Study of Coordination of Tribal TANF and Child Welfare Services Grants, 2011-2013

Project Overview

The Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation (OPRE) is undertaking a descriptive study to document the approaches and strategies utilized by tribal organizations awarded cooperative agreements under the Coordination of Tribal TANF and Child Welfare Services funding opportunity announcement and to document lessons to inform the field of practice as well as policymakers and funders at various levels. The purpose of these cooperative agreements, as prescribed by the statute (section 403(a)(2) of the Social Security Act, as amended), is to fund demonstration projects designed to test the effectiveness of tribal governments or tribal consortia in coordinating the provision to tribal families at risk of child abuse and neglect of child welfare services and services under tribal programs.

These cooperative agreements will be used for one or more of the following statutorily-prescribed uses:

  1. To improve case management for families eligible for assistance from a Tribal TANF program;
  2. For supportive services and assistance to tribal children in out-of-home placements and the tribal families caring for such children, including families who adopt such children; and
  3. For prevention services and assistance to tribal families at risk of child abuse and neglect.

The descriptive study of these programs serving tribal communities will document the way in which tribal grantees are creating and adapting culturally relevant and appropriate approaches, systems and programs to increase coordination and enhance service delivery to address child abuse and neglect. The study will also document challenges faced and lessons learned. Information developed through the contract is expected to be of value to ACF, to tribal communities, and to a range of stakeholders working with and serving tribal communities, specifically those addressing child abuse and neglect. The study will be conducted under a contract with James Bell Associates awarded in FY 2011.

The point of contact is Anne Bergan.