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Strategic Studies Institute

United States Army War College

The Source for National Security

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All Publications By Date

34 Publications Found in 1997

Added December 01, 1997
Type: Book
Shadow Politics: The Russian State in the 21st Century
Authored by Dr. Peter J. Stavrakis.
In April the U.S. Army War College's Strategic Studies Institute hosted its Eighth Annual Strategy Conference at Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania. The theme for the 1997 Strategy Conference was "Russia's Future as a World Power." For two days, scholars, military professionals, and policymakers from the United States, Europe, and Russia engaged in a very useful exchange of ideas and viewpoints. Dr. Peter J. Stavrakis, of the Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies, describes the emergence in Russia of a kind of oligarchic capitalism, controlled by old political elites, and thriving amidst an extra-legal "parallel shadow government."
Added December 01, 1997
Type: Book
The United States and the Transformation of African Security: The African Crisis Response Initiative and Beyond
Authored by COL Daniel W. Henk, Dr. Steven Metz.
Helping Africans develop a capability to avoid or solve their region's security problems has reemerged recently as an important goal of American strategy, and the African Crisis Response Initiative (ACRI) is its centerpiece. Based on their testimony presented to the Africa Subcommittee of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on International Relations, this study by Dr. Steven Metz and Colonel Dan Henk of the U.S. Army War College examines the ACRI. Significantly, it does so by placing the ACRI in a wider, long-term strategic context.
Added December 01, 1997
Type: Book
Problems and Solutions in Future Coalition Operations
Edited by Phillip Kaiser, Jon Kessmeier, Mr. Thomas J. Marshall.
Each year, the United States Army, Europe (USAREUR) undertakes a conference-study program on a matter of strategic significance, with several objectives. The topic relates to USAREUR's mission; anticipates future requirements; contributes toward building democratic norms within the militaries of emerging democracies; and serves to inform the USAREUR staff, higher headquarters and other U.S. Government agencies of active measures to improve current practices. In 1996, USAREUR undertook to study "Problems and Solutions in Future Coalition Operations."
Added December 01, 1997
Type: Book
The CINCs' Strategies: The Combatant Command Process
Authored by COL (RET) William W. Mendel, Dr. Graham H. Turbiville, Jr..
The authors report their observations of the different ways combatant commanders-in-chief (CINCs) produce a strategy document, and suggest that new joint doctrine is needed to bring a degree of regularity and orderliness to the CINCs' strategic planning process. The CINCs' Strategies: The Combatant Command Process provides a brief look at the CINCs' strategy objectives and concepts in order to place the planning process in context.
Added December 01, 1997
Type: Monograph
Multinational Land Formations and NATO: Reforming Practices and Structures
Authored by Dr. Thomas-Durell Young.
Reduced national force structures, new NATO roles and missions emanating from the military implementation of Alliance Strategy and the rapid reaction requirements associated with the embryonic Combined Joint Task Forces (CJTF) Concept are but three of a multitude of inter-related issues.
Added November 01, 1997
Type: Book
"Enhancing" the Australian-U.S. Defense Relationship: A Guide to U.S. Policy
Authored by Dr. Thomas-Durell Young.
U.S. security relationships in the Pacific have enjoyed remarkable continuity since the end of the Cold War. Among the closest of U.S. allies, Australia shares a number of concerns about potential change in the western Pacific balance. It is thus natural that the two countries look to their own cooperative defense relationship for hedges against an uncertain future.
Added November 01, 1997
Type: Monograph
NATO Enlargement and the Baltic States: What Can the Great Powers Do?
Authored by Dr. Stephen J. Blank.
NATO's enlargement has brought it to the borders of the Baltic states who covet membership in NATO. However, admitting them into NATO is one of the most difficult problems for the Alliance because of Russia's unconditional opposition to such action and because of NATO's own internal divisions on this issue. Nonetheless, a new regime or system of security for the entire Baltic region must now be on the U.S. and European agenda.
Added October 01, 1997
Type: Book
The United States and Russia into the 21st Century
Authored by Dr. R. Craig Nation, Dr. Michael McFaul.
