NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Counter-piracy operations

Growing piracy in the Gulf of Aden and off the Horn of Africa is undermining international humanitarian efforts in Africa and the safety of one of the busiest and most important maritime routes in the world – the gateway in and out of the Suez Canal. NATO has been helping to deter and disrupt pirate attacks, while protecting vessels and helping to increase the general level of security in the region since 2008.

On the request of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, in late 2008, NATO started to provide escorts to UN World Food Programme (WFP) vessels transiting through these dangerous waters under Operation Allied Provider (October-December 2008). In addition to providing close protection to WFP chartered ships, NATO conducted deterrence patrols and prevented, for instance, vessels from being hijacked and their crews being taken hostage during pirate attacks. This operation was succeeded by Operation Allied Protector (March-August 2009), which continued to contribute to the safety of commercial maritime routes and international navigation. It also conducted surveillance and fulfilled the tasks previously undertaken by Operation Allied Provider. This operation evolved in August 2009 in Operation Ocean Shield.

Operation Ocean Shield also contributes to providing maritime security in the region and is helping to reduce the overall pirate attack success rate. The latter has been reduced from 44 per cent in 2004 to 16 per cent in 2011. In order to respond to new piracy tactics, NATO has created greater synergies with other initiatives, recognised the continued need for regional capacity-building, within means and capabilities, and focused on areas where it provides added value. The March 2012 Strategic Assessment highlighted the need to erode the pirates’ logistics and support base by, among other things, disabling pirate vessels or skiffs, attaching tracking beacons to mother ships and allowing the use of force to disable or destroy suspected pirate or armed robber vessels.  

NATO is conducting counter-piracy activities in full complementarity with the relevant UN Security Council Resolutions and with actions against piracy initiated by other actors, such as the European Union.

  • Operation Ocean Shield – ongoing

    The mission, its objectives and scope

    Piracy and armed robbery are disrupting the delivery of humanitarian aid to Somalia, as well as threatening vital sea lines of communication (SLOC) and economic interests off the Horn of Africa and in the Gulf of Aden.

    Building on the two previous counter-piracy missions conducted by NATO, Operation Ocean Shield principally focuses on at-sea counter-piracy operations. NATO vessels conduct, for instance, helicopter surveillance missions to trace and identify ships in the area, they help to prevent and disrupt hijackings and to suppress armed robbery. NATO has also agreed, at the request of the UN, to escort the UNSOA - United Nations Support Office for AMISOM - supply vessels to the harbour entrance of Mogadishu. The Alliance has broadened its approach to combating piracy by offering, within means and capabilities to regional states that request it, assistance in developing their own capacity to combat piracy activities. More recently, NATO has also taken on measures aimed at eroding the pirates’ logistics and support base.

    In sum, NATO’s role is to provide naval escorts and deterrence, while increasing cooperation with other counter-piracy operations in the area in order to optimise efforts and tackle the evolving pirate trends and tactics.

    This operation was approved by the North Atlantic Council on 17 August 2009 and has been extended until the end of 2014.

    Composition and command of the naval force

    The current rotation

    SNMG 1 is currently conducting Operation Ocean Shield. The following ships have been assigned under the command of Commodore Ben Bekkering (Dutch Navy):

    • HLNMS Evertsen (Flagship – the Netherlands);
    • USS Taylor (United States of America)

    Rear Commodore Bekkering is under the overall command of Admiral George Zambellas, Allied Maritime Component Command Headquarters Northwood, in the United Kingdom, which is one of the three Component Commands of Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum.

    Previous rotations
    January-June 2012SNMG2  

    Rear Admiral Sinan Tosun (Turkish Navy)

    TCG Giresun (Flagship – Turkey);
    HDMS Absalon (Denmark);
    ITS Grecale (Italy);
    RFA Fort Victoria (United Kingdom);
    USS Dewert (United States);
    USS Carney (United States).*

    * Ships initially assigned to the rotation.
    June 2011-Dec. 2011 SNMG1  
    Rear Admiral Gualtiero Mattesi (Italian Navy)

    ITS Andrea Doria (Flagship – Italy);
    USS Carney (United States);
    USS De Wert (United States);
    NRP D. Francisco De Almeida (Portugal).

    Dec. 2010- June 2011 SNMG2  
    Commodore Michiel Hijmans (Royal Netherlands Navy)

    HMNLS De Ruyter (Flagship - Netherlands);
    HDMS Esbern Snare (Denmark)
    TCG Gaziantep (Turkey); and
    USS Laboon (United States).

    Aug. – early Dec. 2010 SNMG1  
    Commodore Christian Rune (Denmark)

    HDMS Esbern Snare (Flagship, Denmark);
    HMS Montrose and FTVR (United kingdom);
    USS Kauffman and Laboon (United States);
    ITS Bersagliere (Italy); and
    Zeeleeuw (NL submarine).

    March-August 2010 SNMG2  
    12 March-30 June:
    Commodore Steve Chick (UK)
    HMS Chatham (Flagship, United Kingdom)
    HS LIMNOS (Greece)-under national control from 30 May
    ITS SCIROCCO (Italiay)-under national control from 5 June
    TCG Gelibolu (Turkey)
    USS Cole (United States)
    1st July-6 August:
    Commodore Michiel Hijmans (Royal Netherlands Navy)
    HNLMS De Zeven Provinciën (Flagship, The Netherlands)
    TCG Gelibolu (Turkey)
    USS Cole (United States)
    Nov. 2009-March 2010 SNMG1  
    Commodore Christian Rune
    (succeeded Rear Admiral Jose Pereira de Cunha (PO) from 25 January 2010).
    NRP Álvares Cabral (outgoing flagship, Portugal)
    HDMS Absalon (incoming flagship, Denmark)
    HMS Fredericton (Canada)
    USS Boone (United States)
    HMS Chatham (United Kingdom)
    Aug. – Nov. 2009 SNMG2  
    Commodore Steve Chick (UK) HS Navarinon (Greece)
    ITS Libeccio (Italy)
    TCG Gediz (Turkey)
    HMS Cornwall (United Kingdom)
    USS Donald Cook (United States)


    SNMG1 and SNMG 2

    NATO has two Immediate Reaction Forces: the Standing NATO Maritime Groups composed of the SNMG1 and the SNMG2; and the Standing NATO Maritime Mine Countermeasure Groups (SNMCMG1 and SNMCMG2).

