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Conference Presenters: Help Others Find Your Research in ERIC

May 01, 2012

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Whether you've presented at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, the Council for Exceptional Children, or another education-related group, we invite you to submit your work to ERIC so that it is available to those who were not able to hear you in person.

ERIC is searched more than 13 million times each month by researchers and educators worldwide through Internet search engines, the public website at, commercial database vendors, and various state and local education networks that provide access to ERIC. All you need to do to obtain that visibility for your work is to follow the easy three-step process at Don't forget to provide the name, date, and location of the conference at which you presented. This information will be included in the ERIC record to aid in findability.

Materials in ERIC remain your intellectual property. Because you do not transfer copyright to ERIC, you are free to seek publication in journals and other avenues. Your work will remain available as full text in PDF format with a permanent URL.

For more information, please see this list of frequently asked questions.

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