EAS User Guides  
Additional Documents  
DEPT - Statistics - Additonal Files
Labour Market Indicators 2012
2011 Digest of Statistics
Environment Statistics Compendium 2011
Bermuda ICT Analysis 2010
Tourism Satellite Account 2010
Facts & Figures 2011
Labour Market Indicators 2011
Tourism Satellite Account 2009
Facts & Figures 2010
Labour Market Indicators 2010
What is a Census - 1609-2009 Census Fact Sheet
Environment Statistics Compendium 2009
Facts and Figures 2009
Labour Market Indicators 2009
Facts and Figures 2008
Environment Statistics Compendium
Labour Productivity Indicators 1996-2006
Labour Productivity in Bermuda Executive Brief
TECHWEEK08 Welcome and Introductory Remarks
Low Income Thresholds - A study of Bermuda households in need
The Changing Face of Bermuda's Seniors
Understanding the Consumer Price Index
Statistics on Life in Old Bermuda
Presentation on Completing the Census Picture - Bermuda's Experience Counting the Non-sheltered
Paper on Completing the Census Picture - Bermuda's Experience Counting the Non-sheltered
Report on the 2000 Census of Population and Housing 14.7 MB
Women in Leadership
Facts and Figures 2007
2006 Health Survey of Adults and Children in Bermuda
Labour Market Indicators 2007
Bermuda's Maritime Connections
2004 Household Expenditure Survey Report
Young Bermudian Adults and Literacy
A Profile of Bermuda's Disabled Population
Bermuda Population Projections 2000-2030 - Main Report
Literacy in Bermuda
2003 ALLS International Comparative Report
Characteristics of Bermuda's Families
Population Projections 2000-2030
ICT Household Indicators
2007 Economic Activity Survey Press Release
Bermuda Roots
Bermuda’s Stride Toward The Twenty-First Century
Related Links  
Related Links

 This report is a combination of the preliminary and final results.

 2010 Census Final Report 



Welcome to the Bermuda Government, Department of Statistics Website!

We are Bermuda’s official national statistical agency. It is our aim to provide industry, policy-makers, researchers, students and the general public with good quality statistical information that can be used as a basis for informed decision-making, discussion and debate.

All statistical activities carried out by our office are governed by the provisions of the Statistics Act, 2002. This Act guarantees the confidentiality of information provided by individuals, businesses, and other economic institutions. The data we obtain from them affords us the opportunity to launch this website with both accurate and reliable information. As such, we acknowledge and appreciate their continued support in the participation of our on-going censuses and surveys.

Our website has been designed to create a greater awareness and use of our statistical products and services. Therefore, we solicit your feedback and comments so that we can use it to progressively expand the statistical information disseminated on this website.

We hope that your visit is both informative and educational.

Valerie Robinson-James
Director of Statistics

Mission Statement  
We are committed to collect, process, analyze and provide a body of statistical information that is relevant, timely, accurate and reliable for distribution to Government and the general public.

In support of this, we pledge to:

  • Continue to develop a statistical work programme that reflects Bermuda’s current social and economic climate and that facilitates informed decision-making and stimulates discussion.
  • Provide statistical expertise for the administration of surveys for both the government and private sectors.
  • Improve the accessibility and usability of statistical data.
  • Liaise with international organizations to keep abreast of current statistical methods and procedures.
  • Promote excellence and integrity in the delivery of our service.
Additional Contact List  
Contact Name Phone Number Email
Director  Mrs. Valerie Robinson-James 441.297.7761 ext. 1482
Social & Demographic Division Mrs. Melinda Williams, Statistician 441.297.7710
Business Statistics Division Mr. Steven Holdipp, Statistician 441.297.7780
Research Division Mr. Andrew Simpson, Statistician 441.297.7829

National Accounts/
Economics Division

Mr. Ron Farier, Statistician 441.297.7711
Contact Us  
Telephone: 441.297.7761

Fax: 441.295.8390


Physical Address:
Department of Statistics
Cedar Park Centre
48 Cedar Avenue
Hamilton HM11

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box HM 3015
Hamilton HM MX

Retail Sales Index  
DEPT - Statistics - Retail Sales index
July 2012 revised as of Sept 19, 2012
June 2012
May 2012
April 2012
March 2012
February 2012
January 2012
December 2011
November 2011
October 2011
September 2011
August 2011
July 2011
June 2011
April 2011
March 2011
February 2011
January 2011
Consumer Price Index  
DEPT - Statistics - consumer price index
August 2012
July 2012
June 2012
May 2012
April 2012
March 2012
February 2012
January 2012
December 2011
November 2011
October 2011
September 2011
August 2011
July 2011
June 2011
May 2011
April 2011
March 2011
February 2011 CPI
January 2011
Gross Domestic Prod.  
Gross Domestic Product - 2010
Gross Domestic Product - 2009
Gross Domestic Product - 2008
Gross Domestic Product - 2007
Gross Domestic Product - 2006
Gross Domestic Product - 2005
Gross Domestic Product - 2004
Gross Domestic Product - 2003
Quarterly Bulletin of Statistics  
DEPT - Statistics - Quarterly bulletin
2nd Quarter – 2012
1st Quarter - 2012
4th Quarter - 2011
3rd Quarter - 2011
2nd Quarter - 2011
1st Quarter – 2011
4th Quarter - 2010
3rd Quarter - 2010
2nd Quarter - 2010
1st Quarter - 2010
Balance Of Payments  
DEPT - Statistics - Balance Of Payments
1st Quarter - 2012
4th Quarter - 2011
3rd Quarter - 2011
2nd Quarter - 2011
1st Quarter - 2011
4th Quarter - 2010
2nd Quarter - 2010
1st Qtr 2010
4th Quarter - 2009
3rd Quarter - 2009
2nd Quarter - 2009
1st Quarter - 2009
Employment Briefs  
Labour Productivity  
Labour Productivity Report 2007
2009 Bermuda Statistics Digest