and national policy is at the mercy of the media.
Added October 01, 1994
Type: Monograph
Haiti Strategy: Control, Legitimacy, Sovereignty, Rule of Law, Handoffs, and Exit
Authored by Dr. Gabriel Marcella.
Author argues that the United States work to achieve limited objectives after entering Haiti with military force. The strategy should emphasize humanitarian assistance rather the open-ended goal of the restoration of democracy. This is the best hope fro success and dignified exit.
Added October 01, 1994
Type: Monograph
Germany, France and NATO
Authored by Ms. Maria Alongi, Dr. Peter Schmidt.
U.S. national strategy and U.S. Army doctrine explicitly establish the overwhelming need for, and value of, coalitions and alliances in the post-cold war era. Two generations of U.S. civil officials and military officers have been inculcated with the precept of NATO's importance to security and stability in Europe. Free of the confines of the cold war, competing national interests and different national perceptions have transformed the Alliance.
Added September 01, 1994
Type: Book
Russian Policy and the Korean Crisis
Authored by Dr. Stephen J. Blank.
North Korea's nuclear program is the greatest current threat to U.S. and Northeast Asian security. The outcome of negotiations over this program will have a tremendous impact on the future of the Korean peninsula and on the vital interests of the United States and neighboring states to North and South Korea: China, Japan, and Russia.
Added September 01, 1994
Type: Monograph
French Policy Toward NATO: Enhanced Selectivity, Vice Rapprochement
Authored by Dr. William T. Johnsen, Dr. Thomas-Durell Young.
The authors of this report explain how French policy toward NATO has changed since 1992. Importantly, they discuss how these changes have been effected. However, certain key elements of French external policy have not changed. In effect, therefore, the authors argue that while France may wish to cooperate with NATO, this does not imply that there will be a more cooperative French attitude toward the Alliance.
Added September 01, 1994
Type: Monograph
Energy and Security in Transcaucasia
Authored by Dr. Stephen J. Blank.
One of the world's enduring regional conflicts is in Nagorno-Karabakh. This war pits local Armenians and their cousins from Armenia against Azerbaidzhan and has enmeshed Russia, Turkey and the Western allies (France, Great Britain, and the United States) in a complex series of regional relationships. The international stakes of this war involve the control over exploration for natural gas and oil and the transhipment of these commodities from Azerbaidzhan to the West. Energy resources represent Azerbaidzhan's primary means of economic modernization and are therefore vital to its economic and political freedom.
Added September 01, 1994
Type: Monograph
Disaster and Intervention in Sub-Saharan Africa: Learning from Rwanda
Authored by Dr. Steven Metz.
Rwanda's horrific civil war suggests that human disasters requiring outside intervention will remain common in Sub-Saharan Africa. The American people want a prompt and effective response to human disasters when the United States becomes involved.
Added August 01, 1994
Type: Book
Partnership for Peace: Discerning Fact from Fiction
Authored by Dr. William T. Johnsen, Dr. Thomas-Durell Young.
The authors analyze and assess Partnership for Peace (PfP) from the perspective of the political realities which govern NATO. They counter the critics of PfP with an analysis of its exact provisions. Moreover, by drawing on the Alliance's historical record regarding expansion, they argue that PfP is the best and most realistic means available to resolve the prickly issue of NATO enlargement.
Added August 01, 1994
Type: Book
U.S. Africa Policy: Some Possible Course Adjustment
Authored by Ambassador Daniel H. Simpson.
Ambassador Daniel H. Simpson addresses the question of U.S. interests in Africa and past, present, and future U.S. policy toward that continent of more than 50 countries and 800 million people on an analytic basis, followed by clear recommendations. His presentation of U.S. strategic interests in Africa permits clear analysis of the present and logical planning of future policy and actions.
Added July 01, 1994
Type: Book
Proliferation and Nonproliferation in Ukraine: Implications for European and U.S. Security
Authored by Dr. Stephen J. Blank.
Limiting nuclear proliferation is a vital goal of U.S. security policy. With this in mind, the Strategic Studies Institute cosponsored a conference at the University of Pittsburgh on March 16-17, 1994 to deal with the issues involved in achieving this objective.
Added July 01, 1994
Type: Book
Russia's New Doctrine: Two Views
Authored by Colonel James F. Holcomb, Jr., Dr. Michael M. Boll.
The future direction of Russian security and defense policies is a fundamental issue in contemporary world politics. Future Russian policies will have a major impact on all nuclear issues; on bilateral relations with the United States; and on European, Middle Eastern, Central Asian, and Far Eastern security. One primary indicator of the direction of Russian policies is the new Defense Doctrine published in November 1993.
Added July 01, 1994
Type: Book
Does Russian Democracy Have a Future?
Edited by Dr. Stephen J. Blank, Dr. Earl H. Tilford, Jr..
In 1854, on the eve of the Crimea campaign, Antoine Henri Jomini wrote, "The Russian Army is a wall which, however far it may retreat, you will always find in front of you." The political unrest and economic disarray that followed the collapse of the Soviet Union and the disintegration of the Communist Empire have altered, but not crippled, the formidable strength of the Russian military.
