CE Is Coming to Your Town!

Meeting with users of Consumer Expenditure Survey (CE) data is important to the CE program. Whether you use tables or microdata, we value your comments, and the opportunity to answer questions or otherwise assist you in using the data.

This page shows conferences at which CE staff from the National Office in Washington, DC, will be presenting. You may be interested in attending them, or in arranging for a CE staff member to visit your organization to deliver a formal presentation or attend a one-on-one meeting. Please note that neither the CE program nor the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) is affiliated with the sponsors of these events. In addition, there are registration fees associated with these events. However, none of these fees is paid to the CE program or the BLS.

If you would like to contact the CE staff about these or other matters, please use any of the methods below to contact the CE National Office. Inquiries should include your name, and phone number, fax number, mailing address, or e-mail address, along with a brief message.

This page will be updated periodically, as new information becomes available. Travel plans for CE staff can change subject to budget.

Disclaimer: The authors of some of these studies and presentations are not affiliated with BLS. This information is provided for your convenience and does not constitute an endorsement.


Please see the list of events that took place in the Northeast in 2012.


There are no presentations currently planned for the Midwest.


Please see the list of events that took place in the South in 2012.


Please see the list of events that took place in the West in 2012.

For more information on regional CE data, please contact your local BLS Regional Information Offices.

If you have questions, please contact the CE National Office Staff.

Information on past events is also available.


Last Modified Date: August 8, 2012