NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NATO Liaison Office (NLO) Georgia



  • Represent NATO in Georgia
  • Facilitate political/military dialogue and practical cooperation under the NATO-Georgia Commission in support of Georgia’s efforts to join NATO.
  • Enhance civil and military cooperation between NATO and the Government of Georgia in support Euro-Atlantic integration goals described in the Annual National Plan (ANP)


  • Provide advice and assistance to the Government of Georgia in support of civilian and military reform efforts required for NATO integration.
  • Provide advice to Georgian and NATO authorities on the planning and implementation of cooperation programs and activities
  • Conduct liaison with Georgian, NATO, Allied, and Partner Authorities to enhance cooperation and understanding in pursuit of the NATO/Georgia goal of Georgia becoming a full NATO member.
  • Facilitate NATO and Allied bilateral and multilateral projects, events and visits.

Current priorities

  • Strengthen Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic integration reform process:
    • Assist Georgia in planning and implementing the civilian and military reform goals defined in the Annual National Program (ANP)
    • Advise and assist Georgia’s reform of the armed forces in the framework of the PfP Planning and Review Process
    • Support the planning and implementation of military reforms defined in the Georgia annual Work Plan developed by Georgia and the Military Committee
  • Enhance NATO-Georgia political and practical dialogue
    • Engage Georgian leadership at the senior political level
    • Engage and inform Georgian society through intensified public diplomacy outreach to increase public awareness of NATO and NATO-Georgia Relations.
  • Support transformation and democratic oversight of the defense and security sector:
    • Engage parliament and the executive regarding the armed forces;
    • Engage Nongovernmental organizations interested in defense and security oversight in order to strengthen the role of civil society in national security and defense issues

NATO programmes in Georgia

  • In October 2010, the NATO/PfP Trust Fund project was established to help Georgia to safely dispose of explosive remnants of war, (ERW) resulting from the August 2008 conflict with Russia. The project is providing training and equipment to an Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) company, as well as providing equipment for the medical rehabilitation centre at the Military Hospital in Gori for treating ERW wounded military and civilian personnel. The Lead Nations of the project are the Czech Republic, Estonia and Lithuania.
  • In 2009, NATO and Georgia launched the Professional Development Programme with the objective of enhancing the professional skills of civilian officials to strengthen the capacity for effective democratic management and oversight in defence and security institutions. Training and education provided in the framework of this programme is closely aligned to Georgia’s defence and security sector reform objectives outlined in the ANP.

General organizational information

  • The NATO Liaison Office was officially opened on 1 October 2010
  • Authorized staff: 12
  • Current Staff: 8
    • Head of Office (NATO civilian IS Staff)
    • Deputy (NATO civilian IS Staff);
    • 2 national experts (from Poland)
    • 2 Georgian local employees
    • 2 NATO Programme Managers

Contacts: Address: 25 Atoneli Street, Tbilisi, Georgia. Office tel. no.: +995 (32) 293 38 03; +995 (32) 293 38 02.

Last updated: 18-Nov-2011 11:26