    The Standing NATO Maritime Groups are a multinational, integrated maritime force made up of vessels from various allied countries. These vessels (including their helicopters) are permanently available to NATO to perform different tasks ranging from participating in exercises to actually intervening in operational missions. These groups provide NATO with a continuous maritime capability for operations and other activities in peacetime and in periods of crisis and conflict. They also help to establish Alliance presence, demonstrate solidarity, conduct routine diplomatic visits to different countries, support transformation and provide a variety of maritime military capabilities to ongoing missions.

    SNMG1 and SNMG2 alternate between each other for the six-month rotations of Operation Ocean Shield and otherwise function according to the operational needs of the Alliance, therefore helping to maintain optimal flexibility. Their composition varies and they are usually composed of between six and ten ships from as many NATO member countries.

    Currently , SNMG2 and SNMCMG2 come under the command of Allied Maritime Component Command (CC-Mar) Naples, which is one of the three Component Commands of Allied Joint Force Command Naples. However, for Operation Ocean Shield, SNMG2 has been put under the Operational Control of Component Command Maritime Headquarters Northwood. As a result of the new NATO Command Structure, MC Northwood will have command over all SNF’s in the near future.
  • Past operations

    Operation Allied Protector

    The mission, its objectives and scope

    Operation Allied Protector helped to deter, defend against and disrupt pirate activities in the Gulf of Aden and off the Horn of Africa.

    From 24 March until 29 June 2009, the operation was conducted by SNMG1 vessels. As previously indicated, SNMG1 is usually employed in the Eastern Atlantic area, but it can deploy anywhere NATO requires. The first phase of Operation Allied Protector was undertaken as the force left for NATO’s first ever deployment to South East Asia. It made a short visit to Karachi (Pakistan) on 26-27 April. However, with the increase in pirate attacks, on 24 April NATO had already decided to cancel the other two port visits planned to Singapore and Australia. As such, the second phase of the operation, which was meant to take place as SNMG1 made its return journey towards European waters end June, was brought forward to 1 May.

    From 29 June 2009, the Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 (SNMG2) took over responsibility from SNMG1. It had conducted NATO’s first counter-piracy operation – Operation Allied Provider (see below).

    Composition and command of the naval force
    24 March-29 June 2009 SNMG1  
    Rear Admiral Jose Pereira de Cunha (PO) NRP Corte Real (flagship, Portugal)
    HMCS Winnipeg (Canada)
    HNLMS de Zeven Provinciën (The Netherlands)
    SPS Blas de Lezo (Spain)
    USS Halyburton (United States)
    29 June-August 2009 SNMG2  
    Commodore Steve Chick (UK) ITS Libeccio (frigate, Italy)
    HS Navarinon (frigate F461, Greece)
    TCG Gediz (frigate F495, Turkey)
    HMS Cornwall (frigate F99, United Kingdom)
    USS Laboon (destroyer DDG58, United States)


    Operation Allied Provider (October-December 2008)

    The mission, its objectives and scope

    Allied Operation Allied Provider was responsible for naval escorts to World Food Program (WFP) vessels and, more generally, patrolled the waters around Somalia. Alliance presence also helped to deter acts of piracy that threatened the region.

    While providing close protection for WFP vessels and patrolling routes most susceptible to criminal acts against merchant vessels, NATO ships could use force pursuant to the authorized Rules of Engagement and in compliance with relevant international and national law.

    Allied Provider was a temporary operation that was requested by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, on 25 September 2008. NATO provided this counter-piracy capacity in support of UNSC Resolutions 1814, 1816 and 1838, and in coordination with other international actors, including the European Union.

    NATO defence ministers agreed to respond positively to the UN’s request on 9 October, during an informal meeting held in Budapest, Hungary. Following this decision, planning started to redirect assets of SNMG2 to conduct anti-piracy duties.

    SNMG2 was already scheduled to conduct a series of Gulf port visits in Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates within the framework of the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative (ICI). As such, it started to transit the Suez Canal on 15 October to conduct both duties at the same time.

    Composition and command of the naval force

    At the time of the operation, SNMG2 comprised seven ships from Germany, Greece, Italy, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States, of which three were assigned to Operation Allied Provider:

    • ITS Durand de la Penne (flagship, destroyer D560, Italy);
    • HS Temistokles (frigate F465, Greece);
    • HMS Cumberland (frigate F85, United Kingdom).

    The other four ships (FGS Karlsruhe-Germany; FGS Rhön-Germany; TCG Gokova-Turkey; and USS The Sullivans-USA) continued deployment to ICI countries. This was the first time a NATO-flagged force deployed to the Gulf.

    At the time of the operation, SNMG2 was commanded by Rear Admiral Giovanni Gumiero, Italian Navy, who was appointed to this post in July 2008. He reported to the Commander of Allied Component Command Maritime (CC-Mar) Naples. CC Mar Naples is one of the three Component Commands of Allied Joint Force Command Naples. 

Last updated: 03-May-2012 13:30

