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Strategic Studies Institute

United States Army War College

The Source for National Security

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All Publications By Date

30 Publications Found in 1998

Added December 01, 1998
Type: Book
America's Army: Preparing for Tomorrow's Security Challenges
Authored by Major General Robert H. Scales.
During the early decades of the 21st Century, the Army of 2025 will differ from today's Army in two distinct ways. First, it will achieve unprecedented strategic and operational speed by exploiting information technologies to create a knowledge-based organization. Second, it will exhibit tremendous flexibility and physical agility through streamlined, seamlessly integrated organizations that use new tactics and procedures.
Added December 01, 1998
Type: Monograph
Security Implications of the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Middle East
Authored by Dr. Sami G. Hajjar.
This monograph addresses the important question of the security implications for the nations of the region of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East. The author offers a unique perspective based on extensive interviews that he conducted in the region, and makes specific policy recommendations for U.S. military and civilian decisionmakers.
Added October 01, 1998
Type: Book
The Economic Crisis and ASEAN States' Security
Authored by Dr. Sheldon W. Simon.
Asia's financial crisis that began with the fall of Thailand's Baht in 1997 now embraces the entire world and has caused governments to fall in Asia and Russia. He also underscores the connection between healthy economies and governments on the one hand and between those features and a robust national and regional defense capability.
Added October 01, 1998
Type: Book
China's Military Potential
Authored by Dr. Larry M. Wortzel.
This monograph provides an appraisal of the ability of the People's Republic of China (PRC) to build a credible military force in the 21st century. Colonel Wortzel concludes that China could become a military power in every sense, but the greater likelihood is that the PRC will be overcome by internal problems. Nonetheless, the growth in China's military potential bears careful watching.
Added October 01, 1998
Type: Monograph
Opening Pandora's Box: Ethnicity and Central Asian Militaries
Authored by LTC Dianne L. Smith.
The author examines whether ethnic consciousness affects military service and the specific roles played by ethnic groups within the armed forces, or if military institutions affect ethnicity. The Soviets used military service as a tool to break down ethnicity and create a "New Soviet Man."
Added September 01, 1998
Type: Monograph
NATO After Enlargement: New Challenges, New Missions, New Forces
Edited by Dr. Stephen J. Blank.
In 1999 NATO will formally admit three new members and adopt a new strategic concept. In so doing, it will take giant strides towards effecting a revolutionary transformation of European security. On the one hand, it could be said that NATO enlargement closes the immediate post-Cold War period that began with the collapse of the Berlin Wall in 1989. But on the other hand, enlargement raises a host of serious new issues for the Alliance and for U.S. policymakers that they must begin to address now.
Added August 01, 1998
Type: Book
Breaking Away from the Bear
Authored by LTC Dianne L. Smith.
Lieutenant Colonel Dianne L. Smith examines the development of post-Soviet Central Asian armed forces, Central Asian efforts to guarantee their national security, and the implications for the United States of this struggle. She cautions that the United States use its influence and its military-to-military contact programs judiciously.
Added August 01, 1998
Type: Book
Defining U.S. Atlantic Command's Role in the Power Projection Strategy
Authored by Professor Douglas C. Lovelace, Jr., Dr. Thomas-Durell Young.
The lynch-pin in the power projection strategy of the United States is a completely transformed U.S. Atlantic Command (USACOM). The authors recommend that USACOM should be further transformed into a "Joint Forces Command." Their analysis exposes the need for a significant review of Title 10 of the U.S. Code and a reexamination of some of the fundamental tenets underlying the structure and command.
Added July 01, 1998
Type: Book
Challenging the United States Symmetrically and Asymmetrically: Can America be Defeated?
Authored by Colonel Lloyd J. Matthews, USA Ret..
The U.S. Army War College s Ninth Annual Strategy Conference was held at Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania, during the period March 31-April 2, 1998. The theme of the conference was Challenging the United States Symmetrically and Asymmetrically: Can America Be Defeated?
Added July 01, 1998
Type: Monograph
