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Letters to Earth: Astronaut Don Pettit
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July 1 - Diary of a Space Zucchini
 Posted on Jul 01, 2012 02:28:35 AM | Don Pettit
10 Comments | | Poor Fair Average Good Excellent

July 1

Today Gardener and his crew will depart in their seed pod; the replacement crew is ready to carry on in their place.  He is wearing his space suit undergarments.  Not too stylish but functional.  He gave all of us an extra long smell.  His nose twitched with the slightest tickle from the leaf hairs on little Zuc.  He said that what will be is for the best.  It has been a wonderful journey; one chapter is closing, another is opening.  He had tears in his eyes, not just a small drop at the corners but a pool that was making him blink.  He reached up and turned out the light.  In the frontier you should not be afraid of the dark.

Don's blog also appears at

June 29 -- Diary of a Space Zucchini
 Posted on Jun 29, 2012 05:20:15 PM | Don Pettit
6 Comments | | Poor Fair Average Good Excellent

June 29
The crew is busy with their departure preparations.  They are flying back and forth with bags of gear.  Gardener tried on a special suit made out of tight fitting fabric.  It keeps his roots and stalks from expanding when he returns to Earth’s gravity.  He said things will feel real heavy for awhile.

Don's blog also appears at

Going Home
 Posted on Jun 29, 2012 10:51:05 AM | Don Pettit
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EarthWhen a frontier feels like home, it is no longer a frontier; it has become "civilization." Those determined to wander must now pack their bags and move further into the cosmos.

Space Station is very much on the frontier. It is only my temporary home, and now it is time for me to venture back to my real home. For my generation, Earth is, and will remain, home. The technology for space travel is still in the process of development, and is not sufficiently mature to open this frontier to humanity. We are not prepared to call space our home — yet.

On Earth, the frontiers opened slowly. The technology of sailing was known and advanced for over a thousand years before the Earth was circumnavigated. Such bold acts require the technology, the will, and the audacity to explore. Sometimes you have one, but not the others.

I only hope that my small efforts here, perhaps adding one grain of sand to the beach of knowledge, will help enable a generation of people in the future to call space "home."

Last Day in Space

Tomorrow we light our rocket,
          we burn our engines and likewise,
                   burn a hole in the sky,
                             And thus fall to Earth.
How does one spend your last day in space?
          Looking at Earth,
                   a blue jewel surrounded by inky blackness,
                             Pure Occipital Ecstasy.
Unconstrained by your girth,
          you fly with vestigial wings.
The atmosphere on edge,
          iridescent blue with no earthly parallel,
                   Electrifying Diaphanous Beauty.
Guarded by Sirens of Space,
          singing saccharine songs,
                   beckoning you to crash on the atmos-reef
which tears you limb from limb
                   and scorching what remains
                            into cosmic croutons that sprinkle onto
                                       the garden salad of Earth.
One last feast out the window,
          A looking glass of Wonderland.
Offering both a portal to see your world,
                   and a translucent reflection to see yourself.
          what is your place in this world below,
                   how do you change it,
                             how does it change you.
We are wedded to this planet,
          until mass extinction we do part.
                   Perhaps one planet is not enough.
You study your charts,
          we prepare our spaceship,
                   and our minds.
We make ready our descent,
          into these seemingly gentle arms.
The eager anticipation of hugging your wife,
          your boys with grins followed by pouting faces,
                   both excited to see you but not understanding why you left.
Oh how does one spend your last day in Space.
          What would you do?

Don Pettit
Node 2, Deck 5
ISS, LEO 51.603

Don's blog also appears at

Birth of a New Moon
 Posted on Jun 28, 2012 12:51:02 PM | Don Pettit
17 Comments | | Poor Fair Average Good Excellent


I saw the waning crescent moon, a small sliver of white rising above the Earth limb. It reminded me of a glowing fingernail clipping. Like a rainbow, but only of shades of blue, the atmosphere on edge filled the gap between Earth and space—electrifying diaphanous beauty. 


Venus was there, watching. Aldebaran in Taurus was an orange dot. The ghost of Full Moon Past, the complete lunar disk, was dimly lit by the bluish hue of earthshine. The time was 07:45 on June 18t (GMT). One orbit later, at 09:17, I saw a sliver of a sliver. Work beckoned me for the next three orbits (about four and a half hours) before I could observe another moonrise. At 13:56, there was only the smallest glint that we even had a Moon. The next orbit I was waiting at dawn, but saw no moon. Initially I was baffled. Then it occurred to me that I had been witness to the birth of a New Moon. 


