The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Readout of the meeting of the President and National Security Advisor with Indian National Security Advisor Menon

National Security Advisor Tom Donilon met yesterday with Indian National Security Advisor Shivshankar Menon at the White House to follow-up on the outcomes of President Obama and Indian Prime Minister Singh’s historic Summit in India in November 2010.  Mr. Donilon and Mr. Menon discussed ways to advance our bilateral agenda over the coming year, including the implementation of initiatives launched during the Summit, as well as building new platforms for collaboration that fulfill the promise of our global strategic partnership.  The two also had candid, in-depth discussions on regional and global issues of mutual concern.   
The President joined the meeting and reaffirmed his commitment to building a true global, strategic partnership with India.  The President relayed his priorities for the coming year, including advancing our bilateral economic relationship and making progress on nuclear security efforts.