Halt Phase Strategy: New Wine in Old Skins . . . with Powerpoint
Authored by Dr. Earl H. Tilford, Jr..
Analyzes the Halt Phase Strategy/Doctrine currently advocated by the Air Force. As a part of his analysis, the author traces the immediate origins of Report of the Quadrennial Defense Review. Dr. Tilford contends, however, that Halt's real origins are more closely identified with intrinsic Air Force strategic bombing doctrine, and are to be found in strategies associated with atomic and nuclear deterrence and warfighting.
Added June 01, 1998
Type: Book
The Political-Military Rivalry for Operational Control in U.S. Military Actions: A Soldier's Perspective
Authored by Colonel Lloyd J. Matthews, USA Ret..
The author presents a soldier's perspective of the operational implications of instant access to the battlefield by civilian leaders in Washington.
Added June 01, 1998
Type: Monograph
Nonlethality and American Land Power: Strategic Context and Operational Concepts
Authored by Professor Douglas C. Lovelace, Jr., Dr. Steven Metz.
Nonlethal technology, concepts and doctrine may provide the Army a way to retain its political utility and military effectiveness in a security environment characterized by ambiguity and the glare of world public opinion. To explore this, the Army is undertaking programs and initiatives which may make it the driving force in nonlethality.
Added June 01, 1998
Type: Monograph
On Diversity
Authored by LTC Andre H. Sayles.
He provides important arguments in support of the Army's Consideration of Others Program.
Added May 01, 1998
Type: Book
Reforming NATO's Military Structures: The Long-Term Study and Its Implications for Land Forces
Authored by Dr. Thomas-Durell Young.
Often taken for granted, the Alliance's integrated command structure provides the basis for NATO's collective defense, and increasingly, as seen in Bosnia, its ability to undertake peace support operations. However, the very value by which nations hold the structure has resulted in a difficult and time-consuming reorganization process, which has produced only limited reforms.
Added May 01, 1998
Type: Book
The Case for Army XXI
Authored by Mr. John Gordon, IV, Mr. Peter A. Wilson.
The authors believe there is a mix of extant and near-term combat systems and technologies that will allow the Army to create a number of "aero-motorized" divisions within likely budgetary constraints by the end of the next decade. These medium-weight combat units would exploit the large investment the Air Force is making to modernize its strategic and theater airlift fleets during the first decade.
Added May 01, 1998
Type: Book
The Creeping Irrelevance of U.S. Force Planning
Authored by Dr. Jeffrey Record.
Jeffrey Record examines what he believes is a half-century-old and continuing recession of large-interstate warfare and, since the World War's demise, the unexpected and often violent disintegration of established states. The author's critical analysis leads him to propose significant and controversial changes in planning standards, force structure, and defense spending.
Added May 01, 1998
Type: Book
Redefining Land Power for the 21st Century
Authored by Dr. William T. Johnsen.
In placing land power in context, we can spark an enlarged debate about land power, the strategic and operational versatility it offers policymakers, and its interrelationships with air and sea power. Additionally, we can examine the growing interdependence among the components of national and military power.
Added May 01, 1998
Type: Monograph
Conflict and Conflict Resolution in the Sahel: The Tuareg Insurgency in Mali
Authored by Lieutenant Colonel Kalifa Keita.
June 27, 1990, is a significant date in the recent history of Mali. It marks the beginning of what Malians call "The Second Tuareg Rebellion." The first had been staged against the post-colonial Malian government in 1963. The national government had suppressed that rebellion with harsh coercive measures, and the Tuaregs continued to nurture grievances.
Added April 01, 1998
Type: Book
AY 97 Compendium Army After Next Project
Authored by Dr. Douglas V. Johnson, II.
These student papers are largely focused on present problems which must be solved before movement toward the future can make much progress. If they are not dramatically futuristic in approach, they are nevertheless set against a future backdrop which is still in the process of being defined.
Added April 01, 1998
Type: Monograph
The Role of the Armed Forces in the Americas: Civil-Military Relations for the 21st Century
Edited by Dr. Donald E. Schulz.
Contains papers and speeches from civil-military relations conference. Prominent civilian and military leaders discuss ways to improve working relationships between the two and how to promote greater understanding and security cooperation between the United States and Latin America.
Added April 01, 1998