In late April 1997, the U.S. Army War College's Strategic Studies Institute hosted its Eighth Annual Strategy Conference. The topic for this year's conference was Russia's Future as a World Power. The concluding panel for this conference, The United States and Russia into the 21st Century, included the following two papers.
Added September 01, 1997
Type: Book
Force Planning in an Era of Uncertainty: Two MRCs as a Force Sizing Framework
Authored by Colonel John F. Troxell.
The two MRC framework constitutes a logical scheme for organizing U.S. defense planning efforts. New approaches to planning scenarios and the operational concept for employing forces offer the potential for such adjustments concerning the "ways" of the strategic paradigm, while force thinning and modernization are two important categories for adjusting the affordability of the strategic "means."
Added August 01, 1997
Type: Book
The Challenge of Haiti's Future: Report on the Conference Sponsored by U.S. Army War College, Georgetown University, and the Inter-American Dialogue
Authored by Dr. Max G. Manwaring, Dr. Donald E. Schulz, Robert Maguire, Dr. Peter Hakim, Dr. Abigail Horn.
This Special Report contains an account of a conference on "The Challenge of Haiti's Future," sponsored by the U.S. Army War College, Georgetown University, and the Inter-American Dialogue, and held on February 10-11, 1997, on Capitol Hill, Washington, DC.
Added August 01, 1997
Type: Book
Traditional Military Thinking and the Defensive Strategy of China
Authored by Lieutenant General Li Jijun. Edited by Dr. Earl H. Tilford, Jr..
On July 15, 1997, the U.S. Army War College hosted a delegation from the Chinese Academy of Military Science. A speech was delivered to the U.S. Army War College Corresponding Studies Class of 1997 by the Chinese delegation's leader, Lieutenant General Li Jijun. General Li graciously agreed to the publication of his address.
Added August 01, 1997
Type: Book
Strategic Planning and the Drug Threat
Authored by COL (RET) William W. Mendel, COL (RET) Murl D. Munger.
The primary purpose of this publication is to show how the principles and techniques of strategic and operational planning can be applied to the supply reduction side of our national effort to curb the trafficking of illicit drugs. An earlier version was published in 1991 which introduced campaign planning methodology as a means to help bridge the gap existing between the policy and strategy.
Added July 01, 1997
Type: Book
Syria and the Peace: A Good Chance Missed
Authored by Dr. Helena Cobban.
One of the more dismaying aspects of the current peace process has been the failure of Syria and Israel to make a deal. According to Christian Science Monitor correspondent Helena Cobban, these two long-standing foes came very close to composing their decades-old quarrel. The Syrian and Israeli leaders persevered to overcome extraordinary obstacles, but in the end failed.
Added July 01, 1997
Type: Book
U.S. National Security: Beyond the Cold War
Authored by Robert Ellsworth, Dr. David Jablonsky, Ronald Steel, Morton H. Halperin, Lawrence Korb.
U.S. national security is a subject that has been under intense scrutiny since the end of the Cold War. What constitutes such security for the United States as this country approaches the new century? Are the ends, ways, and means of our national security and national military strategies sufficient to provide for the nation's future? And above all, as this country celebrates the 50th anniversary of the National Security Act of 1947, are the institutions that resulted from that act still sufficient for the post-Cold War era?
Added July 01, 1997
Type: Book
Two Perspectives on Interventions and Humanitarian Operations
Authored by David Tucker, Robert B. Oakley. Edited by Dr. Earl H. Tilford, Jr..
Ambassador Robert B. Oakley, who served as Special Envoy to Somalia provides an honest and compelling look at that controversial operation. In the second paper, Dr. David Tucker dissects the arguments to develop criteria which might be used for and against engagement in humanitarian operations in an attempt to guide U.S. policymakers. Ambassador Oakley and Dr. Tucker both agree that the United States, as a great power, will be engaged in intervention operations of all kinds all over the world.