Added July 01, 1994
Type: Book
Another View of the Revolution in Military Affairs
Authored by Mr. Jeffrey R. Cooper.
He urges defense planners to determine what strategic--as opposed to operational-- benefits might be derived from the RMA. He contends that making the internal reforms that will be required will be as challenging as coming to terms with the operational and strategic implications of the new technologies.
Added July 01, 1994
Type: Book
Responding to Terrorism across the Technological Spectrum
Authored by Dr. Bruce Hoffman.
In April 1994, the Army War College's Strategic Studies Institute held its annual Strategy Conference. This year's theme was "The Revolution in Military Affairs: Defining an Army for the 21st Century." Dr. Bruce Hoffman presented this paper as part of a panel examining "New Technologies and New Threats." Terrorism, of course, is not new. Hoffman warns, however, of the changing nature of terrorism. In the past, terrorists have been motivated by limited political and ideological objectives.
Added July 01, 1994
Type: Book
Two Historians in Technology and War
Authored by Dr. John F. Guilmartin, Jr., Sir Michael Howard.
Their personal experience with warfare is expressed eloquently in the following pages as they make the point that war is, as Carl von Clausewitz defined it nearly 200 years ago, a distinctly human endeavor.
Added July 01, 1994
Type: Monograph
The New Russia in the New Asia
Authored by Dr. Stephen J. Blank.
This monograph offers an account of the current struggle inside Russia over Asian policy and of the direction of that struggle. The author describes the dominant Russian viewpoints on policy in Asia. Current proponents of an Asian policy based primarily upon military considerations seem to hold sway.
Added July 01, 1994
Type: Monograph
The Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War
Authored by LTC James Kievit, Dr. Steven Metz.
The authors concede that the revolution in military affairs holds great promise for conventional, combined-arms warfare, but conclude that its potential value in conflict short of war, whether terrorism, insurgency, or violence associated with narcotrafficking, is not so clear-cut. Given this, national leaders and strategists should proceed cautiously and only after a full exploration of the ethical, political, and social implications of their decisions.
Added June 01, 1994
Type: Book
Trends in German Defense Policy: The Defense Policy Guidelines and the Centralization of Operational Control
Authored by Dr. Thomas-Durell Young.
Like most of its NATO allies, the Federal Republic of Germany has undertaken a massive restructuring of its armed forces. The end of the Cold War, the need for unified Germany to assume responsibility for its security, and the current economic recession have made German defense planning extremely difficult.
Added June 01, 1994
Type: Book
Whither the RMA: Two Perspectives on Tomorrow's Army
Authored by COL Raoul Henri Alcala, Dr. Paul Bracken.
While economic power has increased in importance in international relations, military power as traditionally conceived remains a dominant factor in determining the status of nations. He argues that doctrines will provide the basis for force structure, training, and weapons acquisition.
Added June 01, 1994
Type: Book
The Revolution in Military Affairs: A Framework for Defense Planning
Authored by Dr. Michael J. Mazarr.
Dr. Michael J. Mazarr argues that the current revolution in military affairs is part of a larger sociopolitical transformation. The new technologies both propelling and resulting from this transformation are having a profound impact on warfare. Dr. Mazarr urges military and civilian strategists, planners, and decisionmakers to think about armed conflict in ways so novel that those used to dealing
Added June 01, 1994
Type: Book
War in the Information Age
Authored by Colonel James M. Dubik, General Gordon R. Sullivan.
The authors discuss the ways in which the Army has changed its strategic systems over the past several years so that the Army operational and tactical forces will be able to "see" a situation, decide, adapt, and act faster and more precisely than their opponent. These changes will give strategic planners, and operational and tactical commanders, a new set of information age tools to use in theater
Added June 01, 1994
Type: Monograph
Nuclear Threats from Small States
Authored by Mr. Jerome H. Kahan.
Mr. Jerome Kahan examines the likelihood that one or more of these countries will use nuclear weapons before the year 2000 and finds the danger great enough for the United States to take seriously.
Added May 01, 1994
Type: Book
America in the Third World: Strategic Alternatives and Military Implications
Authored by Dr. Steven Metz.
The author examines the problems of the Third World and the debates that exist regarding the most effective U.S. response to these problems. He has concluded that the Third World is undergoing such significant change that most of the basic assumptions undergirding past and current U.S. policy are no longer viable. He urges a fundamental and radical revision of our national strategy toward the Third World, and recommends a future strategy that would see far more selective and discrete involvement in these staggering problems.
Added May 01, 1994
Type: Monograph
Japan's Self-Defense Forces: What Dangers to Northeast Asia?
Authored by Dr. Thomas L. Wilborn.
Dr. Thomas Wilborn examines Japan's defense policy and the capabilities of its Self-Defense Forces (SDF) to determine if the fears of a remilitarized Japan have any basis in fact. He concludes that Japanese defense policy places rigid restraints on the SDF, and that currently there is no support for anything but a thoroughly defensive military posture.