Type: Monograph
New Century, Old Thinking: The Dangers of the Perceptual Gap in U.S.-China Relations
Authored by Colonel Susan M. Puska.
The author provides an examination of the reciprocal relations between China and the United States over the past century and a half. If this past is prologue, then potential conflict looms darkly over future U.S.-China interactions. The first step toward precluding conflict, according to the author, is to understand the nature of the past relationship.
Added April 01, 1998
Type: Monograph
European Security and NATO Enlargement: A View from Central Europe
Edited by Dr. Stephen J. Blank.
On August 4-5, 1997, the Strategic Studies Institute (SSI), together with the Reserve Officers Association, cosponsored a conference in Prague on "Eurasian Security in the Era of NATO Enlargement."
Added March 01, 1998
Type: Book
Russia's Armed Forces on the Brink of Reform
Authored by Dr. Stephen J. Blank.
Despite over a dozen years of talk, the Soviet and now Russian military has not undergone a true military reform. What did happen was a form of degeneration and disintegration, but not a methodically planned and directed transformation and/or adaptation to new conditions. Consequently, defense policy, in all of its ramifications, has remained essentially unreformed and remains an impediment to Russia's accommodation to today's strategic realities.
Added March 01, 1998
Type: Book
Five-Dimensional (Cyber) Warfighting: Can the Army After Next be Defeated Through Complex Concepts and Technologies?
Authored by Robert J. Bunker.
The theme for the U.S. Army War College's Ninth Annual Strategy Conference (April 1998) is "Challenging the United States Symmetrically and Asymmetrically: Can America Be Defeated?" Dr. Robert J. Bunker of California State University, San Bernardino, answers the question with an emphatic "yes."
Added March 01, 1998
Type: Book
The Age of Revolutions
Authored by Lieutenant General Claudia Kennedy.
The Army operates within a global strategic environment. The parameters of warfare now and into the 21st century are much more complex. Today there is a great deal of talk about focusing on high end threats and relying on one dimension of military power, air power, to halt set-piece attacks by any would-be aggressor.
Added March 01, 1998
Type: Monograph
Evolutionary Technology in the Current Revolution in Military Affairs: The Army Tactical Command and Control System
Ts. Elizabeth A. Stanley analyzes developments in the Army Tactical Command and Control System as a vehicle for assessing the U.S. Army's strategy for exploiting information age technologies. Her analysis will be of great value to those interested in several dimensions of military modernization, in particular whether we are amid a revolution in military affairs (RMA) or something less profound.
Added February 01, 1998
Type: Book
Searching for Stable Peace in the Persian Gulf
Authored by Dr. Kenneth Katzman. Edited by Dr. Stephen C. Pelletiere.
Congressional Research Staffer Kenneth Katzman reviews the history of dual containment, and shows how adherence to the policy has eroded. He suggests it is time for Washington to change course in the Gulf, and lays out a course of action the United States should follow to maintain its leadership role in this vital region. Dr. Katzman's monograph deals thoughtfully with this controversial issue.
Added February 01, 1998
Type: Book
World View: The 1998 Strategic Assessment from the Strategic Studies Institute
Edited by Dr. Earl H. Tilford, Jr..
World View presents the annual strategic assessments of the analysts at the Strategic Studies Institute. It is fifth in a series that reflects both our individual forecasts and collective review of the key security issues facing the United States. The process that produces World View also leads to our annual Research and Outreach Plan.
Added February 01, 1998
Type: Monograph
Force Planning Considerations for Army XXI
Authored by Dr. William T. Johnsen.
Promoting U.S. national interests through shaping the international security environment also will become a major role for the U.S. military. To fulfill its multiple roles, the Army's force structure and design must provide the capabilities necessary to operate across a broad spectrum of conflict in peacetime, crisis, and war.
Added February 01, 1998
Type: Monograph
Joint U.S. Army-Navy War Planning on the Eve of the First World War
Authored by Colonel Adolf Carlson.
This paper traces the development of U.S. strategic appreciations, and the planning that went along with them, in the years prior to the American entry into the First World War. In its conclusions, the paper will endeavor to demonstrate the ways in which the challenges faced by that generation of Americans were similar to the ones we face today

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