Added June 01, 1997
Type: Book
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: The United States, Mexico, and the Agony of National Security
Authored by Dr. Donald E. Schulz.
Because of NAFTA and increasing interdependence, this paper redefines U.S.-Mexican security relations in non-traditional terms. Offers practical suggestions so that U.S leaders to respond effectively to the emerging relationship.
Added June 01, 1997
Type: Book
Command in NATO After the Cold War: Alliance, National, and Multinational Consideration
Edited by Dr. Thomas-Durell Young.
The effectiveness of NATO is largely due to the existence of its integrated and multinational command structure. That command structure, the cement of the Alliance, derives from the mutual obligations contained in Article V of the North Atlantic Treaty.
Added June 01, 1997
Type: Book
The Crisis in the Russian Economy
Authored by Dr. Vitaly V. Shlykov.
Retired Soviet Army Colonel Vitaly Shlykov presents a brutally honest appraisal of the harsh realities that are a part of today's Russia. This report was presented at the Army War College's Eighth Annual Strategy Conference, "Russia's Future as a World Power," held at Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania, April 22-24, 1997. Colonel Shlykov's paper is even more sobering when one considers that the October Revolution of 1917 began in the bread lines of Petrograd and Moscow.
Added June 01, 1997
Type: Book
From Madrid to Brussels: Perspectives on NATO Enlargement
Edited by Dr. Stephen J. Blank.
NATO's enlargement will be perhaps the most important defense and foreign policy issue of 1997. Certainly, its impact will exert a decisive influence on the future evolution of European security and the institutions that comprise it.
Added June 01, 1997
Type: Book
The Russian Military in the 21st Century
Authored by Dr. Alexei G. Arbatov.
In April 1997, the U.S. Army War College held its Eighth Annual Strategy Conference, the topic of which was "Russia's Future as a World Power." Most of the speakers discussed various aspects of the many crises besetting Russia, and there were differing views on whether Russia would be able to surmount those crises and make the transition to a politically stable democracy and a market economy.
Added June 01, 1997
Type: Book
Assessing the Costs of Failure
Authored by Lawrence R. Velte, Shibley Telhami. Edited by Dr. Stephen C. Pelletiere.
The two papers presented here are particularly timely, as the authors examine the likely effects of breakdown, or breakthrough, on America's broader regional interests, extending in particular to the Persian Gulf. As U.S. policies with respect to the Gulf and the Arab-Israeli peace process come under increasing stress, these authors elaborate linkages between them. They also make clear that the outcomes will have profound implications for U.S. security commitments and, potentially, future missions and deployments.
Added June 01, 1997
Type: Book
The Evolution in Military Affairs: Shaping the Future U.S. Armed Forces
Authored by Professor Douglas C. Lovelace, Jr..
Professor Douglas Lovelace articulates the exigent need to begin preparing the U.S. armed forces for the international security environment which will succeed the post-Cold War era. He defines national security interests, describes the future international security environment, identifies derivative future national security objectives and strategic concepts, and discerns the military capabilities
Added June 01, 1997
Type: Monograph
Military Medical Operations in Sub-Saharan Africa: THE DoD
Authored by LTC C. William Fox, Jr..
Lieutenant Colonel C. William Fox, Jr., a physician who has had extensive experience in U.S. activities in Africa over the past two decades, has personally supervised operations that have considerable potential as models for future regional involvement. In this publication, he offers a rationale and vision for future DoD activities in Africa.
Added June 01, 1997
Type: Monograph
National Defense into the 21st Century: Defining the Issues
Authored by Dr. Earl H. Tilford, Jr..
In March 1996, Colonel Jim Blundell of the Association of the United States Army's Institute for Land Warfare and Dr. Earl H. Tilford, Jr., of the U. S. Army War College's Strategic Studies Institute envisioned a symposium that would bring all the services together for an open and honest meeting aimed at defining the complex issues that will face the services individually and the Department of Defense corporately during the Joint Strategy Review and Quadrennial Defense Review process.
Added April 01, 1997
Type: Book
Challenges and Options in the Caucasus and Central Asia
Authored by Dr. Pavel K. Baev.