Don's blog also appears at

An Astronaut’s Guide to Space Etiquette
 Posted on Jun 27, 2012 06:47:43 PM | Don Pettit
18 Comments | | Poor Fair Average Good Excellent

How to be civilized on the space frontier


Chapter 6: Having company for dinner.


It does not matter that you’ve seen the same faces every day for months on end; you’d still like to invite everyone over to “your module” for dinner. With invitations accepted, you prepare for the occasion. But what is the expected etiquette for entertaining in orbit? How do you arrange things so your guests will not think you are gauche? Here are a few space-tested guidelines to help in the preparations.


Have plenty of food, and serve your very best. Now is the time to break out those thermal-stabilized pouches of beef steak that you have been hoarding. Bring out any specialty item from your personal crew allotment (these items arrive on the periodic unmanned resupply spacecraft that visit us). Perhaps you can share a can of smoked anchovies, New Mexico green chili, or a piece of Old Amsterdam cheese. Always serve something special that is not repeatedly eaten on the standard nine-day menu. Being generous now will reap more benefits than eating these delicacies in solitude.


The choice of beverage is rather limited. You can serve the standard ones: coffee, tea, and artificially flavored, artificially colored, sugar-loaded, fruit-replica drinks. All, of course, are served in a bag, and you sip the fluid through a straw. The image of an insect sucking the juices from some lower insect may come to mind, but in space it is considered impolite to give voice to such imagery.


You can provide a special treat if you have access to one of the research refrigerators. In space, all your food is either hot or at room temperature. When you live in an isothermal environment, it can be a real treat to serve your guests a bag of cold water.


For special occasions—perhaps after a space walk or the docking of a resupply vehicle—you can serve your beverages in a “zero-g” cup. This is something you will have to make from scrap plastic sheeting (instructions are in Appendix C). These cups allow you to sip beverages from an open container, like we do on Earth. Zero-g cups, unlike bags with straws, are better for social rituals like toasting, and will bring a smile to the faces of your guests.



It is important to dress up your galley. Have full packets of wet and dry wipes within easy reach on the galley table. Take any partial packets and save them for another time. Empty the trash bins. A full trash bin is problematic; a handful of small things typically float out when new items are added. This rudely interrupts conversation while everyone scatters to collect the floating debris. It is good to have two trash bins; the standard-sized one for largish items, and an old wet wipe container for small ones. This separation of smaller trash—cutoff pouch corners, food crumbs, and wrappers—helps prevents their release when the lid is opened. Be sure to label this wet wipe container “trash”. Newly arrived crew may not be aware of this trash protocol, so it is best to politely demonstrate by example. They will learn quickly enough.


Clean the food scissors. Scissors are needed to open food pouches, as tearing them along the built-in perforations usually results in liberating hot droplets of fatty ooze and other asteroid-like particles. That’s why, if the scissors aren’t kept clean, they become caked in solidified gravy to the point where they become glued shut (not to mention being slightly repulsive). Such a state is considered rude, so clean your scissors before the guests arrive.


Always have a loaner spoon available. In weightlessness, it is easy to lose things. It is not unusual in a group of six for someone’s spoon to have floated off. Having a clean loaner spoon allows for the evening to continue and the conversation to flow. It is rude to give your guest a loaner spoon caked in crud from the last time it was used. The lost spoon is usually found by morning, stuck to a ventilator inlet screen, and your guest will appreciate it being returned.


Always put out new tape. The galley table has multiple spots of Velcro to park packets of food. However, not all packets and pouches have mating spots of Velcro, which means they can’t be set down on the table. Several strips of duct tape, carefully folded so the adhesive side is out (see Appendix D for instructions), allows such containers to be parked on the table. Tape left over from the previous week, while perfectly functional, collects errant crumbs, hairs, lint, and other unsightly things. Displaying dirty tape is exceedingly rude to your guests; always put out new, clean tape.


In space, catching food in your mouth is considered polite. Opening wide and making a clean catch will most always bring cheers from your guests. In one impressive gulp, you can leave them with the image of some sea creature inhaling another. Catching food in your mouth, like belching at the table (considered impolite in most cultures, but a compliment to the chef in others) is rude on Earth but de rigueur in space.


