NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

07 Dec. 2011

NATO Afghan First Policy workshop focuses on empowering women

As part of the NATO Afghan First Policy, a workshop entitled, "Empowering women to own and manage their companies: enabling women to improve their own security, to raise their incomes and strengthen their resilience" took place on 7 December at ISAF Headquarters in Kabul, Afghanistan.

More than 20 Afghan business men and women took part in the workshop. They joined contracting experts from ISAF and NATO Headquarters in round-table and panel discussions which provided an opportunity to identify challenges and explore possible solutions to conducting business. Participants explained how they had developed their business and in particular the difficulties faced by women in establishing and running an Afghan company.  The outcome of the discussions will be used to develop guidance on good practices in contracting, providing further practical support and advice.  This will strengthen the role of local Afghan businesses and reduce the risks of corruption in contracting.
This session highlighted challenges of implementing the NATO Afghan First Policy, launched by NATO Foreign Ministers at their meeting on 22 and 23 April 2010 held in Tallinn, Estonia. The policy aims to increase NATO/ISAF support to the Afghan local economy by maximising the financial impact of ISAF presence in Afghanistan. Its objectives are to strengthen NATO’s contribution to the development of the Afghan economy by increasing local procurement of goods and services whenever the acceptable standards for security, quality, price and reliable supply are met, including the use of Afghan contractors and workers.  It is estimated that from 2005 to 2011 about 18,500 Afghans established new companies to conduct business with ISAF.  Understanding NATO/ISAF administrative procedures, language and timelines presents a challenge to Afghans who want to do business with ISAF. 
Considering the disproportionate impact that conflicts have on women, as well as the crucial role women play in bringing peace and security, the organisers made a special effort to include Afghan business women.  This focus on empowering women in reconstruction and stabilisation reflects NATO's support for UN Security Council Resolution 1325. 
This workshop follows an earlier event held on 27 June 2011 in collaboration with the NATO Maintenance and Supply Agency (NAMSA) located in Luxemburg. Discussion at the June session focused on identifying good practice and practical tools for procurement and contracting to support and implement the NATO Afghan First Policy.

This event is part of the Building Integrity Initiative support for promoting good practice and reducing the risk of corruption and was supported by Iceland.  Similar one-day events are planned to take place in the provinces in spring 2012.  

Last updated: 20-Dec-2011 18:05

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