Added May 01, 1994
Type: Monograph
The Owl of Minerva Flies at Twilight: Doctrinal Change and Continuity and the Revolution in Military Affairs
Authored by Dr. David Jablonsky.
Revolutions in military affairs have never been strictly military phenomena. Social and political transformations in the past have also been major and often catalytic ingredients of such revolutions.
Added May 01, 1994
Type: Monograph
National Interest: From Abstraction to Strategy
Authored by Dr. Michael G. Roskin.
The "national interest" is a composite declaration derived from those values that a nation prizes most-liberty, freedom, and security. Interests are usually expressed in terms of physical survival, economic prosperity, and political sovereignty. As an object of political debate, the concept of national interest serves to propose, justify, or denounce policies.
Added April 01, 1994
Type: Book
Shari'a Law, Cult Violence and System Change in Egypt: The Dilemma Facing President Mubarak
Authored by Dr. Stephen C. Pelletiere.
Egypt is one of the more economically deprived countries in the world. Societal stress is a major challenge. Few believe that Egypt will escape the poverty that has for so long oppressed it. This study looks at the unrest, identifies the forces behind it, and prescribes steps that can be taken to alleviate the situation.
Added April 01, 1994
Type: Book
World View: The 1994 Strategic Assessment from the Strategic Studies Institute
Edited by Dr. Steven Metz, Dr. Earl H. Tilford, Jr..
Every year the analysts at the Strategic Studies Institute prepare current strategic assessments for their particular areas of interest. These assessments are the bedrock of the annual SSI Study Program. This year's assessments seem especially crucial as the strategic situation throughout the world is far more complex and fraught with danger than many may realize.
Added April 01, 1994
Type: Monograph
Environmental Security: A DoD Partnership for Peace
Edited by Dr. Kent Hughes Butts.
International environmental issues can lead to instability and conflict that threaten U.S. security interests and may result in the commitment of U.S. forces. Chronic, unresolved environmental issues threaten stability in such critical regions as the former Soviet Union, Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East. Recognizing this, the Department of Defense (DOD) has committed itself to using DOD assets to mitigate environmental issues that could lead to instability.
Added March 01, 1994
Type: Book
Reconciling the irreconcilable: The Troubled Outlook for U.S. Policy toward Haiti
Authored by Dr. Gabriel Marcella, Dr. Donald E. Schulz.
Paper analyzes the complex nature of Haiti's internal crisis and the nature of conflict within a culture of violence, the nation's difficult history, Haiti's relationship with the United States, and the difficult choices available to policy-makers. The United States must carefully balance doing too much and too little for Haiti's worsening situation.
Added March 01, 1994
Type: Book
Ethnic Conflict: Implications for the Army of the Future
Authored by Major General William A. Stofft, Dr. Gary L. Guertner.
Ethnic conflict is an ascendant phenomenon replacing ideology as a social force most likely to promote violence and regional instability. The ferocity of ethnic violence and its potential for escalation increase the political pressures for U.S. leadership and collective engagement. The U.S. Army has a direct interest in ethnic-based conflicts because land power is the dominant means for intervention through coalition peacekeeping and peace-enforcement operations.
Added February 01, 1994
Type: Book
The Mexican Military Approaches the 21st Century: Coping with a New World Order
Authored by LTC Stephen J. Wager.
Of the papers presented at the meeting, the one that struck closest to the concerns of the U.S. Army was "The Mexican Military Approaches the 21st Century: Coping with a New World Order" by Lieutenant Colonel Stephen J. Wager of the U.S. Military Academy. His discussion of the roles and missions of the Mexican armed forces has special salience in this era of "alternative missions." Here is a classic case of a military institution whose principal missions of civic action and counternarcotics are those with which our own Army has had to deal in recent years.
Added February 01, 1994
Type: Book
Can Europe Survive Maastricht?
Authored by Dr. Douglas Stuart.
Professor Douglas Stuart, with the generous support of the Ford Foundation, presents a much needed analysis of the Maastricht Treaty and its effects on Europe. He maintains that the Western European leaders have lost sight of the true meaning and potential value of European integration in recent years.
Added February 01, 1994
Type: Monograph
Meeting the Challenges of Regional Security
Authored by Honorable Leonard Sullivan.
The Honorable Leonard Sullivan, a former Assistant Secretary of Defense, maintains that the disorder in the post-cold war world must be addressed in radically new and innovative ways. Old alliances, structured for containment, will not be adequate in a world where the challenges may be more appropriately addressed by police forces than by traditionally structured military forces.
Added January 01, 1994
Type: Book
Where Does Cuba Stand?
Authored by Prof. Enrique A. Baloyra.
In this report, the distinguished Latin American scholar Enrique Baloyra argues that Castro's current policy of "re-equilibration" is unlikely to succeed and that his options will increasingly boil down to two choices: One, he can deepen the process of government-led reform, or, two, he can continue the current policy, with growing chances of violence and turmoil. Baloyra suggests that since the former might jeopardize his hegemonic position, the latter is the more probable option. The future, in short, is likely to be grim.

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