By following these simple rules, you will ensure a delightful evening with your guests. And remember, on the space frontier, the etiquette book is still being written. I encourage you to invent new ways of conducting everyday life, including entertaining. It is one of the reasons we find ourselves here in the first place.

Don's blog also appears at

June 17-26 - Diary of a Space Zucchini
 Posted on Jun 27, 2012 12:37:26 PM | Don Pettit
2 Comments | | Poor Fair Average Good Excellent

June 17
Excitement is in the air. Gardener said we will soon be returning to Earth. Our part of the mission is nearly complete and the new crew will take over for us. I am a bit worried about Broccoli, Sunflower, and me. If Gardener leaves, who will take care of us? And what about little Zuc? He is now a big sprout and ready to branch out on his own. Gardener talked about pressing us. I am not sure what that means; this does not sound good.

Left to right: Don Pettit, Oleg Kononenko, Andre Kuipers

June 21
Gardener and crew wore their spacesuits today. This is something Broccoli, Sunflower, little Zuc and I do not have. They spent time in the part of the spaceship that breaks off and falls back to Earth. It is very cramped inside. It must be their version of a seed pod.


June 24
Sunflower is going to seed! His blossom is wilted-brown and has a few lopsided packed seeds. This is not quite normal, but then, we are living on the frontier and things are different here. They are not ready now; I wonder if they will be by the time Gardener is with his seed pod?

June 26
Gardener has this big book. He called it an atlas, a map of Earth. It is normally kept by the big window but now it is stuck to the wall right next to Broccoli, Sunflower, little Zuc, and I. He also transplanted us into new bags. This time the bags are very small, just enough to contain our root ball and a splash of water. He told us that he will soon be leaving and that we will return later in the belly of a Dragon.

Don's blog also appears at

Carrying the Load
 Posted on Jun 25, 2012 06:28:06 PM | Don Pettit
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Humans make rather poor beasts of burden. Fortunately, nowadays heavy loads are pretty much relegated to machines, saving our spines for recreational activities like donning backpacks and heading into the wilderness. Speaking of which, the suspension system for backpacks—the part that connects the load to our bodies through a series of straps—is relevant to our attempts to keep our muscles and bones from degenerating in space.


To maintain our muscles, bones, and cardiovascular systems, we exercise about two and a half hours each day. These exercises are divided between resistance (“weightlifting” in weightlessness), cycling, and treadmill routines. To run on the treadmill in zero-g requires that your feet stay in contact with the belt, so we wear a backpack harness with adjustable spring-loaded straps. The loading is important. To reap the full health benefit, the harness is loaded to near (Earth) body weight, which for me is 80 kilograms (176 pounds). It sounds easy, but the technical details of creating a harness add significant complexity to the process of exercise in space. This is another example in spaceflight hardware design where the answers are not in the back of the book.



On Earth, a backpack harness is designed to distribute the load between the shoulders and hips, with the balance between the two usually adjustable. And no one really wants to carry a backpack weighing more than about 80 pounds. I have a minimalist philosophy when it comes to backpacking, and seldom carry more than about 45 pounds.


Now enter the space requirement to carry a load close to your body weight. No backpack I am aware of is designed to do this. And how does one best distribute the load between hips and shoulders? Our bodies are not meant to carry our own weight on our shoulders, so the load has to be distributed more widely. But since the spine has to be loaded, too, the entire weight cannot be placed on the hips. Your hips also have to be free to swing with your stride.


When backpacking with heavy loads on Earth, we seldom work near maximum cardiovascular levels. Backpacking is slow and easy; we take the time to smell the roses along the wilderness trail. In space, we run on a treadmill at 95 percent of our maximum heart rate. At this level of exertion, your chest is expanding and contracting to its full extent while your heart feels like it is going to jump out of your chest. Normal backpacks are not designed to accommodate the required chest expansion at maximum exertion.


These seemingly small engineering details complicate the backpack design enough that we can’t just use off-the-shelf equipment. The treadmill harness we use on Space Station was engineered at NASA Glenn Research Center, and so is called the Glenn harness. The engineering was tested on Earth by taking a treadmill and mounting it vertically on a wall. Then the test subject (I was one of them) is suspended horizontally above the floor with a series of bungees, like in a magician’s floating lady act. Now the harness can be tested at near-body-weight loads in normal gravity. It’s often necessary to go to such lengths to design and test spaceflight hardware. In that way, a large visionary technology program like Space Station drives numerous small advances that never would have been contemplated (or funded) without the greater driving force.

Don's blog also appears at

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