In April 1997, the U.S. Army War College held its Eighth Annual Strategy Conference. This year's topic was "Russia's Future as a World Power." Dr. Pavel K. Baev, a senior researcher at the International Peace Research Institute in Oslo, Norway, discusses the disintegration of order along Russia's southern border.
Added April 01, 1997
Type: Book
Why Russian Policy is Failing in Asia
Authored by Dr. Stephen J. Blank.
Since its inception as a state, Russia has been both a European and an Asian power. Although Russia today, as was true during much of its history, is torn by an identity crisis over where it belongs, its elites have never renounced Russia's vital interests in Asia and the belief that it should be recognized as a great power there. However, that belief and Moscow's ability to sustain it are now under threat, due, as Dr. Stephen Blank's thorough analysis informs us, to the ongoing failures of Russian policymakers to come to grips with changed Russian and Asian realities.
Added April 01, 1997
Type: Book
The Future Roles of U.S. Military Power and Their Implications
Authored by Dr. William T. Johnsen.
Only after the future roles of the U.S. military have been determined can the Department of Defense turn to the other important issues posed by Congress. Dr. William T. Johnsen concludes that the U.S. military will continue to perform its traditional roles: deterrence, reassurance, compellence, and support to the nation. The method and manner of carrying out those roles, however, will change.
Added March 01, 1997
Type: Book
The Dynamics of Russian Weapon Sales to China
Authored by Dr. Stephen J. Blank.
Russia has recently sold or transferred many military weapons or technologies to China. Russian state policy has also officially joined with China in a relationship described as a strategic cooperative partnership.
Added March 01, 1997
Type: Book
Strategic Horizons: The Military Implications of Alternative Futures
Authored by Dr. Steven Metz.
A year ago the Chief of Staff of the Army initiated the Army After Next Project (AANP) as a means of stimulating constructive thinking about the Army's future throughout the service. AANP has quickly developed into a primary vehicle for long-range planning.
Added January 01, 1997
Type: Book
Tacit Acceptance and Watchful Eyes: Beijing's Views about the U.S.-ROK Alliance
Authored by Dr. Fei-Ling Wang.
Professor Wang Fei-ling examines the future of the U.S. ROK alliance from China's perspective. He suggests that China's current preoccupation with its domestic agenda and relatively conservative foreign policy seek to maintain the status quo in Northeast Asia. Dr. Wang's warning that a sharp shift in China's Korea policy is possible has significant implications for U.S. interests.
Added January 01, 1997
Type: Book
World View: The 1997 Strategic Assessment from the Strategic Studies Institute
Edited by Dr. Earl H. Tilford, Jr..
In December of each year the analysts at the Strategic Studies Institute (SSI) look to the year ahead to assess the strategic equation for their particular areas of interest. This is part of an effort to focus our priorities both corporately as well as individually.
Added January 01, 1997
Type: Book
The Chemical Weapons Convention: Strategic Implications for the United States
Authored by Mr. Frederick J. Vogel.
On January 13, 1993, in Paris, 130 countries signed the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) to ban the entire class of chemical weapons. Many of those nations have since ratified it. In this country, debate continues on the strategic implications of the convention, as drafted, and whether it is in the U.S. national security interest.
Added January 01, 1997
Type: Monograph
Haiti Update
Authored by Dr. Donald E. Schulz.
Captures the emerging situation in Haiti after the humanitarian intervention of the United States and the United Nations since 1994. Speculates about the difficult prospects for democracy within Haiti's destructive climate of violence and counter-violence.
Added January 01, 1997
Type: Monograph
The Peace process, Phase One: Past Accomplishments, Future Concerns
Edited by Dr. Stephen C. Pelletiere.
In these three essays, the authors analyze several key aspects of what can be considered the first phase of the Mideast Peace Process (the time from the 1991 Madrid Conference to the 1996 Israeli election). They remind us that despite recent renewed progress on the Israeli-Palestinian agenda, the peace process has a long and difficult road ahead.

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