ERIC: Education Resources Information Center Skip main navigation
ERIC: Education Resources Information Center Skip main navigation Skip main and local navigation

Submit Content to the ERIC Collection

Millions of education researchers and practitioners search ERIC for its wealth of high-quality education information. Help them find your materials by becoming part of this enduring collection of education literature.

Individual Authors: Click here for Online Submission

Individual Authors

For individuals not typically associated with a publisher or organization. Find out how individual authors can submit conference papers, research reports, dissertations, and other materials to ERIC through a brief series of screens in this easy-to-use system.

Online Submission

Publishers: Click here for Publisher Information


For commercial publishers, as well as government agencies, organizations, and educational institutions that publish education- related journals, books and other materials. Discover the benefits of indexing your publications in ERIC, and learn how your titles can be included.

Publisher Information

Microfiche Digitization

Microfiche Digitization Project

ERIC has initiated a special project to convert ERIC microfiche produced 1966-1992 to electronic records and, with contributor permission, make the full text available online. If you have previously contributed documents to ERIC, know someone who has done so, or want to know more about how this initiative will benefit users in general, check this area.

More Information

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