NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NATO-Ukraine Joint Working Group on Defence Reform

NATO and Ukraine cooperation in the area of defence and security sector reform is more extensive than with any other Partner country. The NATO-Ukraine Joint Working Group on Defence Reform (JWGDR) is the primary focus for NATO-Ukraine cooperation in defence and security sector reform.

What are its tasks and responsibilities?

It was established in 1998, under the auspices of the NATO-Ukraine Commission, to pursue initiatives in the area of civil-military relations, democratic oversight and civilian management of the armed forces and other security sector agencies, defence planning, policy, strategy and national security concepts.

The JWGDR allows Ukraine to draw on Allied countries' considerable experience and expertise, and serves as a tool through which the Allies can channel assistance. It also provides the institutional basis for cooperation with ministries and agencies engaged in supporting defence and security sector reform in Ukraine . These include the National Security and Defence Council, Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defence, Border Guards, Verkhovna Rada (Ukrainian Parliament) and others.

Who participates?

All NATO member states and Ukraine are represented in meetings of the JWGDR, which are chaired by NATO’s Assistant Secretary General for Defence Policy and Planning.

How does it work in practice?

The core group of the JWGDR meets quarterly at the expert level. The JWGDR also meets annually at Senior Level, involving high-ranking officials form Allied capitals and Kyiv.

Once a year, the JWGDR organises informal consultations on defence and security reform involving Ukrainian and Allied Defence Ministers, as well as key defence and security experts.

Last updated: 27-Oct-2010 12:29
