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Marine Lt. Gen. Glueck speaking from Iwo Jima

Courtesy Audio | III Marine Expeditionary Force / Marine Corps Installations Pacific | Date: 03.13.2012

Marine Gen. Glueck talks to a Reuters Television reporter, in Washington, D.C., about the significance of the role of the U.S. Marine Corps in the historic battle of Iwo Jima in Japan during World War II.


Staff Sgt. Tiffany Carter Interview

Courtesy Audio | DVIDS Hub | Date: 11.03.2011

Staff Sgt. Tiffany Carter, from Napa, Calif., talks about why she joined the Marine Corps, deployment, and various other subjects regarding her duties and responsibilities.


Marines Arrive in Pakistan

Courtesy Audio | 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit | Date: 08.13.2010

Marines from the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit have started arriving in Pakistan to help with flood relief efforts. Army Sgt. Jose Colon has more from Ghazi.


National Defense Radio Interview

Courtesy Audio | Partnership of the Americas 2010/Southern Exchange 2010 | Date: 07.11.2010

The following contains a National Defense Radio interview with Col Gary S. Johnston, commanding officer of the Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force 24, regarding support of multi-national combined...